Chapter 22
On the Songhe Tower, except for Lu Yuan, Qiao Feng, and Wang Yuyan, the others had fled in haste as early as when the two fought.

After the smoke cleared away, Lu Yuan and Qiao Feng inside were revealed.The two stood opposite each other, and neither seemed to be injured on the outside.

Qiao Feng said first: "Brother Lu just showed mercy, this round, you are the one to win!"

"No, I didn't win." Lu Yuan shook his head.

In the fight just now, he didn't win, but he didn't lose either. For Lu Yuan, who has a hundred years of internal strength, with the protection of Beiming Zhenqi, he was born invincible.

At the last moment, at the very moment when the sword stabbed, if he had a little more internal strength, he would be able to defeat Qiao Feng.

It's just that at the last moment, Lu Yuan gave up. After all, he didn't do such a thing of overpowering others.

Lu Yuan understood that if his skills were similar, in a real life-and-death struggle, he might not be Qiao Feng's opponent.

Therefore, in Lu Yuan's view, he did not win this competition.

Lu Yuan smiled sassyly, how long has he been practicing martial arts, how long has Qiao Feng been practicing martial arts, with his talent, it will be a matter of time before he surpasses Qiao Feng.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan said: "Gang Leader Qiao, do you want to know who the real culprit was who killed Ma Dayuan?"

"Who is it?" Qiao Feng asked.

"Bai Shijing!" Lu Yuan replied.

"Impossible!" Qiao Feng said without thinking.

Who is Bai Shijing?The law enforcement elders of the Beggar Gang, who are just and impartial, how could he be the real murderer of Ma Dayuan?

"The real culprit is Bai Shijing, and maybe Mrs. Ma. As for whether you believe it or not, it's your own business, Gang Leader Qiao." Lu Yuan thought for a while, then continued: "Speaking of Ma Dayuan's death, and Qiao Gang leader, your life experience has something to do with it."

"My background? Brother Lu is joking, my parents are ordinary people." Qiao Feng said.

"No! Master Qiao, your background is not ordinary at all!" Lu Yuan looked at Qiao Feng with burning eyes and said, "If it wasn't so, why would the four elders of your clan set up a trap today to take you down!"

"What?" Qiao Feng's body was greatly shaken, and then he said with a cold expression: "Brother Lu, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Whether it is true or not, you can tell at a glance. The four elders of your gang, Song Xi, Chen Wu, have united with the sub-ruler Quan Guanqing of Dazhi, and not only put the two elders of Chuangong and Law Enforcement under house arrest, They also ambushed hundreds of people in the apricot forest, just waiting for you to fall into the trap." Lu Yuan said.

Seeing that what Lu Yuan said was reasonable and well-founded, and that he knew the senior figures of the Beggar Clan very well, Qiao Feng couldn't help but feel suspicious in his heart.

So he said: "Okay, Qiaomou will go and find out whether what you said is true or not."

"Of course, don't worry, Gang Leader Qiao, I'll be waiting for you here and I won't leave." Lu Yuan said.

What Qiao Feng wanted was Lu Yuan's words, and then he immediately used Qing Gong and left in a hurry.

The old god Lu Principle was there and waited quietly. Not long after, Qiao Feng came back, but his expression was very bad and he looked very worried.

"Master Qiao, am I right?" Lu Yuan smiled.

Qiao Feng couldn't help but think of the scene he saw in a hurry just now, in the Dayi sub-rudder, indeed, only the four elders were seen, and the sub-rudder masters who taught skills, enforced the law and were close to him were not there at all.In addition, there are also hundreds of gangs led by Quan Guanqing lurking in the apricot forest.

All this is exactly the same as what Lu Yuan described!
Looking at Lu Yuan again, Qiao Feng was lost in thought for a while, and then asked: "Brother Lu, you just said that the death of Deputy Gang Leader Ma was related to my life experience. Why is this?"

Lu Yuan said: "Master Qiao, aren't you surprised? You have been in charge of the Beggars' Gang for eight years. Under your leadership, the Beggars' Gang is now the largest gang in the world. Everyone in the gang admires you. Why did the four elders painstakingly design , how about abolishing your position as the leader?"

yes!This is also where Qiao Feng was puzzled.Why?Why should a good brother who used to share life and death and fight side by side fight him with swords?

He thought to himself that he has been in charge of the Beggar Gang for many years and has worked hard. Now that the four elders are going to join forces to force him to abdicate, there must be a reason for it, and this reason is very likely to fall on his background.

"Actually, the reason is very simple." Lu Yuan said word by word: "Because you are a Khitan!"

"This...that's impossible!" Qiao Feng shouted out loud.

"It all starts with the Yanmen Pass tragedy 30 years ago..." Next, Lu Yuan recounted the Yanmen Pass tragedy 30 years ago in detail.

"...Your father saw that your mother was dead, and he didn't want to live alone. He jumped off the cliff, but found that you were still alive, so he threw you up. You were rescued by Wang Jiantong, the leader of the beggar gang, as a baby, and handed over to Shaoshi. Qiao Sanhuai and his wife at the foot of the mountain adopted him, and 30 years passed like this.”

Lu Yuan finally said: "Today, Tan Gong and Tan Po who participated in the Yanmen Pass tragedy, Tan Po's senior brother Zhao Qiansun, Taishan Five Heroes, Master Zhiguang and others will all come here. When the time comes, you will know if it is true or not."

"How could this be so! This...that's impossible!" Qiao Feng said emotionally, "My parents are Qiao Sanhuai and his wife, and I'm from the Song Dynasty, not a Khitan Liao dog."

Although he said over and over again that he was from the Song Dynasty and not from the Khitan, he had subconsciously accepted the fact that he was from the Khitan, because only in this way could the things done by the four elders be explained clearly!

At this moment, a sense of absurdity came to his mind. If what Lu Yuan just said was true, wouldn't all his actions cause pain to his relatives and happiness to his enemies?
All of this made Qiao Feng at a loss!

"Before Wang Jiantong died, he wrote a suicide note to Ma Dayuan, which mentioned the fact that Qiao Gangzhu was a Khitan. Ma Dayuan kept it strictly in his collection and never let anyone know about it. After Madam Ma learned about it, he asked him to expose you, but Ma Dayuan refused. In the end, Madam Ma and her adulterer Bai Shijing conspired to kill him."

Lu Yuan looked at Qiao Feng: "This is the truth about Ma Dayuan's death. If not, your identity should never be known."

"Thank you, Brother Lu, for telling me about Qiao's life experience. However, Qiao still has one more thing to ask." As expected of Qiao Feng, he managed to calm down quickly and said.

"You want to ask who is the leading brother?" Lu Yuan said.

"That's right, if I'm really that Khitan kid, this leading brother is the culprit!" Qiao Feng said.

"This leading brother is certainly unforgivable, but the root cause of this incident is not him." Lu Yuan said.

Qiao Feng thought for a moment and said, "You mean, the person who delivers the message to the leader?"

"That's right!" Lu Yuan said, "If it wasn't for the person who led the elder brother to believe in it wrongly, the Yanmen Pass tragedy would not have happened."

Qiao Feng was silent for a long time, then said: "Who are these two people?"

"The leader can mobilize so many masters in the world, so his status must be respected. In fact, it is not difficult to guess." Lu Yuan said.

Following Lu Yuan's train of thought, Qiao Feng thought about it carefully: "The only person who can mobilize characters like Gang Leader Wang and Master Zhiguang is..."

For a moment, Qiao Feng thought of someone, and then he murmured: "Could it be him?"

"Did Gang Leader Qiao guess it?" Lu Yuan said, "That big brother who took the lead is none other than the current Abbot of Shaolin, Master Xuanci!"

"Where is the person who sent the message?" He could vaguely guess the leader. After all, there were not many people in the world with a higher status than his master, Wang Jiantong, the leader of the Beggar Clan.But he really couldn't guess who the messenger was.

"The person who sent the letter has a high reputation in the martial arts world." Lu Yuan said directly, "It's Murong Bo, the previous Patriarch of the Gusu Murong Clan!"

(End of this chapter)

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