If life had a starting line, someone was born in Rome

Chapter 178 Avoid raising giant babies!The sense of boundaries between parents and children!

Chapter 178 Avoid raising giant babies!The sense of boundaries between parents and children! ([-]-in-[-])

Looking at the silent family of three in the picture, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly became aware.

"No wonder Teacher Lin said this is a problem of family education!"

"Yes, the parents' vision is indeed limited."

"Jiang Hong's problem is indeed that he has poor independence. Teacher Lin's suggestions are based on reality."

"Parents can replace their children for a while, but they cannot replace them forever. What the children do will eventually come one day. It depends on whether you will be in a hurry or deal with it calmly at that time."

"That's right, I was the type who was pampered by my parents at home and kept my fingers crossed. Later, when I got married, I always quarreled with my partner over housework issues, which seriously affected the relationship between the couple."

"We ordinary people rarely encounter big storms and waves in our lives. We mostly use up our emotions in a place of chicken feathers. Teacher Lin's suggestions are really practical."

"Why did someone come up with the term 'giant baby'? It's because too many people can't take care of themselves."

"Aunt Wang, listen to Teacher Lin, you are right!"


Outside the live broadcast room, director Liu Yong looked at these barrages and smiled slightly.

When he first approached Teacher Lin to discuss whether to connect with this family, he thought it was a matter of marriage and love.

Now, following Teacher Lin, I have discovered that the connotation of family education is really all-encompassing.

"It seems that future connections can be more bold."

Liu Yong sighed sincerely.

At the same time, he looked at Lin Feng, with the image of the children from Xiangzhang Village echoing in his mind, and he felt even more admiration in his heart.

In today's society, people like Jiang Hong are definitely not an exception.

Taking care of yourself is no longer easy.

Not to mention taking care of your family?
The children in Xiangzhang Village, under the guidance of Teacher Lin, are really outstanding.

Beside him, Sun Wei blinked, looked at Lin Feng, and muttered:

"As expected of Teacher Lin, this family was stunned by just one suggestion."

"But if you think about it carefully, Jiang Hong's top priority now is indeed to cultivate his independent ability."

"Otherwise, they will do nothing. Even if they are already working, they will be no different from us children."

After finishing muttering, Sun Weiruo felt something and glanced at Wu Peng.

Wu Peng is now learning to cook with Teacher Lin, and he is learning well. Isn't this a kind of living ability?

Do I want to learn it too?I fight every day, but there is no progress to be made.

At this time, Wu Peng noticed Sun Wei looking at him, patted her shoulder and said:
"Sister Sun, you also think what Teacher Lin said makes sense, don't you?"

Wu Peng chuckled:
"Didn't the two of us have a lot of support from the family before? Fortunately, we were rescued by Teacher Lin. Otherwise, we would be just like Jiang Hong in the future! No, I'm not as good as Jiang Hong. I used to... forget it. Forget it, just don’t mention it.”

Sun Wei chuckled, Wu Peng still knows how to save face?

"Okay, let's not talk about the past. In fact, when I came to Xiangzhang Village, I didn't learn as much as you. Wu Peng, you are good."

Listening to Sun Wei's sincere praise of herself, Wu Peng blushed and then proudly puffed up his chest.

Seeing this, Sun Wei smiled slightly and was about to say something when she heard Wang Dinglan's voice coming from the screen.

The two children quickly looked at the screen.

Wang Dinglan looked a little unnatural and said to Lin Feng:

"Teacher Lin, in fact, the situation you just mentioned can be easily solved. Will Jiang Hong get married? By then, his wife will take good care of him."

Lin Feng was not surprised that Wang Dinglan would say this. He just sighed slightly and said:
"Aunt Wang, this girl may not want to take on such responsibilities in the family, because she married Jiang Hong to find a husband, not to raise a son."

"This idea of ​​yours is just wishful thinking on your part. Who knows, you may have such expectations and interfere in the couple's relationship, causing conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, the audience in the live broadcast room nodded fiercely.

"Your son always fails to get on blind dates. Why don't you reflect on it?"

"Teacher Lin is right. What era are we in now? People don't get married just to serve their husbands."

"When a man gets married, he must take on the responsibilities of being a husband and a father. Aunt Wang, your idea is very dangerous."


Wang Dinglan's face turned red after hearing Lin Feng's words.

At this time, Jiang Hong reached out and touched his mother gently, and said:
"Mom, um, what Teacher Lin said makes sense. I've been on blind dates so many times and never succeeded. In fact, sometimes..."

While Jiang Hong was talking, he carefully looked at his mother's face. When he saw that his mother's face turned pale when he said this, he immediately shut up - he couldn't continue.

When Lin Feng heard this, his heart moved and he looked at Jiang Hong:
"Jiang Hong, did anything unpleasant happen when you were on a blind date? For example... your mother intervened prematurely or something?"

When Jiang Hong heard this, he glanced at his mother worriedly, and then nodded:
"Teacher Lin, how come you know this?"

As he spoke, he sighed:

"My mother was afraid that the matchmaker would conceal some information in order to facilitate the marriage, so she would always find a way to inquire about the girl's family."

"Sometimes it's not just about asking. If my mother is satisfied with the girl, she will go over my way and talk to them about marriage."

"Then when the girl sees that her horoscope has not yet been revealed, she is meddling in this and that, and she becomes displeased."

"In the end, most of the girls will say that if they marry me, they will not live with me, but with my mother, so the blind date fails."

After finishing his words, before Lin Feng could speak, Wang Dinglan's surprised voice rang out:

"Son, why haven't you told me this before?!"

"Mom, why didn't I say that? But you always thought there was nothing wrong with what you did. It's those girls and me who are young and ignorant and don't understand that this is the importance of my husband's family..."

Jiang Hong smiled bitterly and said bluntly:
"As time went by, I became too lazy to talk anymore."

At this time, Jiang Jianguo, who had been silent enough to serve as a backdrop, also spoke:

"Honey, actually the matchmaker also told me tactfully that no matter how anxious your children are to get married, you can't skip the process of getting the children to know each other."

"Letting the mother-in-law talk to the girl directly about these things makes our family seem to have a lot of things to do and is too strong. This is a big taboo in today's marriage and love market."

Wang Dinglan suddenly heard her husband say the same thing, and said in surprise:
"This... you didn't tell me, what are you father and son...?"

Jiang Jianguo shook his head:
"Jiang Hong, you have been in charge of everything from childhood to adulthood. If I say something, you can say that the male will lead the outside and the female will lead the inside. I don't have to deal with the upbringing of the child."

"As time goes by, I don't have any say in the children, so what else can I say? You won't listen."

After the words fell, Wang Dinglan was dumbfounded, scratched her head, and looked at her husband and children again.

This is obviously the first time I have faced this matter seriously.

Lin Feng looked at the performance of this family, shook his head, and said:
"Aunt Wang, after hearing what your husband and children said, I am actually quite emotional."

"Because I also know that mother and child are the most difficult relationship in the world to break apart."

"You care about your children more than you care about yourself, that's why there are so many 'can't listen to your husband and children' moments."

"For all parents, their children will eventually grow up and explore the world on their own. What parents have to do is to teach their children the skills they should know before that day comes."

"You are too capable and take over all your son's affairs, causing the child to lose his ability to be independent."

"Your family has no physical or spiritual boundaries."

"My advice to you is to keep an appropriate distance from Jiang Hong from now on."

"Jiang Hong mentioned before that he wants to move out. I hope you can seriously consider it." "And..."

After talking about Wang Dinglan, Lin Feng looked at Jiang Jianguo again:
"Uncle Jiang, in fact, the division of labor of 'men are responsible for the outside and women are responsible for the domestic affairs' is no longer applicable in modern society."

"In a family, if there is less communication between the father and the child, the child will lack masculinity. This is not good for the child to gain a foothold in society."

"I would like to suggest to you that you communicate more with Jiang Hong in the future."

Lin Feng's words directly gave his suggestions to Jiang Jianguo and his wife. They looked at each other and fell into thinking.

Jiang Hong, on the other hand, glanced at Lin Feng gratefully and waited anxiously for his parents to speak.

The family fell into silence again.

The live broadcast room had already begun to boil because of Lin Feng's words.

"Damn it, Teacher Lin Feng gave separate suggestions to this couple, what a comparison!"

"Is the relationship between mother and child the most difficult thing to separate in the world? After thinking about it, Teacher Lin was right. The child stayed in my belly for ten months. During this period, we were completely integrated. For one. Later, when the child was born, I held it carefully in my hands and raised him bit by bit. In my heart, the child is not only himself, but also the continuation of a part of my body. Thank you Lin The teacher pointed out that in the future, I will deliberately think that children are independent individuals and will not tie them to me. I will not follow the old path of Jiang Hong's family."

"That's right, as parents, we want to teach our children the ability to be independent before they reach adulthood. From now on, the sky is as high as the birds can fly, and the sea is as wide as the fish can jump!"

"For the first time, I learned that the boundaries between parents and children are not only physical, but also spiritual. Teacher Lin was taught a lesson."

"Teacher Lin didn't talk about Uncle Jiang before, so I thought it was all Aunt Wang's problem. But when Teacher Lin broke the news, I suddenly realized that in a family, the father cannot be absent because of the mother's strength!"

"Yes, fathers are also crucial in raising children. The idea of ​​'men taking the lead outside and women taking the lead inside' is a thing of the past."

"In a family, if there is less communication between the father and the child, the child will lack masculinity. Isn't this the reason for 'mama's boy' and 'sissy'? Teacher Lin has some insight!"

"Why is this family silent again? Is it possible for Jiang Hong to move out?"

"The first step for this family is to establish a physical boundary, and then slowly separate mentally. They should support Jiang Hong."

"Just grow some snacks in your family. Teacher Lin has laid out the bright road in front of you!"


There was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room. Outside the live broadcast room, director Liu Yong looked at these barrages and nodded frequently.

"If you want to completely solve the problem of Jiang Hong's family, you must listen to Teacher Lin. I don't know why you are silent."

In his opinion, agreeing to Jiang Hong's move out and establishing a good sense of boundaries as a family are top priorities.

Moreover, relying on their family's conditions, after Jiang Hong's ability is cultivated, won't the marriage problem that was previously on his mind be solved?

Can this still be silent?

Liu Yong shook his head and sighed, quite regretting that others couldn't see through it.

Then, he withdrew his attention from the family and looked at Lin Feng not far away with admiration.

Teacher Lin gave Wang Dinglan the advice that he had guessed.

But I never expected that Teacher Lin would finally see Jiang Jianguo's problem and give him a solution.


I used to think that Jiang Jianguo would remain invisible forever.

“This matter of family education is really profound!”

Liu Yong scratched his head, feeling that every time he connected, some part of his brain was developed again by Teacher Lin.

Beside him, Sun Wei touched her head. Lin Feng's words reminded her of her mother.

She gave birth to herself in October and gave up her job to become a full-time wife.

It carries too much love and too much care.

So isn't the separation between you and your mother also a topic that we need to explore together in the future?

"Sister Sun?"

Wu Peng called her softly:
"what are you thinking?"

Sun Wei came back to her senses, looked at Wu Peng, and sighed with a bit of sadness:
"It's nothing... I just feel that as a child, the subject of independence is so difficult."

"It's really hard!"

Wu Peng nodded in agreement, paused, and smiled slyly:
"But we are still children, and we still have a lot of time to learn slowly!"

One sentence made Sun Wei feel like she could see the sun from the clouds, and she looked at Wu Peng with admiration.

In fact, it doesn’t matter if your brain is not working well, as long as you don’t get into trouble!

Now, she looked at the family in the picture who were obviously still thinking.

I hope they can clear the clouds and see the sun again under Teacher Lin’s guidance!

At this time, in the picture, Jiang Hong's family finally made some move.

"Honey, why don't we let the children move out?"

Jiang Jianguo said to Wang Dinglan:
"The child is almost 30 years old. It is the prime of life. It is unnecessary for us to worry so much."

After the words fell, Jiang Hong immediately looked at his mother expectantly.

And Wang Dinglan, who has always been fiery and quick in making decisions, was confused this time, and her expression was still a bit incomprehensible.

Jiang Jianguo smiled cheerfully:
"Remember before you got married, you said you wanted to travel around?"

Wang Dinglan nodded.

"But after you got married to me, travel only became sleepwalking."

Jiang Jianguo said with a bit of humor:
"The two of us, while we are retired and in good health, will go to all the places we wanted to go but couldn't go when we were young."

Wang Dinglan chuckled and relaxed immediately.

Seeing this, Jiang Hong quickly patted his chest and promised:

"Mom, dad, don't worry, I can definitely take care of myself. And I'm just moving out. I didn't say I wouldn't stay with you two."

"I'm also worried that you are having fun outside, but suddenly you feel that your child is a burden and you won't pay attention to me."

As the words fell, the whole family laughed.

Wang Dinglan felt a little emotional:
"As long as I live, I have forgotten the dreams I had when I was young... Fortunately, old man, you still remember."

Then, she looked at Jiang Hong:
"Teacher Lin is right. You and I must learn to keep a distance, both physically and mentally."

"In the future, I will learn to try not to get involved in your affairs. Of course, some habits cannot be changed in a short time. If you find that I have crossed the line, remember to remind me. If it doesn't work once, just say it twice. Don't follow me. I’m holding it in just as much as before.”

After listening to his mother's words, Jiang Hong's eyes suddenly turned red for some reason.

At this moment, all three of them felt that something sticky was disconnected in this family.

After a short pause.

Jiang Hong looked at Lin Feng and said sincerely:
"Teacher Lin, thank you!"

Hearing his son's words, Wang Dinglan suddenly came back to his senses and looked at Lin Feng:

"Teacher Lin, thank you for your advice."

Jiang Jianguo smiled heartily:
"Haha, we two people who are over 100 years old together, never imagined that our lives would not be as transparent as a young guy like you!"

Then, he spoke sincerely:
"Mr. Lin, thank you!"

(End of this chapter)

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