please call me the magenta devil

Chapter 592 Chapter 592 Ultimate Time Smash

Chapter 592. 592. Ultimate Time Smash
"Puff puff!"

Countless ice cones were shot into the sandstorm, but none of them could penetrate the seemingly weak sandstorm and come to Lu Xingzhou. It was like a bottomless black hole, once it went in, it couldn't be pulled out.

Ahem, it’s not a little hook-up with long barbs (serious face).

Kiyoto Maki frowned slightly, then changed his attack strategy, and the cold air swept out again, turning the surrounding land into frozen soil.

It’s just that Kiyoto Shinaki still underestimated Lu Xingzhou’s ability, or underestimated the ability of Ultimate Sora. The power of Ultimate Sora can be divided into the ultimate power and the power of the four elements, and the earth is one of them. A kind of elemental power, Shiki, who is covered with the ultimate Kuuga armor, naturally also has such authority.

I saw Lu Xingzhou lightly stamping his feet, and terrifying cracks spread to Maki Kiyoshi, followed by huge stone pillars one after another breaking through the ground, like sharp blades of rock.

Maki Kiyoto didn't dare to take a hard hit, and just when he was about to step aside, he cunningly flew away. The originally hard ground turned into a terrifying quicksand hell in the blink of an eye. Maki Kiyoto's feet sank, with an attraction like a toilet. It makes it difficult for Maki Kiyoshi to leave.


However, Maki Kiyoshi did not panic too much. He calmed down after being caught off guard at the beginning. He poured the ability to freeze matter into his feet, temporarily turning a small area of ​​quicksand around him into frozen soil again. In this short gap, Inside, the cloak behind Maki Kiyoto turned into pterosaur wings, and Maki Kiyoto flew into the air.

"call out--!"

At this moment, a deafening scream came. It turned out to be Lu Xingzhou who was kicking and blasting through the wind element.

Zhenmu Qingren didn't dare to neglect, Lu Xingzhou came too fast, there was not enough time for Zhenmu Qingren to dodge, but the defense was still no problem, and immediately condensed an ice shield in front of him.


The right fist raised by Lu Xingzhou was wrapped in terrifying flame power, and under the blessing of high speed, it was like a bullet. The dull sound spread.

"Crush it for me!"

It was just Xu Mijian, Lu Xingzhou's right fist, who was shouting loudly, became brighter and brighter, the ice shield that Qingren Zhenmu opened was shattered in an instant, and Lu Xingzhou's fist also hit Qingren Zhenmu in the face.


Even Kiyoshi Moki's already blurred pain perception, the pain transmitted to the brain makes Kiyoshi Moki so painful.

By the time Lu Xingzhou landed gracefully, Maki Kiyoshi, who had turned into a meteor, had already hit a mountain.

The smoke rising into the sky, the scarred green mountaintop, and Maki Kiyoto lying at the bottom of the crater constitute the classic elements of this picture.

A sharp claw pierced through the floating soil and protruded out. Kiyoto Shinaki, who was still in a daze, looked at his hideous arms and fell into a daze.

After all...he still hasn't become a real Desire, otherwise he wouldn't have such a pain that can crush people's will. A real Desire will only drop cell coins when attacked and feel weak.

"Why...why? I've obviously gained enough power to end the world, why haven't I completely turned into a Desire? Why am I still so embarrassed in front of that man?!"

Kiyoto Maki asked himself in a state of collapse as he lay at the bottom of the pit, with blood and cell coins scattered around him.

"Have you not completely turned into a Desire? It's a pity, otherwise you would have been twice as powerful as you are now."

Lu Xingzhou squatted on the edge of the pit, holding his face with one hand, looking at Maki Kiyoshi, whose body was filled with smoke, and said with some disappointment.

You see, this Kiyoshi Maki is really inferior. He just started to warm up, and he doubted his life after being punched by me.

"Hey! Don't you want to end this world? Then stand up and knock me down! Fight! Just keep fighting with me!"

Tata is on!Keep touching Tata to open! [JPG.]
"Yes...I also want to end this world...This is my...eternal and noble mission—!"

Maki Kiyoshi regained his composure, stood up slowly, raised his head and looked at Lu Xingzhou.

"Lu Xingzhou, don't be too proud, the real battle... has just begun now!"

The aura of Kiyoto Shinaki surged, and it seemed that Kiyoto Shinaki's spiritual firmness had increased the degree of fusion of the nine core coins a lot.

"Let me tell you, with nine core coins, it's unlikely that you would be knocked down with just one punch."

Lu Xingzhou laughed unscrupulously, but at this moment his feet kicked up suddenly, a simple cross kick, but a powerful and terrifying wind blade was thrown from the arch of Lu Xingzhou's feet.

The purple awns in the compound eyes of the real wood Kiyoto is strong, and the ability to freeze substances has been strengthened to directly freeze the entire mountain, and the real wood Kiyoto also took advantage of the frozen ground to use his feet to skate and calmly escaped the sudden attack of Lu Xingzhou. However, Qingren Zhenmu did not launch an active attack on Lu Xingzhou, but turned around and slid down the mountain.

Kiyoshi Maki suddenly understood a truth: his purpose is to end the world! End the world!It's not like riding a horse and fighting a battle with Lu Xingzhou here that has no chance of winning!Staying in the green hills is not afraid of running out of firewood, and when you have completely digested and controlled the power of the nine core coins, you can directly open the coin container to end the world!
Lu Xingzhou didn't expect such a little trick to have the same effect again, it was just to force Maki Kiyoshi to fall into his own fighting rhythm.

Lu Xingzhou laughed and also used his feet to skate towards Maki Kiyoshi. Moreover, with the help of the wind element, Lu Xingzhou slid down the mountain very fast. I am afraid that it will not be long before he can easily catch up with Maki Kiyoshi. People.

The two played a ski chase on this gradually frozen mountain.

Naturally, Qingren Zhenmu also noticed Lu Xingzhou who was chasing after him, and from time to time he changed the surrounding frozen environment in an attempt to influence or even mislead Lu Xingzhou.

It's a pity that, not to mention Lu Xingzhou's extremely good perception, even the ice barrier created by Maki Kiyoshi, Lu Xingzhou didn't care about it, he just smashed through it and continued to chase.

"You like running away so much?"

During the chase, Lu Xingzhou noticed Maki Kiyoshi's emotional changes.

At this moment, Maki Kiyoshi's fear of himself has reached a threshold, defeating the confidence brought to him by the previous nine core coins.

"Finish Time!"

Lu Xingzhou tapped the dial of Time King, and then tapped the dial of Ultimate Kuga.

"Kuuga (empty me)!"

"Kyuukyoku Time Break (Ultimate Time Break)!"

Lu Xingzhou's black compound eyes turned bright red at this moment, and the dark golden lines on his body exuded a faint halo. The power of the four elements of earth, water, wind, and fire, as well as the ultimate power, were mixed in Lu Xingzhou's body. The bottom of the boat condensed, and the dark golden thunder snake ignited the trees that were originally frozen along the way.


Lu Xingzhou jumped lightly, like a golden meteor, flying towards Maki Kiyoshi who was still gliding hard.

Finally, Kiyoto Maki came to the foot of the mountain, but he heard the roar like thunder!
When Kiyoto Maki turned around, he saw everything golden!

The magnificent pillar of fire soared into the sky, wrapping the hill and melting into it.

"You saved your life~"

At the bottom of the big pit where the hill disappeared, Lu Xingzhou said something to Kiyoto Shinaki who was still burning with flames.

At this moment, the real wood Qingren was silent, Lu Xingzhou's foot did not kick the real wood Qingren, but fell next to the real wood Qingren, so under such a terrifying force, the ashes of the real wood Qingren were not thrown on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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