Chapter 18

Due to the changeable weather in Shenzhen, the candidates had colds, runny noses, headaches, and went to the hospital for intravenous injections, so they asked for a day off and would not write today.

Of the four updates yesterday, only three chapters were updated, and there is still one chapter left, which will be added tomorrow.

Candidates will have a break on the 10th and 11th. In these two days, candidates will have more updates.

Let me introduce to you some heroes that candidates admire.

Peng Dehuai: Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Eighth Route Army, the Hundred Regiment War was the largest combat operation launched by the Chinese Communist Army against Japan during the Anti-Japanese War. More than 25000 enemy troops were eliminated, and the results were huge.Although there are aspects worth discussing in this battle, it demonstrated the military power of the Eighth Route Army.This achievement is unmatched by other generals of the Communist Party of China. As the planner and commander-in-chief of this battle, it is natural for Peng Dehuai to be elected first with a high vote.

Liu Bocheng: Commander of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army. In the first three years of the Anti-Japanese War, he commanded the troops to fight a series of battles against Japan, most of which were ambushes. The more famous ones were Qigen Village, Huangyadi, Guangyang, Changshengkou, and Shentouling. , Changle Village, Xiangchenggu and other battles, although the scale is not very large, the small amount adds up to a large amount, and the overall results are quite impressive.

Su Yu: Commander of the 1st Division of the New Fourth Army. Although the Battle of Wei Gang was only a guerrilla-level battle, it was the maiden battle of the Jiangnan New Fourth Army against the Japanese invaders. Although the Battle of Cheqiao was commanded by Ye Fei, it was planned by Su Yu after all; the 10st Division Although most of the [-] enemies who were killed were stubborn soldiers, many of them were Japs after all.

Yang Jingyu: Commander-in-chief of the First Route Army of the Anti-Japanese War, Yang Jingyu is a majestic monument in my heart. His greatness cannot be evaluated by numbers, that is, how many battles he fought and how many enemies he destroyed. He represents a spirit. , an indomitable national spirit.Back then, when I watched "Black Soil, Red Snow", I greatly admired this famous general who was both wise and brave. When I saw the end of the hero, the shocking leader of the Anti-Japanese Alliance was betrayed by a rat and died tragically at the hands of bandits. I couldn't help but feel sad and burst into tears.

Chen Geng: After the establishment of the Eighth Route Army, most of the 129th Brigade of the 386th Division stayed in northern Shaanxi. The 129th Division mainly relied on the 385th Brigade to fight. Therefore, Liu Bocheng's performance was basically the same as that of Chen Geng. Liu planned and Chen commanded the battlefield.Chen Geng's military command level is very high, no less than that of some marshals.

Zuo Quan: Deputy Chief of Staff of the Eighth Route Army, Commander-in-Chief Zhu De was humble and honest, and later returned to Yan'an.Chief of Staff Ye Jianying has been engaged in united front work in the Southern Bureau for a long time.The frontline command of the Eighth Route Army mainly relied on Peng Dehuai and Zuo Quan.Zuo's greatest military exploit was assisting Peng in planning and commanding the Hundred Regiments Campaign.He also commanded the Anti-Nine Route Siege in Southeast Shanxi and the Huangyadong Defense Battle. In this battle, our army used the favorable terrain to eliminate more than 800 Japanese troops at a very small cost.When the Eighth Route Army headquarters was surrounded by a Japanese iron wall, Zuo Quan drove Peng Dehuai away and commanded his troops to break out of the encirclement. As a result, he died heroically.

Nie Rongzhen: Commander of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region, main achievements: cooperated with Lin Biao in the Pingxingguan battle, commanded Yang Chengwu in the Huangtuling battle, killed the Japanese chief Lieutenant General Abe Norihide, and commanded many counter-mops.Nie Rongzhen's military combat results were not outstanding. His main contribution was the construction of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei base area and counter-mopping up.The Japanese army's rear areas deep in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei region contained a large number of the main Japanese troops, which contributed greatly to the overall situation.

Lu Zhengcao: Commander of the Jizhong Military Region, Lu Zhengcao was very resolute in resisting Japan. Not only during the Eighth Route Period, but even when he was under Zhang Xueliang, he was also a tough anti-Japanese element.However, the combat effectiveness of the troops in the Central Hebei Military Region was not strong. Most of them were engaged in counter-mopping up operations. They did not actively engage in combat against Japan, and their results were not very outstanding.Due to the large number of educated people in the Jizhong base area, there were many literary and artistic works describing the anti-Japanese struggle in Jizhong after liberation, which had a great influence. As the commander of the Jizhong Military Region, Lv's reputation was naturally very high.

Zhao Shangzhi: Commander-in-Chief of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, Zhao Shangzhi is more tragic than Yang Jingyu.Although Yang Jingyu died tragically at the hands of the Japanese army, he was respected and highly respected in the revolutionary ranks.Zhao Shangzhi not only had to fight against the Japanese invaders and traitors externally, but also faced suspicion, censure and punishment from his own people internally. He was expelled from the party twice and arrested by the Soviet army.The dignified commander-in-chief of the Anti-Japanese Alliance could only lead a small team to fight the Japanese. In the end, like Yang Jingyu, he was betrayed by the bandits and killed by the Japanese, which was infuriating.

Weapons used by the Chinese army during the Anti-Japanese War:

2. 7.9mm Czech ZB-26 light machine gun.

3. 7.9mm "Maxin" Type [-] heavy machine gun.

4. 7.63mm "Burke Gate" submachine gun.

5. 11.43mm "Thomson" M1921 submachine gun.

6. 7.63mm "Mauser Zirader" 1898 semi-automatic pistol.

7. Hanyang Arsenal produced a counterfeit ten-round shell gun in 1921.

8. The Shanxi Arsenal manufactures 11mm Mauser pistols.

9. The Central Machinery Repair Institute imitated the German Mauser M1932 automatic pistol.

[-]. Japanese military weapons:
1. 6.5mm Type [-] rifle.

2. 6.5mm Type 11 and Type [-] light machine guns.

3. 6.5mm Type 7.7 and [-]mm Type [-] heavy machine guns.

Extended information:

Summary of the overall differences in weapons and equipment between the Chinese and Japanese armies:

Japan relied on the late 2th century and early 3th century to force the Qing government to sign unequal treaties such as the Treaty of Shimonoseki, and seized 3 million taels of silver from China (including high interest, equivalent to three times Japan's annual income ) and substantial economic benefits.

Japan used 85% of its reparations as military expenses. By 1937, it had developed into an imperialist power with a complete arms industry and all self-sufficient weapons and equipment, which could provide a steady stream of various armaments for its war of aggression.

Because China has suffered from being exploited by imperialist powers, including Japan, and has paid huge indemnities, its economic foundation is weak and it can only produce some small arms and bullets, and the quantities are far from meeting its military equipment and combat needs.

In terms of heavy weapons, they are completely dependent on procurement from foreign countries. Once the foreign military supply lines are cut off during a war, weapons and equipment can only be reduced with combat consumption, which leads to the situation in the War of Resistance Against Japan that the enemy is superior and we are inferior, and the enemy is strong and we are weak. The basic situation has also left a painful lesson to the Chinese people: "If you fall behind, you will be beaten."

The huge gap in the weapons and equipment between the two countries is mainly reflected in Japan's strong economic foundation and developed arms industry, which made the Japanese army self-sufficient in all kinds of weapons and equipment in the 20s, and can continuously supply them. To replenish battlefield losses.

When the Anti-Japanese War broke out, Japan's steel production was dozens of times that of China; its production of light and heavy weapons was also dozens of times that of China. However, China could only imitate and produce some infantry light weapons, including mortars, which were far from meeting the needs of the battlefield. As for weapons and equipment such as heavy artillery, tanks, aircraft, and warships, we can only rely on purchasing them from foreign countries.

Take 1937, when the Anti-Japanese War broke out, as an example. Japan produced 744 large-caliber artillery pieces that year, but China couldn't even build one. Japan made 330 tanks that year, but China couldn't make even one. Japan made 1 cars that year. China still cannot build one; Japan produced 9500 tons of warships that year, but China cannot even build one ton.

(End of this chapter)

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