Xiao Gourd took the two reluctant juniors out to play.

Even though Duobao and Taiyi would rather stay in the Taoist temple.

Because Sanqing, Yuanqing, Nuwa, Jieyin, Zhunti and Zhen Yuanzi, eight brothers, were discussing Xuanmen matters in the temple.

The Hongjun Sect is called Xuanmen. Although Xuanmen is not famous now, everyone firmly believes that Xuanmen in the future will be a force that cannot be ignored!

However, it was a little quiet inside the temple. Teacher Hongjun was not there, replaced by a jade statue of Hongjun when he was giving a sermon, but there were still eight senior brothers under the seat.

For a moment, the eight of them had a trancelike feeling of time and space changing, as if they were listening to the teacher's sermon here just yesterday.

This feeling only lasts for a moment. After all, their cultivation levels are not low, and Hongjun is not an immortal. If you miss him, you can go to the Yujing Mountain Cave to see it.

Subsequently, the first Xuanmen meeting officially began!

As the eldest brother, I was the first to speak: "Junior brothers, now the master has become a hunyuan. He is in harmony with the way of heaven internally and has become a saint externally. He is the most powerful person in the world!"

"As Hongjun's disciples, we should also agree with our master and take charge of the wilderness on his behalf."

After Taiqing finished speaking, everything was quiet. Even Yuanshi and Tongtian looked at the elder brother in surprise.

We have known each other for tens of thousands of years, how come I don’t know that I, who has always been indifferent, have such great ambitions?

In charge of prehistoric times?

Isn't it because you have a long life?

Yuan Shi persuaded: "Brother, we are not those poor people who have no hope of achieving enlightenment. We don't have to fight to the death to fight for our luck. If we come to enlightenment, we will be in chaos."

It is a universally recognized truth that no matter how hard one strives for luck, there will be no good end.

I shook my head slightly, looked at the junior brothers with an expression like everyone was drunk and I was alone, and said with a smile: "Do you still remember the war between the three clans?"

"Of course I remember!"

I stroked my beard, narrowed my eyes, and said slowly:

"According to Pindao, the initial calamity was originally named Longhan Calamity, but it was actually the calamity of Master and Luo Hu!"

"This Long Han catastrophe is just a chessboard, with three clans as chess pieces and many powerful flag bearers. They set up a chess game in the wilderness, using the catastrophe as a inducement and the enlightenment of Hunyuan as bait!"

"When the prehistoric period has been peaceful for too long and a war is needed, the three tribes will play their destiny and muddy the waters!"

"But when the teacher and Luo Hu were about to decide the winner, there was no need for the three tribes to exist, so the three tribes fought and died together!"

"Only the chess players are left to compete. In the end, the teacher is superior and proves to be a saint."

"The chess players are the ones who truly control the ancient world!"

I said nothing, and the atmosphere in the temple became anxious instantly.

Chess player!

What a lofty name, imagine using the ancient world as a chessboard to control the lives of thirty million creatures!

Laugh and watch the storm rise, sit back and watch the tall buildings collapse

One word determines life and death, the three realms will see my face!

How domineering and majestic!

Especially Yuanshi, who has always been aloof, and Tongtian, who is high-spirited, can't help but enjoy the future!

The same is true for Jie Yin Zhunti!

The two of them had witnessed Rahu's majesty since they were born, and that tyranny was deeply imprinted in their minds.

Only Yuan Qing, Nu Wa and Zhen Yuanzi still looked dull.

Yuan Qing was just surprised. He didn't expect that this senior brother who usually didn't like to say anything would have such ambitions and look at the problem from a very novel angle.

But it's still a bit one-sided.

At least Yuan Qing believes that the time line will be extended, and any force will inevitably change from weak to strong, from prosperity to decline.

This is the law of time and the law of fate.

When the three tribes were strong, those with great supernatural powers would stay away from them, not even scheming secretly, for fear that their luck would backfire and they would be robbed. It wasn't until the three tribes were boiling in the fire, and they were bright on the outside but rotting on the inside, that they dared to step onto the stage of the ancient world and use the three tribes as pawns to plan their own path.

Otherwise, do you really think that the three tribes are fools?

But not everyone sees it as clearly as Yuan Qing.

Tongtian suppressed the excitement in his heart and looked at Taiqing with some admiration, and asked: "The demon clan and the witch clan have grown bigger, and the East Prince is not willing to lag behind. He calls all the immortals to Penglai with the Nine Dragon Scepter. Judging from his appearance, he must be ambitious. Not small.

As chess players, what should we do? "

Why do you want to trick them from behind?

Everyone looked at Mr. Taiqing again, expecting to come up with a good plan to defeat the demon clan, kick the witch clan, and destroy the East Prince in ashes while talking and laughing.

But how do I know!

He has never participated in the prehistoric trend, how can he understand it clearly?

Not to mention that the Demon Clan and the Witch Clan are already powerful, and they are favored by heaven and fortune, making it difficult for him to plot.

Several people looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, speechless.

Yuan Qing looked on with amusement: "Hahaha, it makes me laugh!"

"Brothers, please don't be too ambitious. Who can be a chess player?

In the past, he was a person with great supernatural powers, but today he is a saint! "

How can a person who is not a saint subdue all sentient beings in the wild, and how can he escape unscathed from calamities?

In the battle between Tao and Demon, many people with great supernatural powers died, but only a few survived.

Nuwa raised her hand and agreed: "Instead of thinking about being the person behind the scenes and working hard, you may not be able to gain anything, it is better to focus on how to prove the Tao. The sooner you can prove the saint, the sooner you can jump out of the general trend and become a great person. What senior brother calls a chess player."

Yuan Qing cast an approving look at Nuwa.

Nuwa spread her shoulders helplessly. Because Fuxi wanted to join the Monster Clan, she had a bad feeling about the Monster Clan, but she didn't want the Monster Clan to be plotted against every day. What if Fuxi was plotted against.

Zhen Yuanzi also expressed his support for Yuan Qing in a timely manner.

Yuan Qing, Nuwa, and Zhen Yuanzi poured down three basins of cold water, splashing down the "ambitions" of several people.

They are still little shrimps now and have not even succeeded in beheading corpses, so how can they subdue the gods and demons? What qualifications do you have to be a chess player?

Hongjun’s name as a disciple of the saint?

What a disgrace!

After a few people calmed down, they began to discuss Xuanmen matters again, including which direction Xuanmen should develop in the future, the code of conduct for Xuanmen disciples, the treaty of friendship and mutual assistance between Xuanmen brothers, etc. .

To put it simply, it is the following aspects:

First, work steadily and become a saint first.

Second, become a chess player behind the scenes!

That's right, Sanqing, Jie Yin, and Zhunti still don't want to give up!

After preparing to wait for the saint, experience the feeling of a chess player.

Yuan Qing and Nuwa looked at each other helplessly.

After the serious discussions were over, they started chatting again.

Tongtian played with the Qingping Sword and asked: "Then Prince Dong declared to all living beings when he returned to the ancient times to establish Penglai Immortal Island as a place for cultivating immortals.

Moreover, in the future, those who practice immortality and become immortals must report to him and write down their names. Only then can they be considered immortals.

So do we also have to go and write down our names? "

Tongtian said it as a question, but his tone was full of smiles!

They Xuanmen are the orthodox immortals, so why should they go to Penglai to write down their names?

Taiqing Laozi took a sip of the enlightenment tea and said calmly: "But if you don't go, it will be against Master's decree. This is really a headache!"

"What's so troublesome about this?" Yuan Qing raised his eyebrows at Tongtian: "Brother, please go to the East China Sea and tell Prince Yu that you shouldn't be involved in things that you shouldn't be involved in, and don't show off your strength."

(End of this chapter)

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