Chapter 155 Entering Ailao Mountain
As Yang Yun expected, the conversation between Zhao Qinglin and Li Liang had no results. These people from the city's demon hunting team stayed in Lucheng all year round and rarely went outside Anjie, so naturally they didn't know much about Ailao Mountain.

Their so-called understanding of this area is limited to book knowledge. As for the activities of the thunder element holy spirit, they have never heard of it, so asking them is undoubtedly a waste of time.

"We plan to enter Ailao Mountain to investigate." Zhao Qinglin finally said to Li Liang.

"Take care!" Li Liang shook hands with Zhao Qinglin, his eyes showing how much he cherished his friend.

Zhao Qinglin patted Li Liang on the shoulder, then walked out of the door and left with his companions who had been waiting outside the house for a long time.

Just now, Yang Yun and other judges had checked the patient's condition many times, and no one could treat him at all.

Although there was a healing mage in the team, her magic had no effect at all on the man whose body was filled with arcs of electricity.

The purpose of their coming here is to find the Holy Spirit of Thunder Element, and it is just a way to help the city's demon hunting team. There is no need to spend all their time here.

In addition, what the city monster hunting team encountered this time was probably related to the thunder element holy spirit, so no matter what, they had only one choice now - to enter Ailao Mountain.


After entering Ailao Mountain, the geology has obviously changed. It is no longer the dry orange-yellow color, but a little lavender, and the entire Ailao Mountain valley also appears black and purple!
In fact, the formation of this valley is quite spectacular.

The vast expanse of land is divided into two layers, rising suddenly towards the west, and a continuous cliff parallel to the horizon appears. The cliff is like a majestic city wall, blocking the originally flat terrain, as if dividing another world.

The ground at the upper level is scorching hot stone, which is constantly baptized by thunder and lightning. The temperature is so high that even high-level mages feel like walking on flames, making it absolutely difficult to pass.

The only place where the temperature is slightly normal is the long canyon. Most thunder and lightning cannot directly enter the canyon, and the temperature will be much lower than the upper ground.

A dilapidated ancient city in Ailao Mountain is on the other side of this raised high-rise land. It is an ancient holy land that is almost isolated from the world and protected by the hot Longping Mountain. This kind of land has never been explored by anyone, not even demons. It is difficult to break into the place, and it is the most likely to give birth to the treasure of heaven and earth!

The team went farther and farther, and the terrain became more flat.

"If you walk four kilometers ahead, you should be able to see the ancient city mentioned in the information provided by the presiding judge. The elemental reaction here is getting stronger and stronger, especially the wind element and the thunder element..." Shangguan Yao held two instruments in his hand and spoke to everyone said.

"Look ahead!" Fang Ertong pointed forward and said.

Everyone looked far and wide, and suddenly found a shocking black and gray hurricane rising from the ground like a black dragon, piercing the clouds. The visual impact of standing between the sky and the earth made everyone gasp! !
The black storm has turned into a colossus, and it feels like it is right in front of us.

After passing through a ruined wall, Yang Yun discovered that except for a pile of ancient-looking stones, there was actually nothing in this ruined city. It was the astonishing black lightning storm that caught everyone's attention.

Yellow dust was flying in the air, and some extremely dry grass clippings and stones were flying. It was also possible to feel the suction force of this strong air current, making them get closer and closer to the lightning storm.

However, this kind of force is only equivalent to a wind force of level seven or eight, and everyone's bodies can still bear it.

It's not that the team didn't encounter demons along the way, but most of these demons were lost slaves and generals, and they posed no threat to these powerful judges at all.

No one dared to get too close to the lightning storm, but apart from the spectacular black lightning storm, there was nothing worth exploring in the entire city of ruins. There were no ancient treasures, no elemental anomalies, and they could not even be seen. Any demons guarding this place. "Is there really a Holy Spirit of Thunder element in this?" Wang Ying, a female judge in the team, asked.

This place is deserted, and it doesn't look like there is this kind of life of heaven and earth and the Holy Spirit. Could it be that the information given by the presiding judge is wrong.

"Believe the presiding judge, their ability to detect information is far beyond ours." Shangguan Yao, who was walking at the front, said.

Everyone nodded, after all, the task still needs to be done.

After deciding to move forward, everyone continued to move forward.


A flash of lightning passed by less than 20 meters above Yang Yun's head, and then hit the footprints he had just stepped on behind him hard. The footprints turned into a charred black piece with a little smoke.

The wind is so strong that it hurts the face when it is scraped against the blades of a knife. Some strands of hair need to be a little bit more uninhibited, and they will be taken away easily!

In windy areas, visibility is actually very low, and communication devices are even interfered by lightning.

The team as a whole continued to move towards the center of the lightning storm. At this moment, the strong wind had reached the level that could tear servant-level creatures into pieces. Each of them, high-level mages, also needed a defensive magic to be able to move forward in the lightning storm normally. Row.

The wind was already strong enough to shake warrior-level creatures, and the frequency of lightning was getting higher and higher. From time to time, it would fall in front of everyone's eyes, making their hair stand on end.

"I said, are we still going forward?" Zhao Qinglin asked weakly.

At this time, everyone also hesitated. This lightning-blocked area seemed to have no end. They were really afraid of going on like this.

The further you go inward, the more lightning bolts there are. The dark yellow lightning lights in front of you frequently light up, tearing apart the chaos of the wind, almost forming a warning net, oppressing those who are approaching there.

"It's a restriction!" Shangguan Yao, who was well-informed, suddenly shouted. Most of the restricted thunders were yellow, and the thunder and lightning in front of him obviously conformed to this.

"These lightnings... are not natural lightnings, but artificial restrictions?" Fang Ertong said in surprise.

"It's not necessarily man-made. Records about thunder elemental spirits in ancient books say that they also have this special thunder element restriction." Yang Yun explained.

After all, Yang Yun is a mage who has awakened the thunder element and the summoning element, so he naturally knows about the thunder element of heaven and earth holy spirit in advance.

The presence of a restrictive barrier set up by humans or elemental spirits within the storm means that something is trying to lock the secret at the center of the storm.

If this secret is regarded as the active thunder element holy spirit, it seems to match Tang Zhong's intelligence.

 Thanks to book friend 202203221811439423 for the 2 monthly tickets

(End of this chapter)

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