Chapter 133
Zhang DaDa was also confused about their reaction and couldn't figure out why they were acting like this, but he still immediately thought of the scene a few days ago.

He quickly raised his finger to his mouth and gestured to the two middle-aged men: "Shh!"

The two middle-aged men looked at him with strange expressions, then put their fingers to their mouths and made a shushing gesture.

"It's up to you where you go this time!"

Zhang Daliang thought secretly in his heart, and then slammed against the door. Last time, it was the door's fault for not catching the adulterer immediately. This time, of course, Zhang Daliang couldn't make the same mistake.


Zhang boldly took a posture and slammed towards the door. This time, unlike before, the door was not locked by the bolt at all. Zhang boldly opened the door as soon as he hit it, and the huge inertia caused him to fall to the ground.


Zhang boldly opened his eyes and saw that his hands were already covered in blood.


At this moment, he was so frightened that his voice changed. In the room, the cups and plates were in a mess, the original murals on the bed and table were torn to pieces, and things were scattered all over the floor.

Zhang DaDa was shocked!

He stared at the room in disbelief and said to himself tremblingly: "How could my house be like this?"

At this moment, all the neighbors had gathered around.


Zhang boldly looked at his bloody hands, subconsciously called his wife and ran to the kitchen.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

At this moment, a burst of shouting sounded, and a group of government officials separated from the crowd and walked in.

A middle-aged man with braids who looked exactly like Uncle Jiu came in and stared at Zhang DaDabao with slightly squinted eyes.

"Master Catcher, I was just trying to find you."

Zhang DaDa looked at the head catcher who came in with a sad face and said.

"I, you want to escape!"

"No, it seems my wife was killed."

"It's not like, it's the fact."

"Fatty, where is the body?"

"I just can't find the body!"

Zhang DaDa looked at the catcher in panic and said.

"Huh? And destroy the corpses and eliminate all traces."

The head catcher immediately made a conclusion.


Zhang boldly defended himself when he heard this. He was so anxious that he waved his hands and slurred his words.

"Then what proof do you have? Where were you when the crime happened?"

"I...I was eating tofu bread at Fu Bo's place."

"Come, bring Uncle Fu!"

The catcher turned around and shouted to the people outside, and then heard someone agree: "Yes!"

The catcher continued walking forward calmly, looked at the bloody handprints on the wall, and boldly shouted to Zhang: "Fat man, come here."


Zhang DaDa walked over a little confused, and then saw the bloody handprints on the wall, and the head catcher said: "That's right!"


Zhang boldly went up to compare it and found that it was exactly the same as his own hand shape.

"Isn't it?"

"Exactly the same!"

The catcher picked up the blood on the table and said, "Needless to say, this is yours too?!" "I think so."

Zhang DaDa was already aware of it at this time. After coming in, there were coincidences everywhere, and he was about to give up the struggle.

"Fat man, you killed your wife, moved the body into the kitchen, and prepared to hide the body under the stove, but you couldn't do it, so you turned the body out of the window."

The catcher sat on the bed and restored Zhang Bingdao's crime scene like a famous detective.

Upon hearing this, even Zhang DaDa, who had already understood something, couldn't accept it and quickly went up to interrupt him.

"Ah~ I..."

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, the arrester interrupted him and continued to ask: "What was your motive for killing your wife? Hatred? Love? Money?"

The catcher stared at Zhang DaDabao and continued to ask word by word: "You only need to answer one of the words."

After hearing this, Zhang boldly retorted: "I don't. I don't know how affectionate I am with my wife."

"There are witnesses!"

At this time, several government officials outside brought in two men and a woman. The men were the two who were lying in front of Zhang DaDa's house just now, and the woman was Zhang DaDa's neighbor's aunt.

These people were obviously ordinary people who were very afraid of seeing officials. They were afraid that they would be implicated, and they had a look of panic on their faces when they came in.

"Say it, say it!"

After a few people pushed and shoved them, they stood up, and then the woman in the middle said to the head catcher: "Sir, the two of them are either quarreling or fighting all day long."

"Yes, yes, Zhang Dadan stabbed his wife with a knife two days ago."

"Yes, yes..."

The three people were talking in a hurry, with only one purpose, which was to shirk responsibility and leave quickly.

"Forget it, let's get out."

The head catcher listened to what they said and then drove them away.

"Fuber is here!"

At this time, two policemen were supporting Uncle Fu, who was selling tofu noodle, and saw that his mouth was crooked, his eyes were slanted, and his hands were drooped.

"Uncle Fu, he's had a stroke!"

The messenger agreed on behalf of the speechless Uncle Fu.

"Your last hope lies with him!"

The catcher stood up and said boldly to Zhang.

"Ah, Uncle Fu, please tell the head catcher whether I have eaten tofu porridge at your place today."

Zhang boldly said to Fu Bo with a panicked look on his face.

After hearing this, Uncle Fu here looked like he wanted to speak but couldn't, which made the people watching the theater outside the door point and point.

"Uncle Fu, I'm really worrying you to death. Why did you have a stroke at this time? If you don't tell me, I will be dead. I beg you, Uncle Fu, please speak."

Zhang DaDa was completely panicked. Fu Bo's stroke completely made him lose his witness.

In fact, it was a coincidence that Fu Bo suffered a stroke today, and it was not intentional.

Having said that, in fact, no matter whether Uncle Fu had a stroke today or not, Zhang DaDa would not be able to escape the fate of being imprisoned.

"You can't talk, can you? Come on, get a pen and ink. Now, you just need to write on the paper whether he went or not."

The catcher asked his men to squat down again, and then handed the pen to Fu Bo and told him to write.

Hearing this, Uncle Fu took the pen and tremblingly wrote "yes" on the paper. But who would have expected that the paper was changed just after he wrote the word "no".

The head catcher took out a piece of paper with the word "无" written on it and said loudly: "If there is a word and two strokes less, it means nothing. Zhang Dare to come with us."

When Zhang DaDa saw this, he immediately shouted that he was wronged, but his shouting was of no use. He should be arrested anyway.

A few days later, under Master Tan's money offensive, the yamen quickly came to a verdict and decided to sentence Zhang DaDa to death with a cane.

In fact, this sentence of "death with a stick" cannot be regarded as a sentence. County yamen in the Ming and Qing dynasties did not have the power to impose the death penalty.

The county usually has to report to the government office, and then report it to the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple and other agencies. After they review it, the prisoner can be formally executed.

(End of this chapter)

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