Chapter 135 Escape
Since Zhang DaDa is not restrained, you can imagine who the unlucky person is today.

The two police officers were no match for Zhang DaDa. They were beaten unconscious by him three times, five times, five, and two times. Then Zhang DaDa shouted, "Oh, no need to fight, I know I was wrong." He grabbed his keys.

The reason why Zhang DaDa kept shouting was to avoid attracting the attention of the two police officers outside. Judging from the results, it was obvious that he was very successful.

The two policemen outside were holding hands behind their backs and talking about where they were going to drink. Unexpectedly, a man with a stick came behind Zhang Bingdao.

"You're really asking for trouble. Wouldn't it be okay if you just behave?"

"Leave him alone, people who are dying are looking for trouble."

"Hey, that's just what I'm saying!"

"After work later, where can we go for a drink?"

"After get off work..."

The two were chatting, but before they finished speaking, they suddenly turned around and saw Zhang DaDa rushing over with a stick.

To be honest, these two policemen were well-trained. If ordinary people had seen this scene, they would have been so frightened that they would have been unable to react.

But when the two of them saw Zhang boldly charging over, their first reaction was not to dodge, but to draw their swords. For this reason, they can be called elites.

However, Zhang DaDa was fighting elites tonight. Their skills were still not enough for Zhang Da Da, and they were knocked unconscious within three punches and two kicks.

Zhang DaDa took out the keys from them in a panic, opened the cell door and ran out.

After running for four or five miles in one breath, Zhang DaDa was so tired that he couldn't straighten up. He held on to the tree on the roadside and gasped for air, and then looked around in panic.

After taking a rest, Zhang DaDa walked through the dense jungle in front and came to the door of a house. He looked behind him and saw that the thick trees completely blocked his sight. Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh~ It's safe for now!"

Zhang boldly looked around carefully, and then walked into the house. Half of the house had collapsed, and there were some old rafters and purlins piled inside. coffin.

After Zhang DaDa came in, he was not in the mood to pay attention to this at all. He had run so far and now he just wanted to sit down and rest.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he sat down, the purlin on the side fell down, hitting the coffin on the side.

The coffin had also been in disrepair for a long time. After being touched slightly, it spread apart with a bang, revealing a rotting corpse inside.

Zhang boldly looked carefully and saw that the body and face of the corpse were now covered with rats and insects.

After experiencing two death crises, Zhang DaDa was not afraid at all when he saw this corpse. It was a joke. He had surrendered to such a terrifying zombie a few days ago. How could he be afraid of such a dead corpse?

But if you are not afraid, you still have to have the taboos you should have. Since you disturbed others' rest and broke up their coffins, you should make amends to them.

So Zhang boldly calmed down, walked to the corpse, knelt down with a plop, kowtowed and said, "Brother, I didn't mean to bump into your coffin. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

After kowtowing, Zhang boldly looked at the rats and bugs crawling on the corpse and felt nauseated. While cleaning these things with his hands, he complained: "I see you are as unlucky as me. This kind of crappy guy will not be able to survive in the next life." If you have another chance, never buy a coffin from this company." After cleaning up all the bugs and mice, Zhang boldly looked around, and then said to himself: "Where will I sleep?"

After looking around, he found that there was really nothing for him to sleep on, so he came up with the idea of ​​coffin boards. He leaned over the corpse and said, "Brother, you have four boards. Give me this one." Ah, I’ll leave as soon as it gets light, I’m sorry!”

After saying that, he didn't care that the corpse was dirty, smelly and disgusting, and lay down next to the corpse and fell asleep.

Shen Lipu was quietly watching this strange and harmonious scene. He somewhat understood why Zhang DaDa was so frightened at the moment. The reason why he slept next to the corpse might be that he subconsciously wanted to use the dead body as a tool. Something taboo to avoid being caught.

He had no intention of intervening. The corpse was just an ordinary corpse, not a demon.

After Shen Lipu left, Zhang DaDa continued to sleep soundly. In the middle of the night, the insects on the corpse had spread to Zhang DaDa's face. Looking at Zhang DaDa again, he was confused and holding hands with the corpse.

In the middle of the night, the police in the cell woke up and realized something was wrong, so the arrester led the police around to search for Zhang DaDa.

On the other side, Zhang Daring fell asleep and connected with the corpse, so the corpse transformed. However, this transformation was not like those ordinary zombies biting and grabbing people, but like a parrot, Zhang Whatever you dare to do, the corpse will do.

Zhang boldly stood up to pee in a daze, and the corpse also learned to stand up and pee. Although it didn't pee at all, it still walked over.

Zhang boldly looked back and found that the body was missing. He suddenly broke into a cold sweat. Then he discovered that the zombie imitated him no matter what he did.

So he picked up a brick and prepared to trick the corpse, but the latter didn't take the bait at all.

Just then, a black cat walked by on the wall and meowed. The zombie instantly got up and became a corpse. This time, it was no different from an ordinary zombie.

Zhang DaDa was so anxious when he saw this that he quickly stood up and fought with the zombies.

Seeing that there was nothing he could do with the zombie, Zhang boldly climbed over the wall and escaped, while the zombie was chasing after him. The two chased each other and fled, and soon ran to the main road.

At this moment, the catcher was walking on the road with four government officials. When Zhang DaDa saw this scene, he froze on the spot and thought to himself: "This time there is really a wolf in front and a tiger behind!"

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a gust of wind from behind, and the zombies had caught up, so Zhang DaDa had to keep running forward.

Several policemen on the other side had already discovered Zhang DaDa, but it was dark at night and they couldn't see the zombies behind him clearly for the time being.

"It's Zhang DaDa, he ran over."

"While I'm here, where will he run away?"

The catcher put his hands behind his back and looked confidently at Zhang who was running over, squatting down on his horse and making a gesture.

As the distance got closer and closer, the four government officials on the side all spotted the zombies behind Zhang DaDa. They had never seen this formation before, so they couldn't help but retreat with lanterns until they were hidden in the woods behind.

Only a head catcher holding a pair of swords was left on the spot, looking confidently at the approaching Zhang DaDa.

(End of this chapter)

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