Chapter 262 Expose
The two mothers hugged each other and cried. After crying, it was time to wipe away the tears.

Although there is a saying that women are made of water, in the final analysis, they are people, not water. Tears will always dry up and cannot flow indefinitely.

In fact, even if a person encounters something particularly painful, it is impossible to cry all the time.

So after the two of them finished crying, it was time to face reality. Xiaohong was still tempted by this proposal. She was a ghost now and it didn't matter where she went.

But the key point is that mothers are human beings. What can a blind old lady do?

Now I have no roof to cover myself, and no place to stand below. Where can I go if I don't go to Uncle Jiu's place?

Xiaohong's mother felt that something was wrong. She was older and had a lot of troubles, so she subconsciously resisted this kind of charity from others, because this kind of charity always had conditions.

However, after some persuasion from Xiao Hong, Hong's mother later thought about the actual situation she was facing now. She really had nowhere to go, and her daughter had turned into a ghost. It was most appropriate to go to Uncle Jiu's place, both emotionally and rationally.

There is also information provided by Uncle Jiu, that is, the temple, which gave Hong Mu confidence.

If it were an ordinary family, then Hongma would always feel quite awkward. After all, she was not related to them, so it would definitely be inappropriate to live in their house.

But since it is a temple, the situation is different. Although the old lady is blind, she is not completely blind.

At dawn, she could vaguely see the things in front of her, so it was okay to do ordinary housework and cook a simple meal.

Don't say she thinks too much, the fact is this. In these days, if the elderly in their own homes can no longer support themselves, their children will be bored after a long time, let alone in other people's homes.

This is a very real problem that cannot be avoided.

Some people may think that the old lady is already blind and just needs to live her old life. But then again, except for those who have great virtues and great blessings, how many old people can live their old life with someone taking care of them?
Besides, who will take care of her?
Xiaohong can indeed take care of her mother, but in the final analysis, yin and yang are different paths, and there must be a difference between humans and ghosts.

So the old lady had already figured out her position before she arrived. Whether she could help Uncle Jiu cook or not was secondary. At least she could cook and eat by herself without bothering others.

After thinking about it carefully, the old lady thought there was no better way, so she agreed with Uncle Jiu's statement, and everyone packed up and moved to Uncle Jiu's place that night.

After arriving at Uncle Jiu's place, Uncle Jiu specially made an umbrella stand for Xiaohong so that she could hide under the black umbrella. This would be good for her.

Firstly, it can prevent her ghost energy from escaping and harming the old lady's health. Secondly, it can warm and nourish her soul. However, there are many ghosts. If they stay in the mortal world, there will be various kinds of air currents. disturb.

Because of the protection of the body, for ordinary people, it may be just a gust of wind or a light rain, but this natural wind and rain can corrode the soul of a ghost.

Generally speaking, ghosts belonging to the Yin category and staying in the Yang world for a long time will slowly dissipate their soul bodies. This kind of dissipation of the soul body is a true dissipation, not an ordinary discrete aggregation.

In other words, the escape of the souls of ghosts is similar to the oxidative aging of the human body, which is irreversible. Compared with humans, the escape of the souls of these ghosts is more troublesome and dangerous. This escape If left alone, the entire soul may dissipate between heaven and earth.If you are a practitioner, you will still have the true spirit after your soul dissipates, but ordinary people will not even have the true spirit. This dissipation will completely return to nothingness. This is a terrible thing.

For people, death is destruction and a new beginning. The vast changes of yin and yang and the five elements make up this world, and human souls also form various life experiences through various causes and conditions.

Although there is a saying that all living beings suffer, and there are also verses such as "The river of love has thousands of feet of waves, and the sea of ​​suffering is ten thousand feet deep", they all describe the suffering of reincarnation.

But this kind of suffering is compared to the gods who are above us. Compared to the gods who control their own destiny to a certain extent, being a human being is of course painful. Endless reincarnation, all kinds of joys and sorrows, are all hardships.

But compared to complete nothingness, being a human being is obviously very meaningful. Even compared to a beast that cannot think, being a human being is meaningful.

I'm going too far here, let's talk about Uncle Jiu's arrangement again. Uncle Nine's arrangement is obviously extremely powerful and in place. For Xiao Hong, this arrangement is also extremely appropriate.

Sometimes he didn't want her to be reincarnated as soon as possible, but he was moved by her filial piety, so he allowed her to stay in the mortal world to support her mother. Uncle Jiu provided her with the necessary help and allowed her to care for the old lady until she died.

This kind of move is also very powerful. If it were placed in ancient times, if this matter was given a certain amount of hype, Xiaohong might eventually be made a god.

Of course, this is a bit utilitarian. There is no heaven now, and what the court said is not very effective, so Xiaohong serves her mother now purely out of filial piety, without any other things.

The old lady felt relieved. After entering, she realized that the place was not small enough to accommodate mother and daughter through her hearing and sense of space, which she had developed through years of blindness.

So the old lady was quite happy. Although her daughter was dead, she was still with her after all, which was already a great blessing.

Now that I have found a place to retire, at least in terms of life, I won’t have too many worries.

Uncle Jiu was very happy to see this, because he had also done good deeds. The situation of Xiaohong and her mother was very suitable for Uncle Jiu to help.

From a utilitarian point of view, these are all negative virtues. Even if they are accumulated now, although they cannot be seen at the moment, in the future, when Uncle Jiu goes down, whether he wants to work as an errand or continue to reincarnate and practice, he will definitely be able to get convenience.

Of course, helping people itself also gives people a sense of accomplishment, and doing good deeds is not always utilitarian and looks at things like yin and virtue.

In short, everyone is happy with the current situation, and Xiaohong's mother and daughter who need help have received help.

Uncle Jiu helped others and helped himself. If he helps others now, he will definitely be blessed in the future.

Fei Bao and Xiao Hai have one less trouble.

Xiao Hai just paid it back, but for Fei Bao, this was really a troublesome thing. He was about to get married. There was an old lady at home who was not related to him, and there was also a female ghost. What was this?
There is only one room in the house, how can you live there if you are really married?
Should Xiaohong and her daughter be kicked out?
(End of this chapter)

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