Chapter 5 Zhang Shike

"To tell you the truth, Master, although I am just a ghost official, after so many years, I have seen the suffering of reincarnation and the value of the divine way.

This is also the reason why I don't want to reincarnate.

Although I have accumulated 300 years of merit, the City God also said hello to the Yinsi before leaving.

But I still can only reincarnate, but cannot stay and work in the underworld.

But, so what if I get a good pregnancy for three or five lifetimes?Still cannot escape the suffering of reincarnation.

In fact, after the Lord City God left, I traveled around, mainly thinking of other City God offices, to see if I could get another job, unexpectedly, all the City Gods had already left. "

Shen Lipu listened silently to Zhang Shike's words and was filled with emotions for a while.

There are thousands of waves in the river of love, and the sea of ​​bitterness is deep.

If you can't get rid of the suffering of samsara, you will sink into the sea of ​​suffering after all.

"Even a ghost official is unwilling to be reincarnated. I, a serious official of the Heavenly Court, have to practice hard."

Shen Lipu secretly swore.


Zhang Shi could see that Shen Lipu ignored him for a long time, and he couldn't help but feel a little anxious. After a long while, he really couldn't wait, so he took the initiative to ask again.

"The mage is summoning ghosts this time, but he wants to open a mansion and build a government office? I have been a ghost official. If the mage does not give up, I am willing to go through fire and water for my lackeys, and I will do whatever I want!"

Shen Lipu sighed very much.

It's not because of anything else, but when rushing to Zhang Shi, he didn't obey his fate and struggled actively.It can be seen that he is determined.

Immediately, he opened his mouth and said, "It is precisely for this that I called you here."

Zhang Shike was overjoyed when he heard the words, and he even wanted to pay respects.

Shen Lipu pointed to the remaining ten ghosts again: "Just wait and report their names one by one."

The remaining ten ghosts reported their names, hometowns, and causes of death one by one in order.

They are Wang Youmin, Li Zhongwen, Liu Yuanli, Ma Shirong, Qian Boyi, Chen Yuande, Wang Shikang, Cai Qiang, Niu Yuanfu, and Lu Shiyong.

These people selected by Marshal Zhu have two main characteristics. The first is that they are more full of divine light and more spiritual.

The second is that they are relatively young, except for Wang Shikang, Chen Yuande, and Zhang Shike.

The rest, including that Li Cheng, are all in their 30s.

After asking.

Shen Lipu nodded in satisfaction, and said to the ghosts in front of him:

“This mage is the ninth generation descendant of the Shangqing lineage.

At present, he is [the right judge of the North Pole Exorcism Academy and the recipient of the alchemy in the Nanchang Shang Palace, who is in charge of the exorcism academy]

The hospital is currently recruiting soldiers, giving two buckets of spiritual food, ten sticks of spiritual incense every month, ten chickens, two sheep, and two sets of clothes every year.

Are you willing to enter my account as a soldier?
In addition to these, those who do things with sincerity, I can also recommend them to various divisions, Caos, and Dharma circles in the future.

When these ghosts heard this, they couldn't believe it. This treatment is very good.

You know, there is currently no mandala recruitment.

These ghosts can only snatch tributes from each other and the incense burnt for their ancestors by others.

Another way is to wait for the food to be given, just like Shen Lipu’s ritual ceremony yesterday, which is similar to refugees.

When all the ghosts below heard the treatment given by Shen Lipu, they all hurriedly said: "I am willing, I am willing..."

in fact.

Shen Lipu is now recruiting soldiers, and it is okay not to give them these treatments, as long as he takes care of the food.

But after careful consideration, he gave up this idea.

The reason is very simple, first, just eat the food, let these ghosts eat every month, and the three buckets of spiritual food are definitely not enough.

Now Shen Lipu only needs to give two buckets per month.

Although there are a few sticks of incense, this incense is used to condense the soul. They practice daily, go out to catch ghosts, and help in fighting skills.

Shen Lipu had to give them work if he wanted them to.

The same is true for clothes. Letting people serve as soldiers cannot always be worn in tatters. New clothes are inevitable.

As for the last chicken and sheep, this is the incentive.

Of course you don't have to give it, but they can also cheat and show off without exerting any effort.

"Yi Jian Zhi" records that Zhao Zujian, a Taoist priest in Hengzhou in the Song Dynasty, first practiced the law of the heart of heaven, and then he and the villagers cured troubles. After he stopped doing it again, he was very angry. God will accept a certain bribe, that’s why he dared to do so. Let’s go now.” Zhao Mao thought to himself: “I preside over the righteous law to subdue evil spirits, and I rely on God to use me. This is the public’s bribery entrustment, so what will I rely on!” Charged with the crime of Shen Dongyue.

In the night dream, there was a warrior warrior with a very powerful appearance. He stood in front of him with his hands raised and said: "My disciple is the divine general under the master. When he was alive, he was a soldier and had physical strength. Everyone called him Chen Tiebian. After death, he became a god and was assigned to the altar. If you cannot be self-responsible and accept the bribes of ghosts, if you hear that Master wants to sue Dai Yue, you will be thrown into Beifeng's Hell for eternity and will never be released. I would like to express my condolences and forgive you. Please clean up your mind and make a new start." Zhao said, "I can't bear to talk to you. Sin, just saying that you don't want to practice this method, so that you will hear it."

What do you mean?

That is to say, in the Song Dynasty, there was a Taoist priest in Hengyang, Zhao Zujian, who was a descendant of the Tianxin sect, and he exorcised evil spirits, but after a while, the evil spirit recurred again.

Zhao Zujian was very angry, so he summoned the evil spirit into the human body and asked what happened.

The evil spirit said that a god general in your court took my bribe and I dared to come back.

Zhao Zujian felt that the world was getting worse, and now even the generals began to accept bribes, so he planned to sue Dongyue Tianqi and sue him.

At night, I dreamed of a god-man in golden armor, saying, Master Rong, the disciple is the god general on your altar, named Chen Tiebian. Because of his great strength, he became a soldier after death. bribe.

The mage wants to give a small report to Emperor Dongyue, and I will fall into Beifeng Infernal Hell, and I will never be able to come out.

I beg Master to have mercy on me, and I will surely repent.

Zhao Zujian adhered to the principle of learning from past mistakes and avoiding future ones, curing diseases and saving lives, thinking that there would be no major consequences after all, so he let him go.

However, he later gave up the Tianxin method.


Although times have changed, the truth is the same. When Chen Tiebian dared to accept bribes, why didn't these soldiers dare to be lazy?

Of course, Shen Lipu can punish them, even treat them as disposable items. Anyone who dares to be lazy will be beaten again, and whoever makes a mistake will be sent to Beifeng Hell, and even beaten to death.

However, people are doing it, and the sky is watching.

If Shen Lipu had really been ranked among the heavens when he was young, he might have been disliked by others for bullying his subordinates.

Shen Lipu himself is not such a person, he has never taken money seriously, which was the case when he did not practice in his previous life.

The same is true in this life.

I saw these ghosts scrambling to kowtow to him one by one, and kept saying words of gratitude to him. .

Shen Lipu smiled and waved his hands to help them up with his magic power.

Then he did it again, refining these ghosts again.

After these ghosts were purified, the grievances on their bodies gradually subsided, their eyes became clearer, and the wounds on their bodies disappeared.

Zhang Shike, Li Cheng and the others looked at each other, and at the wounds that disappeared on their bodies, feeling the warmth that they hadn't felt since they died.

They all knelt down and said in unison.

"The disciples are grateful to the master for his kindness and virtue, and are willing to work hard for the master."

Shen Lipu nodded in satisfaction.

"Well, yes, yes. You look much better now than you did before."

Marshal Zhu next to him also stroked his beard and looked at these ghosts with a smile.

Shen Lipu said to Marshal Zhu again.

"Marshal, this team of twelve people, why not divide it into two small teams, each with six people in each team, what do you think?"

"What the mage said is very true, and I also think so."

it is good.

"Zhang Shike and Li Cheng, each of you will be a team leader.

Just remember, from now on, you have to be friendly to your comrades and work hard, can you do it? "

(End of this chapter)

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