Film and Television: Happy Life Beginning in Ode to Joy

Chapter 174 175 Biochemical Goddess Jill Valentine

He Xiaoming: "Hey, guys, are you okay?"

Peyton: "You can't die for now, thanks man, be careful, there are three more of those things."

He Xiaoming had already seen it. Two were hanging on the roof, staring at the sudden uninvited guests like him. Another one had just jumped out from behind a pillar and was already ready to attack at any time.

This is one more than in the original movie, but it's not a big problem and it doesn't pose any threat to He Xiaoming.

Originally there should have been a priest and an ordinary citizen here, but now only Peyton Wells, Gill's colleague, Terry Morris, the reporter, and Gill were left.
Tube top, short skirt, small leather boots, and a pistol belt hanging on her body, this was He Xiaoming's first impression when he saw Jill.

Jill Valentine is about the same age as He Xiaoming, and her clothes are the same as in the movie, but her appearance is closer to her appearance in the game. He Xiaoming has to admit that he can't control his eyes.

Swallowing hard and suppressing his urge to pay tribute, He Xiaoming turned his attention to the licker on the ground that started to pounce on his group, and wanted to resolve the immediate crisis first.

The licker's reaction speed is faster, but it can't hold it back. He Xiaoming's hand is a heavy machine gun. This thing is different from ordinary submachine guns or small pistols. The huge kinetic energy of the bullets causes extremely powerful damage. One bullet will kill a With the large hole and He Xiaoming's strong stabilizing ability, defeating the lickers is not much more difficult than ordinary zombies.

But what He Xiaoming didn't expect was that the licker, a monster that seemed to have no intelligence and only had the most basic biological attack instinct, would actually carry out coordinated attacks. When He Xiaoming started to attack the first licker on the ground, The remaining two had already crawled quickly along the roof in the direction of He Xiaoming, and jumped down from the air, opening their mouths wide open at several people.

That is to say, He Xiaoming's reaction speed is fast enough to quickly switch attack targets, especially the licker in mid-air. It is a living target without even a chance to hide. The final result can only be His brain was shattered by He Xiaoming, and he fell in front of several people.

After dealing with the lickers, He Xiaoming took the lead and walked over to Jill and the others. He Xiaoming swore that it was definitely not because he wanted to be so proactive. The main reason was that the brain's consciousness could not control the legs, so it walked over on its own.

As he got closer, He Xiaoming suddenly felt a little dizzy. It was too deep. No, it was too big. Bah, it should be called heroic.

He Xiaoming: "Hello, I am He Xiaoming, a former researcher at Umbrella Company. These are my teammates, Lisa, my assistant, Alice, the former security director of Umbrella Company, Kaplan , former Umbrella commando, Matt, Lisa’s brother, one of the members of the Earth Protection Organization.”

Jill: "Jill Valentine, Inspector of the Raccoon City Inspectorate. This big man is my colleague Sergeant Peyton Wells. The lady next to me is Terry, a reporter from Channel [-]. Thank you very much for your sudden appearance. Otherwise we might really be in danger."

Kaplan: "Dr. He, we have to leave immediately. The gunfire just now was too loud and has attracted zombies from elsewhere."

He Xiaoming: "Ms. Gill, can we act together?"

Jill: "Of course."

Seeing that He Xiaoming's eyes were always on Jill Valentine, Lisa felt a little unhappy. There was such a woman who was still an inspector. How could an inspector wear such revealing clothes to seduce people? Isn't it just older than herself? What a big deal.

Lisa thought this in her heart, and couldn't help but push out her chest hard, then turned her head and glanced at Jill next to her, and suddenly she felt even more uncomfortable, a complete defeat!

Gil supported Peyton and planned to leave through the back door of the church with a few others. From the front door of the church, one could already see the zombies swarming on the street in the distance. Everyone had no idea what to do with this kind of irrationality. something rush.

He Xiaoming: "Peyton, are you injured?"

Peyton: "I was accidentally bitten, but don't worry, it won't affect my next actions."

He Xiaoming recalled that he did have this impression. Peyton was bitten on the leg by a zombie that suddenly transformed into a zombie at the gate. Calculating the time, it must have been at least half an hour now, and he didn't know the antidote. Does it still work?

He Xiaoming: "People who are bitten will also turn into zombies, but you are a little lucky. I happen to have a few antidotes on hand. I hope I can help you."

Peyton: "Really? That's really great. He... Dr. He, right? I'm really lucky to meet you. I don't want to become that kind of walking zombie."

He Xiaoming: "Just to remind you, you were bitten for a long time. I'm not sure the antidote is 100% effective."

Peyton's face darkened for a moment, and then he thought about it: "It doesn't matter, it would be nice to have an antidote, and leave the rest to God. It's better than waiting for death without any solution."

After injecting Peyton with the antidote, everyone quickly walked out of the back door of the church. It stands to reason that the muzzle on Peyton's leg also needs to be dealt with. After all, that is the area with the most serious virus infection, but now the zombies outside have rushed to the door. , but there is no time for everyone to waste anymore.

After blocking the back door of the church and temporarily blocking the way forward, everyone felt a little relieved.

Behind the church is a cemetery. The dark environment and everything she experienced today made Terry, a reporter, emotionally collapsed.

Terry: "What the hell are we doing here? Hey! Tell me, am I the only one worried about when we will turn into zombies? Okay, okay, don't you have any specific plans? ?"

He Xiaoming kept controlling his steps and followed Jill. Goddess of biochemistry, if something didn't happen here, wouldn't his trip be in vain?

He Xiaoming was followed by Lisa, who had been lingering on He Xiaoming and Jill with resentful eyes. Matt followed Lisa and glared at He Xiaoming's back with vicious eyes and gritted teeth. He had obviously flirted with his sister first. , now seeing a larger one, he turned his head and focused on others.

Matt now finally understood why he disliked He Xiaoming from the beginning. This man was indeed not a good man and he dared to deceive his sister's feelings.

Everyone had their own thoughts now, and no one answered the former well-known reporter. In the end, Alice didn't want to listen to Terry's hysterical voice anymore and gave her an answer: "The plan is to save life."

Terry: "That's it? That's it?"

Alice: "That's it."

Jill: "Dr. He, I think we need to find a place to stay temporarily. Peyton's injury must be bandaged more securely and safely."

He Xiaoming: "We have to go around here and go to the fire station at the other end of the street." Terry: "I don't think this is a good idea. Maybe we will encounter more monsters."

Alice: "Don't worry, if there was, we would have encountered it long ago."

Terry: "Dr. He, do you know what those monsters are?"

Alice: "That's a biochemical weapon from Umbrella's underground laboratory."

Terry: "Oh, my God, I knew these things wouldn't appear out of thin air. Dr. He, you used to be a researcher at Umbrella. Can I interview you? I want to publish all this information." .”

After admiring it for such a long time, He Xiaoming was finally able to regain some of his sanity and answered Terry: "With that little thing in your hand?"

Terri: "This is my Emmy."

He Xiaoming: "Well, I wish you can win the Emmy Award one day, but now everyone pay attention, some unfriendly friends are about to appear under our feet."

A few people were still a little confused at first. As He Xiaoming finished speaking, a dry claw suddenly stretched out from the ground less than one meter to the right of Terry. Then, a corpse that had been buried for who knows how long was revealed. The rotten flesh, carrying all kinds of small bugs, crawled half of its body out of the ground and grabbed at Terry who was closest to it.

Terry: "Ah!"

boom! boom! boom!
To deal with such small zombies, it is most suitable to use TP. Set it to single-shot mode and shoot one at a time. It doesn't even wait for the zombies under the ground to crawl out completely. As long as it shows up, it will shoot.

Terry: "Why are the corpses here resurrected? This is really scary. What exactly did Umbrella Company research? Are they demons? Do they want to destroy the world?"

Kaplan: "Everyone, hurry up. I don't know how many people have been buried in this cemetery. We pass through the cemetery as fast as we can, go around an alley, and walk 200 meters forward to reach the fire station."

While playing the headshot game, He Xiaoming sighed in his heart. In the world of Resident Evil, cremation still makes sense.

On the way He Xiaoming and everyone passed through the cemetery to the fire station, Amberlila Company had also started their Nemesis plan. Although Matt was gone, this did not affect them from continuing the plan, but this time The candidate became Captain James, who was originally seriously injured.

Maybe it was because all the nearby zombies were attracted to the church. Even though it was not far away, the fire station was quiet and there was not a single zombie.

Jill: "Peyton, please wait a moment, I'll go find the medical kit right away."

Matt: "The height of the ladder here is definitely high enough. Next we need to find the right time and place to escape from the hell of Raccoon City, and then tell the outside world about the situation here, and completely eliminate the Umbrella Corporation in this world." cancer."

A spare ladder was found in the warehouse and was put into the space by He Xiaoming. Although He Xiaoming felt that he would not need it when going out, it would be useful if he kept it. In such a world, any kind of material can be found. What it does.

Peyton's right leg has become obviously alienated. Even if he is given an injection of antidote, it does not seem to be able to completely resolve the T virus infection.

Gil had already found the medical kit. Now he was looking at Peyton's injured leg with some worry. He felt a little unsure of where to start. When he saw He Xiaoming coming back from searching for supplies, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Jill: "Dr. He, you used to be a researcher at Umbrella Company. You must have a deeper understanding of viruses. Can Peyton's current situation continue to improve? Does he need another injection of antidote?"

He Xiaoming: "Let's try it. There is no good way now."

He Xiaoming still has three antidote, and he must keep two as backup, so at most he can only use one more for Peyton. Whether he can reverse his current situation depends on luck.

Peyton was injected with an antidote again, and the color of the virus-infected area began to return to normal, but it stopped near the wound and could not go away.

He Xiaoming: "Peyton, it seems you need a minor operation."

Peyton looked at his legs, gritted his teeth, and said as if he was ready to die: "Come on, I can hold on."

The virus near the wound is the hardest hit area. This piece must be cut off including the wound and flesh. Only in this way can Peyton's life be saved. He has no choice now.

He Xiaoming watched Peyton pick up his pistol, put the handle of the gun into his mouth, and bite it hard. He couldn't help but feel a little funny: "Don't be so nervous, I have an anesthetic on me."

There are a lot of anesthetics in the laboratory. He Xiaoming collected some when he was in the hive, and he just needed them now.

Jill also breathed a sigh of relief. I heard that there was a man named Guan Gong in China who could scrape bones to cure poison. Not everyone can do this. Forcibly digging out a piece of flesh from the body is more effective for certain pain nerves. For sensitive people, being able to hurt someone to death is a real pain to death. With anesthetics available, all risks are much smaller.

He Xiaoming: "Well, what is the dosage?"

Lisa: "Brother Ming, leave this to me. Local anesthesia is not troublesome."

Before He Xiaoming went to the hive, Lisa had been working as an assistant, and she was still very skilled at injecting anesthetics, even though she had anesthetized animals before.

Kaplan: "Let me do it next, Liz... We have all learned some field emergency medical treatment from her. Although we have never treated such wounds, I think we are better than you."

Kaplan's next move was a bit bloody, well, and a bit rough. He dug out all the infected flesh near the wound. He didn't stop until the normal color of flesh and blood was revealed. Then, Peton's calf was covered in blood. There is only a big hole left, and I don't know what it will be like in the future. (End of chapter)

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