Chapter 149 Nathan the Savior

No one doesn't want to be a heartthrob. Initially, Zhang Chuyi narcissistically thought that he was already so handsome that he charmed thousands of girls and young women. With his body shaking, beautiful women threw themselves into his arms.

As a result, he was told that he was just completing the "king's" task. Such a gap made Zhang Chuyi feel an indescribable sense of frustration and a bit of embarrassment.

Fortunately, there was no semen on the brain just now. If he hadn't resisted the temptation, wouldn't he have been labeled as a gangster and a low-level man on his forehead?
Thinking of this, Zhang Chuyi frowned: "So you go to such great lengths to feed a tiger with your body, just to see what my character is like?"

"Please forgive me for being rude." Elena stood up and bowed to apologize, revealing the white patch of snow around her collarbone. "Actually, the reasons for all this are a bit complicated. Please allow me to tell you the truth bit by bit. "

Then, Elena spoke about Nathan Island in an extremely gentle voice.

Everything on Nathan Island originates from the "tree", which is the supreme crystallization of Europa's witchcraft thousands of years ago. It has the magical power to transform ordinary people into aliens.

The kingdom built around the tree is called Nathan.

As we all know, this kind of power is not tolerated by secular countries, so Nathan encountered a crusade from the human army. Even if the citizens were all aliens, there was still only one way to defeat in front of the mortal army.

Fortunately, humans did not exterminate Nathan. The ruler of Nathan took the tree and moved to an unnamed desert island overseas, which is now Nathan Island.

Time flies, and kingdoms rise and fall, but Nathan Island has always adhered to the survival principles of escaping from the world and being neutral, never getting involved in any disputes in the world, and becoming a small world that is aloof from the outside world.

Nathan does not participate in the disputes, and other civilizations outside the island cannot interfere with Nathan's development.

This was the original agreement between the kings and Nathan, and it has remained so for thousands of years.

There is a saying in foreign alien circles: If you have committed a capital crime and still want to live, then go to Nathan, which is a paradise for aliens, and will not hold you accountable for all the mistakes you committed in the outside world. If you pass After the test of the tree, you can even become the guardian or even the king who manages the entire civilization!
It is for this reason that Nathan Island once became the last choice for alien criminals when they were desperate.

However, it is worth mentioning that, except for Wang and Wei, none of the strangers who have gone to Nason Island have been able to come out so far. Allowing entry and not allowing out is the label of Nason Island.

If nothing else happens, Nason Island will continue to be passed down like this without any competition from the world.

But the accident just happened. Half a year ago, during a communication with Shu, King Nathan was told that Nathan Island would be destroyed in three years.

In the future that Shu sees, this disaster is unstoppable and irreversible. Even if all the people of Nathan Island are drained of their blood, the fate of Nathan Island's destruction cannot be changed.

Originally, King Nathan had already prepared to defend his country with his life, but not long ago, the tree once again brought a prophecy.

The tree told the king that the future has changed, and life has appeared in the inevitable ending. Nathan Island will usher in a savior, who will protect Nathan during this crisis and allow civilization to continue.

However, even with the wisdom of the tree, he could not see the true identity of this person through the veil of the goddess of fate, and could only leave a few vague descriptions.

These include words such as new world, sea, fire, and gods descending to earth.

So King Nathan sent Nathan Guard to try their luck on the New World, and then they actually found the savior who fit the prophecy, that is, Zhang Chuyi.

"Am I the savior of Nathan Island?" Zhang Chuyi was surprised.

He actually understood in his heart what was going to happen to Nathan Island, for the same reason as Ma Xianhong's self-cultivation furnace.

It's just that Nowhere Tong does not allow this kind of power to exist, and Behemoth wants to snatch this kind of power to create more alien warriors.

Although Behemoth failed in the end and watched the tree explode, Nathan Island was indeed destroyed.

Countless islanders were killed, and King Nathan and several Nathan Guards were captured by Behemoth. Their final fate was probably to be used as guinea pigs and sent to laboratories for various studies.

Just as the prophecy said, this is indeed an irreversible disaster.

After all, Behemoth is one of the most powerful alien organizations in the world. If you don't ask for help from your superiors, you can never be Behemoth's opponent.

Then now this tree says he can save Behemoth.

Zhang Chuyi thought about those modern armies with anti-material sniper rifles, RPGs, Gatling, and aircraft missiles, and felt his scalp numb.

I'm afraid even the Heavenly Master might not be able to withstand this kind of firepower, let alone him.

Unless most of the alien sects in China are brought over to help, there is absolutely no chance of victory.

But how can he have such face!

"Why do you think I can save you?" Zhang Chuyi showed a troubled expression, "Although I have never been in contact with Nathan Island, I heard that there are hundreds of strangers there who can destroy such a huge force. How can I go against him?"

"That's what the prophecy said." Elena replied firmly.

In fact, she knew in her heart that it was unreliable to rely on one person alone, but as Nathan Guard, she trusted Wang Heshu unconditionally.

Whatever the king said was what it was, no matter how absurd and uninhibited it was, she believed it.

"I am very grateful to Nathan for helping me this time. I will always remember this favor. If Nathan Island is really in trouble in the future, I don't know about the company, but I will definitely provide as much help as I can." Zhang Chuyi is not a person who refuses to repay a favor, but he is not willing to risk his own life just to repay a favor.

"If you are willing to help, it means that the prophecy will come true, and Nathan will also use this to get through the crisis." After hearing Zhang Chuyi's words, Elena suddenly turned from worry to joy.

What she was afraid of was that Zhang Chuyi refused to help. As long as he could provide a little help, he could meet the tree's prophecy.

"Actually, I have an immature idea here." Zhang Chuyi chuckled and suggested: "Instead of believing in this prophecy that I don't know whether it can be realized, it is better for you to make some efforts yourself instead of staying there and waiting to die. .”

"The prophecy of the tree will definitely come true!" Elena became a little excited when she heard that the tree was questioned.

"Then let me put it another way. Since you recognize me as the savior, the savior now has a proposal. You should study it carefully with your king after you go back."

Zhang Chuyi took a deep breath and said seriously: "Since a thousand years ago, when Nathan was facing destruction, he was able to move the entire country overseas.

So why can’t you follow the example of your predecessors now that you are facing the same fate? "

"You mean to move with the tree again?" Elena's bright eyes trembled because of surprise, and then she pondered: "But where can we move to, except for the North and South Pole, which is not suitable for survival now? Besides, basically all the sites are owned." "Nason Island is only a little bigger. You don't come out normally anyway, so just find a country with high mountains and far away roads to live in seclusion."

When Zhang Chuyi said this, he suddenly lowered his voice: "Actually, my hometown in China is pretty good, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, beautiful scenery, and there are plenty of places for you to live in peace."

"This... this matter is really too big. I can't make the decision. I have to inform the king before I can give you a clear answer." Elena replied in a panic, obviously not expecting Zhang Chuyi to propose such a question. A bold plan.

The whole country moved, leaving Nathan's homeland where he had lived for thousands of years, and going to a strange country.

It sounds like it is not much different from the decision made by the previous people, and it is feasible to a certain extent, but Elena feels that the leaders on both sides will not agree to this plan.

"Let's stop talking here first. If your king agrees, come to China to find me.

Don't worry that China will covet your power. At least moving to us is much better than going to Europa or the beautiful country. If you don't believe it, you can learn more about the difference between us and them online. "

After saying that, Zhang Chuyi stood up and left the room.

Outside the room, Bi Youlong was still on a video call with Director Zhao, while Alfonso and Elijah were standing at the end of the corridor, looking at the undulating sea in the distance with melancholy eyes, perhaps worrying about Nathan's fate. Melancholy.

"Dong Bi, my injury is much better. Let's go back to the room first." Zhang Chuyi patted Bi Youlong on the shoulder, and at the same time turned to Elijah and shouted: "Thank you for your help today, I will take this kindness." Remember it!"

Elijah didn't speak, just nodded.

After returning to the room, Zhang Chuyi immediately informed Director Zhao about Nathan's situation and the proposal he just made.

Zhao Fangxu, who originally wanted to praise him lavishly, suddenly opened his eyes as big as an ox: "You are just playing the piano randomly. Who gave you the right to make such a promise?!"

"Don't be impatient, Director Zhao. Let me analyze it slowly for you."

Zhang Chuyi pressed down with his right hand and explained: "First of all, if you want to bring disaster to Nathan, I think Behemoth can do it.

This group of people has always liked to use aliens and armed soldiers to perform tasks. Superpowers are intertwined with modern firepower, and aircraft carriers are also used to clear the way. It is difficult for superpower organizations in most countries to resist such force. "

"Of course I am aware of Behemoth's style, but what does that have to do with us? Even if Nathan is to be destroyed, China should not bear the price."

Zhao Fangxu's expression was extremely serious, and for the first time, his words to Zhang Chuyi contained more than a few words of rebuke: "Xiao Zhang, you should understand that the company's duty is to maintain the stability of the society of aliens and ordinary people, not to promote internationalism and save the world."

"But I did this precisely for the stability of the alien world." Zhang Chuyi replied seriously, "Behemoth captured so many aliens in order to create stronger and more potions.

If they were allowed to get the tree and gain the ability to mass-produce aliens, how long would it take them to pull out an army of aliens?
A dozen or a hundred aliens are not scary, but what if there are thousands or even a legion of aliens?
Do you think that after having such an army, Behemoth will just do nothing like a good baby? "

This question silenced Zhao Fangxu.

Behemoth and the countries it backs have never been a good enemy, and they have never stopped fighting foreign wars over the years.

This was the case when the number of alien soldiers was sparse. When the alien army has a fully-organized army, God knows what kind of ambitions it will breed.

Therefore, the power of the tree really cannot be obtained by Behemoth.

Even letting foreign organizations from other countries obtain it will still cause huge hidden dangers.

Only by being in the hands of China can everyone truly feel at ease.

After all, China, as a country of etiquette, has always been peace-loving.

Of course, it is estimated that only the Chinese people believe this. In the eyes of other countries, everyone is the same. The only difference is that some countries are willing to cover up, and some simply don't bother to make such superficial efforts.

The most direct proof is that the world’s largest arms dealer is not a certain company, but the Wuchang.

The first place is the beautiful country, the second place is Russia, the fourth place is France, and the fifth place is England.

Therefore, how to convince King Nathan that China is a good place to go is a very big problem.

In addition, Zhao Fangxu didn't know whether the superiors could allow thousands of strangers to suddenly enter the country.

Although in principle, even if there were a few thousand more strangers, the population red line would not be exceeded, but after all, the tree was so evil, who knew what kind of trouble it would cause.

The difficulty of the problem now is that leaving Nathan Island alone and letting Behemoth take away the tree will cause endless troubles.

But if you don't take care of it, bringing the tree back home can easily lead to trouble.

Unless the tree is kept by the company, then the Nathan people find another place to live in the mountains.

But this kind of plan is impossible to think about. For the Nathan people, the tree is the source of all faith and strength, and they are unwilling to be separated from it no matter what.

Difficult, difficult.

Zhao Fangxu has not encountered such a tangled problem for a long time. Even the joy of recovering the imperial seal has been diluted by this tangle.

In the end, Zhao Fangxu said to Zhang Chuyi with a calm face: "This is such a big matter that even I can't make the decision without permission. I must ask my superiors for instructions. Moreover, Nathan Island may not be able to agree to your proposal, but one thing is for sure." , that is, the tree must not be surrendered to Behemoth.

In short, this matter needs long-term consideration, and the top priority is to bring back the imperial seal first. "

"You don't have to worry about this." Bi Youlong opened the briefcase and revealed the imperial seal inside.

"Shui Cang, is this your true body?" Zhang Chuyi asked towards the weapon spirit in his mind.

"My body is correct, but my soul is too weak now and needs to be cultivated for a while before I can withstand the dragon veins collected by my body, so I can't return yet." After Shui Cang finished speaking, he entered the dormant state again.

It was confirmed that the jade seal was authentic, and the big stone in the hearts of the three people finally fell to the ground. All they had to do next was to bring it back, and it was considered complete.

(End of this chapter)

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