Chapter 190 Rootless Descendants
"Is this so...I understand...I will be careful."

Early in the morning, Zhang Chuyi received news that Gong Qing, the head of Quanxingdai, had escaped from prison.

Although he knew that there were many insiders in the company, he really didn't expect that Gong Qing could escape under such tight guard.

But there was nothing we could do. After all, the person who rescued Gong Qing went there pretending to be Director Zhao. Everyone greeted him with smiles along the way. Who dared to stop him?
Therefore, Gong Qing's jailbreak this time had almost no technical content, and he was just disguised as Gary Yingwai.

The most pityful thing is that Gong Qing's forehead is very hard, and almost nothing was pried out of his mouth in this short period of time, so he has no idea what he is planning to lurk on Longhu Mountain.

But what is certain is that the Luotian Dajiao is now in full swing. With Gong Qing's character, he will definitely not miss this event, so the company only needs to send manpower to wait and see on the mountain.

But what needs to be guarded against is that Quan Xing and his gang went up the mountain again through the art of disguise.

Tourists and contestants cannot control it, but company employees will implement passwords from today to prevent impersonation.

The password is changed in the morning and evening, and the content is completely random. I hope this relatively old method can solve the problem.

"Qinglong Field, Zhang Chulan versus Noah!"

"White Tiger Field, Ma Xianhong versus Feng Shayan!"

"Xuanwu Field, Wang Ye versus Zhuge Qing!"

"In the Suzaku Arena, Zhang Chuyi's opponent abstains and automatically advances!"

Today's matchup was announced over the loudspeaker.

You don’t need to watch Ma Xianhong’s scene. Yesterday, he had a fight with a young carpenter from Jiyun Club, which made a young man in his early twenties burst into tears.

It stands to reason that those who can come to participate in the Luotian Grand Ceremony are all the elites of the sect. The Qi Refiner named Zhao Luan is even more powerful in his sect and is regarded as the hope of reviving the Jiyun Society.

However, Ma Xianhong didn't even use one of his own magical weapons against him, and directly used the divine machine Bailian to give all of Zhao Luan's magical weapons to NTR.

Just like Feng Xingtong grabbed Liu Kunsheng forcefully in the original world, he could do nothing but stare.

The Eight Wonders are so domineering, and they are completely invincible in their respective fields. The same is true for Ju Lingqian, and the same is true for Fenghou Qimen.

So when Zhao Luan found out that the magic weapon he had worked hard to polish for more than ten years was snatched away by Ma Xianhong in an instant, he was extremely devastated and felt a sense of despair that his outlook on life had collapsed.

Even though Ma Xianhong returned the magic weapons afterwards and upgraded them by the way, Zhao Luan still did not hold back and cried directly in front of the public.

Ma Xianhong won this match without any bloodshed, while Jia Zhengliang and Feng Shayan in the same group beat each other bloody, which can be called the bloodiest match in Luotian Dajiao.

In the end, Jia Zhengliang was sympathetic and did not kill Feng Shayan. The two even stayed in the same ward for a night after the game, not knowing what happened.

In short, Feng Shayan was seriously injured. She probably couldn't even show [-]% of her usual strength in this match with Ma Xianhong, so there was almost no suspense.

As for Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing's team, even though Zhuge Qing has already cultivated Samadhi True Fire, Zhang Chuyi feels that Zhuge Qing will still not be Wang Ye's opponent.

The fire of life that is designed to burn the soul is still fire in the final analysis.

As long as it is fire, it will be controlled by Fenghou Qimen.

So it’s hard to say how much power it will be able to exert by then.

As for Zhuge Qing's cultivation in Qimen magic, it was not worth mentioning in front of Wang Ye.

Of course, compared to these two sets of low-suspense matches, Zhang Chuyi is even more exaggerated here.

Originally, his opponent was an Asan in India. The aliens there mainly practiced yoga and chakra. The former was physical skills and the latter was magic.

Ah San, who was facing off against him, majored in yoga and physical skills. He could swing his arms and legs several meters away and hit people like sticks. He was elusive and quite difficult to deal with.

But maybe after watching the battle between Zhang Chuyi and Ding Zhangan, I had a deep understanding of his strength, and knew that fighting him would have a high probability of being killed instantly, so I simply gave up to avoid being beaten in the ring. .

At this point, the knockout rounds of the Suzaku group have been completed. Zhang Chuyi successfully broke through in this group and will next face the winner of Ma Xianhong and Feng Shayan.

He probably fought against Ma Xianhong, and he didn't know how powerful the armor he developed was.

Of course, these are all matters for the next game.

Chu Lan's opponent this time is one of the top talents in Europa.

Perhaps he has no interest in the position of Heavenly Master or the Tongtian Ru, but he is extremely eager to prove his strength and gain honor by defeating powerful enemies.

So Noah not only wants to defeat Zhang Chulan, but he is also very eager to fight himself.

These are all remarks he posted on social platforms before the game, so it is impossible to expect him to be waterproof.

Sister Baoer also looked for a chance last night, but the guards of the English Royal Guards were too strict and could not get close at all, let alone bury Noah alive.

Therefore, this will be the first hurdle Chu Lan encounters at the Luotian Dajiao, and it may also be the most difficult hurdle.

"Noah's special move requires energy accumulation, and he has amazing physical strength. He will definitely lose in a protracted battle, so he must fight quickly."

Before going on the field, Zhang Chuyi explained the strategy for this game to his second brother.

Zhang Chulan nodded solemnly, and then stepped onto the ring with a serious expression.

Compared to the serious Zhang Chulan, Noah smiled very relaxedly.

After all, Zhang Chulan's previously shown strength was mediocre, and the most powerful thing about his body was probably his mouth.

But as long as you prepare yourself mentally beforehand, you won't be fooled by him.

"Do I need to give you some time to talk about something?" Noah said to Zhang Chulan with a smile: "I'm actually quite curious about what kind of cheating package you have prepared for me."

"Sorry, I have nothing to say to you."

Before Zhang Chulan finished speaking, his eyebrows suddenly twisted and he shouted angrily: "Five Thunders Zhengfa!"

He raised his right hand and threw out a canopy of brilliant white lightning like fireworks, leaving a trail of dark smoke wherever it passed. This was the trace left by the magazines in the air being burned and purified by the lightning.

Lightning's attack was extremely fast. If Zhang Chulan's movement of raising his hand wasn't so conspicuous, Noah might not have been able to react.

However, even after he reacted, he couldn't escape and only had time to cover his body with a layer of pale golden fighting energy shield.Although he consciously kept a certain distance from Zhang Chulan, it was not far enough. The speed of the fighter was not enough to avoid the lightning attack at such a close distance.

The palm thunder hit Noah's chest hard. Although the rapidly flowing fighting energy offset part of the damage, Noah still felt unbearable pain.

This lightning was really overbearing, and it was even more painful than the pain he suffered while practicing Dou Qi.

In the first few seconds after receiving the electric shock, Noah's heart even skipped a beat, and his whole chest was as painful as being burned by flames. Zhang Chulan only used one blow to leave an indelible mark on Noah's "heart" mark.

But he managed to survive the blow, and it was not Noah's habit not to fight back when he was hit.

"Liuguang Slash!"

Noah leaned forward, and then rushed out. The sharp sword in his hand shone brightly, leaving a long string of phantoms in the air. This sword seemed to cut off the light and shadow.

However, Zhang Chulan, who had already used his lightning technique, was so incredibly fast that even when faced with such a swift and violent sword, he still managed to dodge it as easily as he could at a leisurely pace.

After being trained by his elder brother for a month, he repeated the connection between dodge and counterattack countless times, and it had become as natural as muscle memory.

After dodging Noah's sword, he raised his knee and kicked him directly into the air, then raised his hand and fired another palm thunder.

This time, Noah was prepared.

Although he was not a saint, he would not be a saint for the second time. His strong physical fitness allowed him to reach out and yank his shoulder in the air, causing his body to spin more than ten times. , completely deviating from the attack trajectory of Palm Thunder!
This was entirely just Noah's physical fitness, and he hardly used any extraordinary power.

The audience who knew this all exclaimed in admiration. You can imagine how terrifying the muscles exposed by Noah would be after taking off his clothes.

Don't think this is an incredible operation. Olympic diving can rotate in the air for several and a half weeks.

And Noah has been practicing Dou Qi for more than ten years, and his physical fitness is many times better than these ordinary athletes. Making such an action is just childish.

If necessary, Noah can even jump on his left toes three times in a row!
In China, this move can also be called eight steps to catch the cicada.

In fact, the peak of China's power should be the overlord of Western Chu 2000 years ago.

Legend has it that he had the power to lift himself into the air by pulling his hair with both hands.

In comparison, Noah spinning a few circles in the air is indeed a bit insignificant, and even not as awesome as Overlord's hair.

But it's enough to cope with the scene in front of me.

Noah, who had been turning in the air for thirteen and a half weeks, narrowly avoided this palm thunder move, but it was not over yet.

But under Zhang Chulan's control, Jiang Gong Lei became more flexible than Shui Zang Lei.

Jiang Gong Lei, who missed his target, made a big turn in the air, turned around and ran towards Noah again.

But now that he has landed, and with some help, the fighter's maneuverability is unparalleled by few in the world of extraordinary beings.

With a loud "Peng" sound, a large piece of gravel was thrown up behind Noah. This was the ground that was trampled by his feet, and he himself had disappeared. Even Zhang Chulan, who was facing him, had lost sight of him. control of the position.

It’s unimaginable how fast Noah’s speed has reached at this moment. No one can see his figure clearly. There is a strong golden wind in the entire arena, which is the color of Noah’s fighting spirit!

"Liuguang Slash!"

Noah's voice passed through the barrier of space and came to Zhang Chulan's side in an instant.

The direction of his attack was facing Zhang Chulan's face. The trajectory of the attack was so easy to capture that it was not difficult to dodge it.

I saw a flash of white light on Zhang Chulan's body, and Noah's sword failed again.

But Noah's attack did not stop there. In fact, he never thought that he could meet Zhang Chulan so easily from the beginning to the end.

Although I don’t want to admit it, even if I go all out, I am still three points behind Zhang Chulan in terms of speed. This seemingly sinister sixth man has powerful strength that does not match his appearance!

It is difficult for his mediocre attack to achieve any outstanding effect.

What he really has to do is use the speed of this move to get closer.

The moment Flowing Light Slash was dodged, Noah let go of his left hand and clenched it into a fist.

Not slow or fast, using inertia, Noah took advantage of the situation and swung a big punch towards Zhang Chulan.

Zhang Chulan only had time to turn half of his head before Noah's attack was already in front of him.

If you forcefully turn your head, you will definitely be severely injured, but if you don't turn, how can you defend yourself against Noah's attack?

Suddenly, Zhang Chulan was forced into a desperate situation by Noah!
It's a pity that Noah made a mistake. Zhang Chulan has been avoiding it since the beginning of the battle, and the thunder spells he released were all long-range attacks.

This made Noah mistakenly believe that Zhang Chulan was an extraordinary person like a magician. This kind of extraordinary person has the following characteristics: high skill, long hands, and crispy skin!
However, who among the Chinese warriors is not good at close combat?
"Lei Gang!"

Zhang Chulan shouted loudly, and his loose T-shirt suddenly expanded and flew.

This is the result of a month of hard training. After taking so many beatings, he has learned a skill that allows him to take more beatings. His defense is better than the Golden Light Spell, and he also has speed.

The blue arc light filled the whole body. Although Zhang Chulan still didn't turn his head, he raised his right hand like lightning and struck it out with a horizontal palm.

There were two muffled sounds of "Bang Bang". After Noah's fist connected with Zhang Chulan's right palm, he immediately kicked out sideways, but it was still blocked by Zhang Chulan's left palm.

The white Dou Qi and the blue Thunder Gang complement each other, forming two distinct air waves.

Noah's attack was not over yet. He opened his mouth wide and took a deep breath of oxygen, in order to use this breath of oxygen to take down Zhang Chulan at once.

Noah, who was also blocked in the second wave of attacks, was not discouraged. Although he didn't know the idiom of going all in one go, he also knew that he couldn't stop in this situation, so he could only grit his teeth and launch another attack.

The earth and rocks on the ground were trampled and scattered in all directions under Noah's powerful force. Noah, who had gained strong power, clung to Zhang Chulan like a madman and swung air-tearing fists one after another.

One punch followed another without any gaps. For a moment, Zhang Chulan could only parry. Although he was protected by Lei Gang, his body still kept retreating.

Noah's attacks are not as sophisticated as Chinese martial arts. Western melee combat techniques are so direct. They never seek to be entertaining. What they pay attention to is killing everyone with one blow.

Fortunately, the martial arts practiced by Zhang Chulan were not showy. Under Noah's pressing step by step, the situation seemed to be one-sided, but in fact it was still as stable as Mount Tai, and the situation was like a stalemate.

(End of this chapter)

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