The red sky covering the sky

Chapter 159 When I became enlightened

Chapter 159 When I became enlightened
"When I become enlightened, all living beings in the universe should be under my control. When I look at the world, all living beings always bully the weak, fight and kill, and are greedy.

All living beings are fighting endlessly, the world has been turned upside down, mountains and rivers have been displaced, mortals have suffered countless casualties, and blood has flowed into rivers. Therefore, I am here to divide the two realms. Anyone can seek immortality, but immortality cannot reach ordinary people! "

The majestic voice sounded and spread throughout the universe. At the same time, a ray of fairy light flew out from the Chitian Temple, carrying the roar of gods and demons and the roar of thousands of dragons into the starry sky.


In an instant, the fairy light rose into the starry sky, exploded with a bang, and turned into pieces of light feathers flying in all directions, covering the entire universe in a short time.

At the same time, a message suddenly appeared in the hearts of thousands of sentient beings in the universe.

From then on, the universe was divided into two realms, one was the mortal realm, and the other was the monk realm. Between the two realms, monks were not allowed to harm mortals, otherwise they would cause karma. When the karma accumulated to a certain extent, they would be burned by karma fire.

Even if the karmic fire burns the body and does not die, the sinister wind will continue to corrode the bones, blow away the limbs and bones, and blow out the soul.

If the sinister wind corrodes the bones and the body does not die, it will be punished by heaven.

These are called three disasters.

This is Jiang Chili who was inspired by the three disasters of wind, fire and thunder in Journey to the West. He used the Tongtian Mingbao as the main body and refined his own karma fire seeds into it. He also combined it with the power of the immortal curse of the Tongtian Mingbao itself to turn it into Yin wind.

As for the Heavenly Punishment, it is the secret technique of the Origin Dao, which connects the heaven and the earth and triggers the Heavenly Punishment. The Heavenly Punishment is not only a thunder disaster, Jiang Chili also refines the brands of all the great emperors he encounters into it.

Therefore, the power of Heaven's Punishment is the strongest. After all, all the great emperors including him have taken action together throughout the ages, and there is no wheel battle, and there is no time limit. Even he, facing this kind of lineup, will die.

For mortals, Jiang Chili naturally also considered that they could choose to live a stable and ordinary life, or they could choose to seek immortality and practice, because Jiang Chili only stipulated the lawless behavior of monks.

This was Jiang Chili's method to fulfill his oath, and it was also the reason why he spent decades traveling the universe in search of the Heavenly Treasure.

It is useless to simply change the rules of heaven and earth. After all, in the world of Zhetian, what the geniuses of all walks of life are best at is breaking the rules.

If the imperial weapon is used, it is not only useful for dealing with low-level monks, but for high-level monks, this move is not a threat at all, but will become a resource for their practice.

Therefore, it is said that there is something beyond the imperial weapons to ensure that Jiang Chili's rules can exist for a long time, so the immortal weapon came into his eyes.

There were four immortal artifacts in Zhetian World before Jiang Chili became a Taoist, including the Desolate Tower, the Immortal Bell, the Source Cauldron of All Things, and the Heaven-Bearing Underworld Treasure.

It is a coincidence that these four immortal weapons are all related to the Emperor of Huangtian. The Huangta was originally refined by him, and the Immortal Bell is also the remains of the Taoist soldiers of the Immortal King Wu Ending, who placed it in Kunlun for cultivation.

The Tongtian Mingbao is the second incarnation of his brother Cao Yusheng. It is the instrument of the Underworld Emperor's enlightenment. The Origin Cauldron of All Things was also refined by the Emperor with the help of the Underworld Emperor.

It can be said that everything originated from Emperor Huangtian. After all, this world was re-completed by him.

Closer to home, among the four immortal artifacts, the Cauldron of Origin of All Things has long been shattered, and the Desolate Tower has fallen into the hands of the Qing Emperor. As he relies on the method of developing immortality and evolving the immortal realm, Jiang Chili will not snatch it away.

As for the Immortal Bell, its whereabouts cannot be found. Only the Tongtian Mingbao, which has a close relationship with the underworld, is the easiest immortal weapon to obtain.

Therefore, after finding the Tongtian Mingbao, Jiang Chili first erased its deity and then banned it to prevent it from giving birth to consciousness again in the years to come.

And because the Tongtian Mingbao swallowed the blood of the special constitution of the heavens and the monsters of the underworld, it was able to be made into an immortal weapon.

Therefore, Jiang Chili refined the origins of the source of gods, ghosts, and corpse emperors into it to supplement its deficiencies.

After this transformation, the Tongtian Mingbao was refined into a suitable anchor, and the rules he changed were firmly nailed into the avenue of heaven and earth. "Respect the order of the Red Emperor!"

"Thank you, His Majesty the Red Emperor, for showing mercy!"


As Jiang Chili's voice spread throughout the heavens, and with the response from the origin of the avenue, all mortals were praising Jiang Chili's name, and countless powers of faith rushed in, as vast as a galaxy.

As for the monks, they were not touched at all. After all, all those who benefited from the Red Emperor's decree were mortals.

It's not that Jiang Chili doesn't want to include low-level monks, but that this place is a training ground after all, a Gu cup where a peerless Gu King can be raised.

And all the monks come from lower levels. If low-level monks are included, then the function of this world's military training ground will be lost.

Jiang Chili could not predict the consequences of this. After all, he had some scruples and was not a lawless person.

Of course, all these scruples might just be wishful thinking on his part, but he still chose to play it safe.

After nailing down the rules for all living beings, Jiang Chili wore a big red robe and tied up his red hair, leaving the dragon girl to accompany his father-in-law. He stepped down from the throne and accepted the wine pouring from Ye Fan and others. He, who did not drink alcohol at all, at this moment Broken.

The Chitian Divine Land was abuzz, full of laughter and laughter. Not only were there fireworks all over the sky, but Hua Yunfei and a group of Holy Spirits played various divine music under the command of Changqin. Many divine birds danced at the sound.

Colorful clouds and mist surround the palaces, making everyone feel as if they are in a fairyland.

Some women from the Sun God Cult and the Purple Dragon Clan even dressed up like fairies and danced in the sky in the clouds.

There were sounds of playing, playing, clinking glasses, and firecrackers, accompanied by the fragrance of all kinds of flowers blooming, and the hibiscus sacred tree also stretched its branches to its heart's content.

The Zhurong ax, together with the exquisite black and yellow pagoda of heaven and earth, hummed softly in the long dragon, sending out pleasant fluctuations. They collided with each other from time to time, and cooperated with the performances of Hua Yunfei and others, constantly emitting the divine sound of the great avenue.

In the Chitian Temple, the sound of the long harp came out. He was also wearing a big red robe, acting as the master of ceremonies for his parents, shouting from the side:
"First worship the heaven and earth! Second worship the high hall..."


It was a bright night, with the bright moon in the sky and stars embedded in the dark universe, emitting little starlight.

In the palace decorated as a wedding room, candlelight continued to shine, reflecting the hazy atmosphere.

The bright moonlight poured down, covering the entire palace with a layer of white light.

Through the windows of the palace, the room was filled with a charming atmosphere. A slim woman was sitting on the edge of the bed, covered with a red hijab, her jade hands on her knees, nervously intertwined.

Jiang Chili stepped forward slowly, gently lifted up the red hijab, revealing an incomparably beautiful face. In the candlelight, the long eyelashes trembled slightly, and a pair of water-like eyes opened, looking intently in front of him. man.

This is one of the most touching moments in a woman's life.


The candles were extinguished, and the watery moonlight spilled in. In the dimness, two figures could be seen intertwined, humming softly.

(End of this chapter)

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