The red sky covering the sky

Chapter 211 Nuwa is angry and the storm is rising

Chapter 211 Nuwa is angry and the storm is rising

"The scenery of Feng Luan Bao's tent is very beautiful, full of gold and gold, the winding mountains are flying green, the dancing sleeves reflect the neon clothes, the pear blossoms are showing off their beauty in the rain, the peonies are wrapped in smoke and the makeup is charming, but if you are enchanting and able to move, you can marry back to Changle Serve the king.”

Nuwa's face was ashen as she looked at the poem engraved on her statue. She was originally going to visit Fuxi today. Although they are two clans, the first generation Nuwa and the first generation Fuxi were brothers and sisters.

Therefore, the Fuxi clan and the Nuwa clan are as close as one family, and because the first generation of the Nuwa clan served as the emperor of heaven, and in ancient legends, the first person in the world was born to the Nuwa clan and the Fuxi clan , so Nuwa is also revered as the Holy Mother of the human race.

This name also accompanies every Nuwa clan.

On this day, the current Nuwa clan went to the secluded place of the human emperor, the Fire Cloud Cave located in an unknown place. This is the final destination of the human emperors of all generations. After all, they have completed their mission.

In order not to cause panic in the outside world, and for the healthy development of the human race, they will take the initiative to leave after fulfilling their destiny.

At first, they lived in seclusion in the world, but someone could always find them. After all, the taste of power can drive people crazy. Even if the current Emperor of Heaven is not greedy for power, his people and his ministers will not be like him. generally.

Therefore, in desperation, they left this colorful world and opened the Fire Cloud Cave in an unknown place. If they were not close friends, they would not be able to find the location of the Fire Cloud Cave.

After returning from Huoyun Cave, Nuwa was attracted by the incense offered by human sacrifices. She remembered that today was the Christmas Day of the first generation Nuwa. She was inspired to visit Nuwa Palace.

Unexpectedly, the statue of Nuwa, which had not been stained for thousands of years, was actually inscribed with a disrespectful poem.

Seeing this poem, Nuwa couldn't help being furious. She was the Holy Mother of the human race. Although it was just a name, this name meant that the human race was like her own children, but she didn't expect that some children would be unfilial and insult their mothers. How could she not be angry.

Nuwa, who had been a lady for thousands of years, suddenly lost her mind and cursed: "Yin Shou is an unruly and ignorant king! He doesn't want to cultivate his moral character, rule the people, and protect the world. Today, he is not afraid of human relations, and has gone back to heaven to recite obscene poems. I am so abominable that I conquered Jie and ruled the world for more than a hundred years. Now I have exhausted my energy. If I don’t retaliate with him today, I will not see my spiritual response!”

After that, he summoned the attendant fairy Jin Ning, transformed into the body of a Luan and Phoenix, and took the Bixia virgin to Chaoge.

Before she could get close to Chaoge, she was blocked by two rays of red light that reached the sky and could not get closer. Nuwa opened her eyes and looked down, only to see two children laughing and having fun in the palace of Chaoge. They were the second son of Emperor Xin. , Yin Jiao, Yin Hong, the red light shines from the two of them.

Nuwa ran the Fuxi Bagua and calculated with her fingers, and she realized that she still had 28 years of luck to become Tang. Even if Nuwa was one of the few great magical powers in the world, it would be difficult for her to make a mistake here.

Because this is the blessing of heaven that covers the entire land of China. Dayu spent decades and countless divine materials to lay out formations that covered the entire land of China, and added it with the blood of the kings of all the tribes of the human race. Bronze, cast the Nine Cauldrons to suppress the great formation.

If you want to harm the King of Humans, you have to fight against the land of China, against all the people of the human race, and against many people with great supernatural powers.

The Nuwa clan was even fighting against herself, because the Nine Cauldrons also contained her heart and soul. In desperation, the Nuwa clan had no choice but to turn around and leave, returning to the Wa Palace located 33 days away.

After Nuwa returned to the Wa Palace, she became more and more angry, with anger on her flawless face, so she called Caiyun Boy to take out a golden gourd and put it under the red osmanthus.

Open the gourd cover and move your hand, a white light shoots out from the gourd and changes in the wind. It is as big as a rafter and more than four or five feet high. Above the white light, a side hangs out, shining with five colors of divine light, hanging down. Thousands of auspicious colors.

The name of this treasure is: "The Demon Summoning Flag". It is a famous ancient artifact. It was made with the blood of all the spirits in the world when the first Nuwa clan was the emperor of heaven. It is the same as Jiang Chili's Zhurong Point General Jue. It is a treasure that commands all monsters.

Colorful rays of light continuously rushed out from the demon-summoning pill, falling from the sky and spreading all over the world. The great demons or their descendants who had left their efforts in the demon-summoning flag were all attracted by this aura, and unknowingly, they flew into the sky on their own. Arrive at the Wa Palace.

Except for those with great magical powers at the same level as Nuwa who can resist with great difficulty, even those who are at the peak of Lianxu Hedao and have control of their own destiny can hardly disobey this command from the depths of the bloodline. The power of the demon summoning banner can be seen. Generally speaking, the power of the first generation Nuwa clan is unfathomable.

Not long after, we saw the sad wind blowing, the miserable fog, the dark clouds stirring, the evil wind bursting, and the demons in the world were basically all here, waiting for Nuwa's decree.

Nuwa looked around the group of demons, and as her eyes moved, she had something in her mind, and ordered Caiyun Boy to lead the demons away, leaving only the three demons in Xuanyuan's tomb.

The three demons followed the imperial edict and entered the palace of Wa. As soon as they entered, they quickly knelt down on the ground and said, "The empress will live forever!"

One of these three monsters is a nine-tailed fox. They are the descendants of the leader of the Su family who used to compete with the wives and daughters of Dayu. Because they failed in the competition for the throne and had no face to face them, they drove themselves away from Qingqiu and lived in Xuanyuan Tomb. Among them, it has been practiced for thousands of years so far.

One is the nine-headed pheasant spirit, who comes from the bloodline of the nine-headed phoenix, a strange beast in the mountains and seas. The other is the jade pipa spirit, a local monster in Xuanyuan Tomb. Only the nine-tailed vixen and the nine-headed pheasant spirit are moved from outside. .

The three have been together for thousands of years and have a deep friendship, so they call themselves sisters.

Nuwa looked at the three monsters lying on the ground and said calmly: "The three monsters listened to my secret decree. Chengtang's luck is depressing. He must lose the world. Feng Ming Qishan. The Holy Lord has been born in the Western Zhou Dynasty. God's will has been determined. This is the number of Qi. That’s why.”

"I order you to hide your demonic form, stay in the palace, trouble the emperor's heart, and cut off the Tang Qi. Wait for Xiqi to attack the merchants, and secretly assist him in his efforts. Remember not to harm the common people. After the deed is completed, you will get the right results."

After Nuwa finished speaking, she finished her instructions and turned around to leave. The three demons from the Xuanyuan Tomb kowtowed their thanks, stood up, turned into a breeze, and left the Wa Palace.

This is exactly: "Three demons followed the order and performed sorcery, ruining Chengtang for 600 years!"


Back to Emperor Xin, after returning to the palace, he became depressed every day. This was noticed by two ministers, Fei Zhong and Youhun, and took it to heart.

On this day, when they were meeting Emperor Xin, they suddenly heard Emperor Xin sighing in a low voice:

"A few days ago, I was alone in Nuwa's palace, offering incense and praying for blessings. When I saw the beautiful face of the Virgin, I realized that all the concubines in the harem were like pheasants and phoenixes. I wonder if I, my beloved, have a good plan to solve the problem of the poor? Worry."

When Fei Zhong heard this, his big eyes flashed, but he lowered his head and thought about it.

"Your Majesty is the lord of ten thousand chariots. He is rich all over the world. His virtue is worthy of Yao and Shun. The greatness of the world belongs to your Majesty. What do you want that you cannot get?" "Tomorrow, your Majesty will issue an edict and order the princes from all over the world to go to every town. I offer hundreds of beauties to fill the harem, so why worry about not being able to satisfy His Majesty?"

When Emperor Xin heard the words, his face was overjoyed, all his worries were gone, and he said loudly: "I love you so much that I am a lonely minister. With you here, why worry about the world not being at peace? I will accept what you said, and I will do it tomorrow." I have issued a decree, please go back."

When Fei Zhong was so praised by Di Xin, he suddenly felt as if he was flying on the clouds. He even bowed and left the palace in a hurry.

Emperor Xin saw that Fei Zhong was not arrogant even after being praised by him, but was still so polite. He nodded secretly with satisfaction. He was very proud of his imperial skills and his mastery.

The next day, in the morning court, the ministers had just sat down when they heard Di Xin say:

"I want to pass down my decree to the princes from all over the world, and go to every town with me to select hundreds of beauties from good families, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, high or low, only with dignified appearance, gentle temperament, leisurely etiquette, and generous behavior to fill the harem Servant.”

As soon as Emperor Xin finished speaking, he saw a minister walking out of the ranks of civil servants. It was Prime Minister Shang Rong. He said: "If you follow the rules, all the people will be happy. If you don't follow orders, there will be no less than a thousand beauties in your majesty's harem." , the concubine came to the imperial court, and there is a concubine, and now I want to choose a beautiful woman, I fear that I will lose the popularity of the people."

"I have heard that if you enjoy the people's happiness, the people will also enjoy it; if you worry about the people's worries, the people will also worry about their worries. In the past, Yao and Shun enjoyed themselves with the people, transformed the world with benevolence, and did not engage in war or killing. When cutting, the stars shine in the sky, the dew falls, the phoenix stops in the courtyard, the grass grows in the wild, the people are prosperous, the pedestrians give way, the dogs do not bark, it rains at night and is clear during the day, and the rice grows double ears, these are the signs of the prosperity of the avenue. "Now, if Your Majesty takes pleasure in the recent past, his eyes will be dazzled by many colors, his ears will be listening to the harem, he will be indulged in wine and sex, wandering in the gardens, and hunting in the mountains and forests. This will be the sign of ruin without virtue!"

"I am an old minister who holds the position of high official in the imperial court, has been promoted to Prime Minister, and has been greatly favored by three generations of kings. I dare not remind your majesty that I hope that your majesty will respect the virtuous and resolutely refrain from dishonesty, practice benevolence and righteousness, and master morality. Then harmony will prevail in the world, the people will naturally be rich, and the world will be peaceful. Yongxi from all over the world shares endless blessings with the people."

"Moreover, the swordsmanship in Beihai is soaring now. The Grand Master has not returned from the hard battle. All the weapons and food are donated by the princes from all over the world. This has already wasted the people and cost money. Now is the time to cultivate his virtue, love his people, cherish his waste money, and pay attention to his orders. Although Yao and Shun were not like this, so why should they be happy for mere beauty? I am a fool and do not know taboos. I hope your majesty will tolerate it."

When Shang Rong finished speaking, he knelt down on the ground and grabbed the ground with his head. All the ministers also echoed their words. At this time, there were many loyal ministers in the Shang Dynasty, and they were all upright. Emperor Xin was overwhelmed by this awe-inspiring uprightness, and his mind suddenly sobered up. After a while, he immediately said:

"In that case, just follow what my beloved said."

After retiring from the court, the evil spirit once again invaded Di Xin's body, confusing his body and mind, causing him to seek out Fei Zhong and You Hun again for discussion. Fei Zhong and You Hun were unwilling to let go of such a good opportunity for promotion, so they said to Di Xin:

"I recently heard that the Hou Suhu of Jizhou has a daughter. She is beautiful and beautiful, and has a quiet and gentle nature. If she is chosen to enter the palace and serve around her, she is worthy of serving as a servant. Moreover, if he only chooses his daughter, she will not disturb all the people in the world. , I expect the ministers will not object again."

When Emperor Xin heard this, Long Yan was overjoyed and said:

"What Ai Qing said is very true!"

Immediately, he ordered someone to summon Suhu, the Marquis of Jizhou.

There are eight hundred princes in the world, why did Fei Zhong and the other two only mention Su Hu, the Marquis of Jizhou? However, it turns out that as Emperor Xin's confidants, the two of them were the princes of the world. A great gift was prepared.

Only Suhu, the Marquis of Jizhou, who was upright and fiery in nature, looked down upon the lucky ministers like Fei Zhong the most, so he did not give any gifts, so he was resented by the two of them.

Not long after, Su Hu followed the person who conveyed the decree to the Longde Hall to meet him. Emperor Xin said bluntly without talking nonsense:
"I heard that you have a daughter who is quiet, kind-hearted, and behaves moderately. I want to choose her to serve in the harem. When the time comes, you will be a relative of the country, eat her heavenly salary, accept her prominent position, stay in Jizhou forever, enjoy peace and prosperity, and become famous all over the world. , The whole world is envious of you, I wonder what your wishes are?"

When Su Hu heard this, his expression suddenly changed. He suppressed the anger in his heart and said seriously:

"In your Majesty's palace, there are concubines at the top and concubines at the bottom, no less than thousands of them. How can they not be enough to please the king's eyes and ears because they are charming and charming? Now, your majesty listens to the flattering words from the left and right. Is it unjust to try to trap your majesty? Besides, the ministers are so thin. Liu Zhizi has never been familiar with etiquette and has no merits. I hope that your majesty will pay attention to state affairs and quickly kill this slanderous villain, so that future generations will know that your majesty has a sincere heart and cultivates his moral integrity. He is willing to listen to advice and is not a good person. Isn’t it beautiful for a lustful king?”

After hearing this, Emperor Xin laughed and said:
"What you said is that you really don't know the general trend. From ancient times to the present, no one wants to marry a girl into a famous family, let alone marry into the harem. Her dignity will be no less than that of the princes. When the time comes, you will be a relative of the emperor, and there is nothing more glorious than this. "

When Su Hu saw that Di Xin was so insistent and that Fei Zhong and Youhun were fanning the flames, he knew that if he didn't have an explanation today, he would never leave the Chaoge Palace.

Although he was a straight man, he was able to sit firmly in the position of Jizhou Marquis, and he was not ignorant of flexibility. At the moment, he could only give in and bowed: "In that case, when I return to Jizhou, I will The little girl dedicates her palace to serve the king."

Emperor Xin was overjoyed when he heard this. At this time, evil energy entered his body and his mind was disturbed. He was already obsessed with sex. How could he tell whether what Su Hu said at this time was true or false.

It's just that Fei Zhong and Youhun felt that something was wrong, and they knew what Su Hu was like. They wanted to punish Su Hu with the help of Di Xin, but they didn't expect that this honest man was also a rare smart person.

But the matter was brought up by the two of them, and they didn't dare to expose it in person at the moment. Di Xin was in a bad mood, so he could only swallow the bitter pill and make up his mind secretly.

Su Hu came out of the palace and returned to the post house. All the generals gathered together to console him and asked, "Your Majesty has summoned the marquis to the court. What are you discussing?"

Hearing this, Su Hu could no longer suppress the anger in his heart and said angrily:

"That unscrupulous and foolish king, who does not consider the virtues of his ancestors, but favors the flattering words of his slanderous ministers, and wants to choose my daughter as his concubine, must be the two traitors Fei Zhongyouhun, who deceives the king's heart with wine and sex, and wants to spread the government.

I think that when the Grand Master went on an expedition, two thieves seized power, and saw that the ignorant king was debauched and drunken, and the government was disordered. The world was desolate, and the dawn was hanging. It was pitiful that the 600-year-old country was about to disappear. I thought to myself, if I didn't send this girl to the In the palace, the cowardly king must raise an army to investigate the crime. I want to send this girl to the palace. From now on, the cowardly king will lose his virtue and make the world laugh at me. I wonder if the generals have any good advice to teach me? "

When all the generals heard the words, they all said together: "We heard that if you are not upright, your subjects will surrender to foreign countries. Now the king despises the virtuous and values ​​the beauty, and his eyes are confused. If you don't go out and defend your country, you can protect the clan." You can protect your family.

At this time, Su Hu was in a rage. When he heard this, without thinking, he was dominated by the anger in his heart and said: "A real man should do things clearly!"

Immediately, he ordered the people around him to pack their bags, and without stopping for a moment, they came out to perform Chaoge, took out the four treasures of the study, and wrote poems on the Meridian Gate.

The poem says: The monarch destroys the officials, and there are five constants.Su Hu of Jizhou will never go to business!

(End of this chapter)

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