Dou Po: This alchemist is too fierce

Chapter 239 The legendary door of life and death

Chapter 239 The legendary door of life and death

Nalan Yanran tapped her toes on the ground, and since she had no flying fighting skills, she floated into the air.

The energy around her body skyrocketed, and circles of light cyan substantial ripples emitted from her body. The long sword in her hand was pointed directly at the strange wall.

The sunlight in the sky slowly converged towards the long sword, and in an instant the light on the sword's body rose sharply, like the second sun in the sky.

When the energy brewed to its peak, the sword began to tremble continuously because of the power of heaven and earth, and the energy rioted the next moment.

A fierce sword energy floated in the sky, and it burst out towards the opposite wall as if it were coming. The speed and explosive power were very powerful.

The sword energy entered the wall without any hesitation. The smoke in the wall did not react at all. Zhou Chen thought it had failed, but after a while, the clouds and mist dispersed gently.

"What's going on? This fighting skill doesn't seem to be as good as mine." Zhou Chen scratched his head.

"This has nothing to do with strength. The key to opening this mist wall is the attributes and fighting skills of fighting spirit. The sect masters in recent generations before us were all practitioners of the wind attribute.

It was simply confirmed that the main fighting spirit practiced by the Yunlan Sect was wind attribute, because Yan Ran, the younger generation who best used the wind attribute fighting spirit, became the young sect leader.

There is a sensing device in this wall. As long as you use the unique wind attribute fighting skills that represent the Yunlan Sect, you can open this wall, so there is no difference in strength. "

After listening to Yun Yun's explanation, Zhou Chen nodded in realization, "I see, then we can go in now."


After the smoke completely disappeared, the three of them moved towards the depths of the tombs. The deeper they went, the taller the tombs inside were, which meant that the status of the person buried was getting higher and higher.

Reaching the deepest position, a mausoleum decorated with gold and precious stones appeared in front of everyone. These people had only one identity: the previous heads of the Yunlan Sect!
"As far as I know, the Yunlan Sect has nine generations of sect leaders from you. There are no mausoleums in Yunshan, which means there are seven mausoleums here. So the sect leader surrounding the center is Yun Potian, the founder of the Yunlan Sect. "

Zhou Chen raised his head and slowly looked at these tall mausoleums. He felt inexplicably cold among these mausoleums.

"We'll find out when we go in." After Yun Yun finished speaking, she walked towards the center of several tombs, with Nalan Yanran following closely behind.

Before Zhou Chen and Nalan Yanran could take a few steps, their expressions suddenly changed. There was no mausoleum in the middle, only a door frame, a green door frame with some moss.

"There is no mausoleum in the middle. Then, where is Yun Potian?" Zhou Chen said in surprise.

"Actually, we didn't find the remains of the ancestor, only some clothes. We only know that the last place he appeared was here. Later, we couldn't detect his life and death. For the overall situation of Yunlan Sect, the second sect leader took office, but he was only in his early twenties. Senior Yun Hongying, the sect leader.”

"The second leader of the Yunlan Sect, Yun Hongying? I have no impression at all." Zhou Chen looked around at several tombs for a while and found the tombstone with Yun Hongying's name engraved on it.

There was a piece of red silk hanging on the tombstone, which was constantly blowing in the wind. What surprised Zhou Chen was that the date of Yun Hongying's death was written... unknown.

"Teacher, are there any missing books in the Yunlan Sect? Why are there so few records about the second sect master? There is not even a date of death." Nalan Yanran squatted next to Zhou Chen and wiped it carefully. tombstone.Yun Yun shook her head, "Sorry, I don't know. Maybe it's because of the records in the classics. I vaguely remember what this old Yun Hongying is like. He is no less mysterious than the ancestor."

"I say that your Yunlan Sect doesn't pay enough attention to the protection of cultural relics. It doesn't even need tomb robbers to destroy them. This is a lot missing." Zhou Chen couldn't help but complain.

"Teacher, is it possible that the ancestor has not passed away yet? Is he hiding somewhere in this world?" Nalan Yanran said suddenly.

"I have a lot of imagination. I didn't even think of this place. If the realm is enough or other places meet the conditions, maybe it really can be done.

But it’s unlikely. If he was still alive, he shouldn’t have been without news for so many years. It’s not normal to not return to Yunlan Sect for so many years. I think it’s just that the body has not been found.

The strange thing is that Yun Potian doesn't even have a tomb. This is too shabby for a founder, and many Yun Lan sects don't have such money. "Zhou Chen scratched his head.

"I heard from some old people in the headquarters that it seems that the second sect master refused to give him a burial tomb. As for the reason, no one knows."

"Teacher, could it be that Senior Hongying had a bad relationship with the Patriarch, and he was angry, so he did not erect a tomb." After Nalan Yanran asked, she began to want to take back her words.

Generally, the young sect master is training with the sect master, which means that her relationship with Yun Yun is now that of master and disciple. Even if she is angry, the teacher focuses on training the students, and the students will not hold grudges so much that they don't even build tombs. Bar.

Fortunately, this was Nalan Yanran's inner voice, otherwise Zhou Chen next to her would hear him retort to her.

"This... I don't know about this either." Yun Yun looked a little embarrassed. These things were so old that people had forgotten them.

"Teacher, I have another question. I have always heard that the Patriarch is the strongest person in the history of the sect. What strength does he have?" Nalan Yanran said.

Zhou Chen also became interested when he heard this. There are very few records about the founder of the Yunlan Sect in this continent. They are basically mentioned in one stroke, leaving room for speculation. This successfully aroused Zhou Chen's curiosity.

The Jia Ma Empire is not well-known on the mainland, and is even a little behind. Even the strongest sect can only barely become a second-rate force on the mainland.

But it is the founder of this small second-rate force who can leave his name on the mainland. Ling Ying, the powerful person on the mainland, knows this person and has been remembered for so many years.

The strength of this Yun Potian will definitely be stronger than Yunshan, or even much stronger. If he can leave an unforgettable reputation on the mainland, then this person is definitely not an ordinary person.

"What kind of strength is it?" Zhou Chen raised his head and murmured.

Yun Yun shook her head bitterly, "I don't know the specific strength, but I guess that the senior of the old sect leader should have reached the Douzong level, or even the high-level Douzong level!"

"Huh~ It's so scary! This Yun Potian is really not simple. No, you don't know what is going on with this Yun Lan Sect." After Zhou Chen nodded, he couldn't help complaining in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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