People in DC, every day administrative leave

Chapter 177 177 Borrow a super brain

Chapter 177 177. Borrow a super brain

"You have reduced my sense of superheroes from other worlds a lot. If someone says that he is a superhero from a parallel world next time, I will teach him a lesson."

Bruce, who had taken some time to leave, appeared in front of them again, looking much younger.

The messy beard was cleaned up, the mop-like hair was trimmed, and he also put on his own bat suit.

"Why do you look like I've seen you before somewhere?"

Looking at Bruce walking out of the elevator not far away, the bat suit made of rubber-like material seemed to match a certain Batman in Zhang San's memory.

He used the simplest method to verify whether the two were the same Batman, and that was to ask a question: "Can your neck move?"


The other three people didn't understand why he would ask such a strange thing, but Bruce, who was wearing a hood, couldn't even shake his head for some reason.

So he took off his hood and replied, "Okay."

On the bridge to Gotham City.
A Batmobile that surprised the people of Gotham appeared among the military vehicles. They had not seen Batman for a long time and immediately asked their friends or family members sitting next to them to take pictures of the scene.

"You know him?"

In the military jeep, Dr. Stone asked Zhang San curiously.

This Asian man who came from another world and claimed to be a superhero was obviously coming to the parallel world for the first time, but he seemed to have already met Batman when he was in the Batcave just now.

"So, because not everyone is a hero who dares to kill bad guys like him, Dr. Stone."

The best way to solve trouble is to make the troublemaker disappear completely. Michael Keaton's 89 version of Batman is his favorite superhero movie.

When he first saw this Batman who could tie bombs to people and still smile, he didn't recognize him because this brother looked too much like a homeless man.

But after Bruce got trimmed and put on the rubber Bat suit, he felt familiar instantly.

Although Bruce who took off his hood was much older than the one in the Batman movie Zhang San watched, he still remembered the other person's face.

Sure enough, if you want Gotham City to become one of the safest cities in the world, you can only get rid of all the villains who cause trouble.

There's nothing bad-guy-killing Batman can't solve, because he's Batman!
His answer made Dr. Stone next to him even more curious. Why do people in the parallel world know Batman in their own world and know the things he has done before?

With their minds full of questions, Dr. Stone and his team returned to the Star Laboratory in Gotham City.

"I've given you the coordinates of my world. Gentlemen, please come on."

Fortunately, the last time he was brought to help by the Flash from another world, he wrote down the coordinates of his own universe, which could save researchers a lot of trouble.

Now Dr. Stone and Bruce only need to make a device that can open the door home by inputting the coordinates. With their smart brains, it will be okay even if it is a little difficult.

Zhang San will go find Superman in a moment. The other person's super brain will be able to figure out how to create advanced technological machines after a short period of study.

A Kryptonian who has been imprisoned by the people on earth for so long, can't he get help from such a skinny guy who can't see the sun and is very weak?

In the square in front of the laboratory, General Mike watched Zhang San get into some kind of single-person spaceship. He asked with some worry:
"Are you so sure that he can help you? What if the other party absorbs the yellow sun and becomes indestructible even with mankind's most powerful weapon, plus he hates the earth."

As a military personnel, General Mike is under a lot of pressure.

Previously, when Mike and others said that Zhang San was going to snatch the imprisoned Kryptonians, they were still a little excited.The reason is simple: everyone wants to study a living alien.

But now the attitude of those people has changed, because they know what kind of superpowers the guy called the Kryptonian has.

By absorbing the sun, you can become stronger, with speeds exceeding the speed of sound, unimaginable defense, and powerful power.
Regarding General Mike's statement that kryptonite can turn this superhuman into an ordinary person, they don't quite believe that a green-emitting stone can have such an effect.

Therefore, if Zhang San fails to deal with that Superman, he, Mike, will be finished.

"It's okay. If your reasoning doesn't make sense, I'll just punch you. After all, I'm still an Earthling."

The spaceship disappeared in front of General Mike. He sighed and hoped that what Zhang San said was true.

According to the address given by General Mike, Zhang San drove the spacecraft to a secret base in Siberia belonging to Mao Zi.

Heavy snow covered the entire place. The secret base, which only existed in confidential information, was surrounded by snow-capped mountains and covered a large area.

"Missile base?"

While observing, he discovered that this base not only had missile vehicles for anti-aircraft purposes, but also several large underground silos.

The small spacecraft entered the base along a half-open launch silo.

Zhang San was not in a hurry to go out. He first looked at the surrounding environment and found that two laboratories had been transformed under the launch silo.

Through the glass, he saw that the researchers in the laboratory were only wearing ordinary protective clothing and masks, and he felt relieved to float outside from the spacecraft.

As long as we are not engaged in virus research, everyone will be fine.

"Who are you!?"

The researchers in the laboratory found him wearing a black three-hole hood with a yellow-green light all over his body. One of them said while pressing the alarm on the wall.

Alarms sounded in the base, and the white lights in the laboratory turned orange and flashed.

"hands up!"

A group of soldiers running from the side passage pointed their rifles at the intruders in front of them, but they did not fire directly.

"I am from the planet Oa and am a member of the Green Lantern Corps. The Kryptonian you imprisoned in this base is my long-lost friend."

With the translation function of the lamp ring, Zhang San can skillfully use Russian to communicate with the soldiers in front of him.

"Are you aliens too?"

The leader of the soldiers moved his eyes to the man's shoulder. The palm-sized man was sitting on it and waving to them.

"Don't be so nervous. We come with peace. She is my friend."

Zhang San is here to find a friend. When they can have a normal conversation, neither party will act like a brainless movie supporting character.

"The Green Lantern Corps on Oa?"

"Well, it's similar to the space police, helping other planets to resist external disasters." He answered the other party's question and told the captain what the Legion was responsible for.

(End of this chapter)

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