People in DC, every day administrative leave

Chapter 211 211 Lucky Billy’s Day

Chapter 211 211. Lucky Billy’s Day

Seeing Billy being tied up in an oversized sack by the keyboard man, the other two guys, one blue and one gray, rushed towards the keyboard and quickly stopped the car halfway.

"You still don't admit it, do you? Then I will fill the bag with sewer water. The smell will be a hundred times worse than now!"

The sack made of eternal metal is specially designed to contain disobedient children. No matter how much trouble he makes inside, the sack will not break.

Adam, whose name is not black, will be weakened and injured by this metal. It is the same as Superman's relationship with kryptonite. It seems to be very targeted at the Shazam family with lightning bolts painted on their chests.

"I surrender!"

Finding he couldn't escape from the bag, Billy covered his mouth and nose and surrendered very loudly.

After a while.

Zhang San, who followed a few children to the Rock of Eternity, stared at the statue of the seven deadly sins that they had dressed up as a cool trendy person.

These ugly-looking monsters are quite funny when they are put on clothes and hung with small lamp beads, and their fighting method seems to be to knock people down and then bite them.

The fighting style doesn't fit the name Seven Deadly Sins at all, it's more like something from some monster movie.

And the Rock of Eternity, which is like a cave, the birthplace of magic, became a secret base full of colorful lights and various snacks after it came into the hands of Billy and others.

Opposite the Seven Deadly Sins is a TV, and in front of it is a sofa and a table full of knick-knacks.

To their left are seven stone chairs where natural light shines. Behind the center chair is a large stone slab with a golden lightning bolt symbol.

There is a small table next to each chair, with lamps, water glasses, snacks, etc.
There was even a handicraft hanging on the chair in the middle for someone to rest their head on. It must be that someone disliked the back of their head coming into contact with the stone chair, so they specially made a cushion.

"What kind of magic is that of yours? I've never seen it before." Eugene, who loves to learn, asked a question. When others didn't know what to say because their identities were known by the keyboard, he spoke up.

"The interference magic that can destroy the enemy's willpower before touching it, do you have any milk?"

Zhang San turned around and sat on the sofa, and cleared the glass bowl filled with candies on the coffee table.

Seeing the black girl Darla bring a glass of milk, he filled the glass bowl with spicy sticks.

"what is this?"

Smelling the special aroma of the contents in the bowl, several super boys wanted to try its taste.

Billy was brave enough to take a bite of something that looked very similar to licorice candy.

The toughness in the mouth is much worse than that of licorice candy, but it has a little sweetness and more spiciness.

However, the brave boy who dared to be the first to eat crab immediately tasted the pain. The burning pain in his stomach made him drop half of the uneaten food and pick up the milk on the coffee table and drink it hard.

"What's up with him?!"

Several people discovered that Billy's red face was covered with sweat, dripping like the shower head in the bathroom, and his eyes were narrowed into slits.

"This is also interference magic, it can make people very 'hot'."

"It's spicy?" Eugene curiously took a stick from the bowl and took a bite. There was no problem in the first few seconds, but later he became like Billy.

I have severe stomach pain, my face is hot and sweating.
The two also grabbed half a carton of milk left in the refrigerator. Eugene, who did not grab Billy, could only ask his companion next to him for help: "Help me!"

"I'm going to get you some milk." Dara didn't dare touch her brother who stretched out his hand towards her. She quickly disappeared for a few seconds and then came over with two cartons of milk.

But two boxes were obviously not enough, so Freddy went outside and bought two barrels, each of which was a little more than two liters.

After each consuming a bucket of milk, the two of them finally felt better. "A very scary magic, very powerful!"

No one dared to touch the bowl of spicy chips on the coffee table. Billy and Eugene did a good job of showing the remaining people the consequences of eating it.

"At that time, Neptune also ate this?"

Freddy remembered the scene where Aquaman showed up at Lex Tech Park to help Superman deal with the Keyboard Man, only to leave quickly within a few minutes.

They were still wondering where Neptune got the money to buy milk in the supermarket and why he drank milk.

Now the mystery is solved, it's the keyboard man's jamming magic.

"How did you make him eat it?" Mary was more curious about how the keyboard man threw this thing into Neptune's mouth. A strong man like him wouldn't just take it and eat it like Billy, right?
"That's it." Zhang San took out a spicy stick from the bowl and threw it casually but accurately into Billy's mouth, who was breathing hot air.

boom! ! !

Everyone seemed to see an invisible flame spurting out of this guy's mouth.
After Superboy's team leader became quiet again, he covered his mouth with his hand and asked the keyboard: "We don't have any grudges, right?"

"Yes, there is a lot of hatred. Either you die or I live."


"We just met for the first time today!" Billy was really scared. He really couldn't think of where he had offended this old man.

But when he saw a photo held by the keyboard man, the young man seemed to understand why.

"You're friends with that officer? Okay."

One of the two people in the photo is a keyboard, and the other is Zhang San, a new friend they made when they went to Evergreen to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

The photo of the two of them looking like brothers shows that their relationship is very good, almost like Billy and Freddy.

"He is indeed stronger now, with a friend like you"

"What did you say?"

"Didn't you use these interference magics on me just to stand up for him?"

Billy thought that the keyboard man hated him so much because of what happened at the chip shop that day, but what he didn't expect was that it wasn't the reason at all.

“I just want to teach you a lesson, and showing you the photos also makes you understand that Zhang San and I are very good friends.

If you still dare to recommend this 17-year-old minor to him, just wait to be put in a bag and thrown into the sewer. "

Seeing a silver table knife pop out from the front of the baguette held by the keyboard man, Billy swallowed in fear.

He felt the aura of danger from this table knife, absolute danger!

"It's rare for someone to be able to make him sober." Mary said with a smile as she looked at Billy who looked very bad.

Putting away the baguette, Zhang San saw that he was silent and asked proactively: "Why do you like Wonder Woman so much?"

"Are you kidding? Wonder Woman is a man's dream girl!"

As soon as he mentioned that beautiful woman, Billy started buzzing like an old washing machine when it was restarted, chirping his reasons.

(End of this chapter)

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