People in DC, every day administrative leave

Chapter 232 232 A book that even a fool can understand

Chapter 232 232. A book that even a fool can understand
Keyboard Man takes the Sabak Crown, the thing that gives one the power of six hellish demons at once.

The demons are Satan, Em, Belial, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, and Cratis.

Take their first letter, which is Shabak.

When the damned souls are sent to the Rock of End, the inheritors of the Shabak Crown will gain the power of these hellish demons and turn the earth into hell.

The Rock of Ending is like the opposite of the Rock of Eternity, one is Shabac and the other is Shazam.

"Give me a secret book of exorcism that a fool can learn without spending a lot of money on materials, and I will leave immediately."

Zhang San himself came here to touch the treasure, but he didn't touch the place where the Justice Society kept its books.

There is an opportunity right in front of you now and you must seize it.

"Exorcism is not an easy thing, it requires a price, and sometimes that price can be very painful."

Seeing that Keyboard was willing to talk to him, Kent took off Naboo's helmet.

The godless Doctor Fate talked to Zhang San about the dangers of exorcism and one of the most classic pieces of evidence:

The high-level demon summoned by John Constantine to exorcise the devil pulled the little girl's soul into hell.

"Do you all know this about Constantine?"

There was FBI agent Ethan before, and now Doctor Fate, Constantine, a liar, is really famous in the industry.

"What happened to John is a warning. Even if an exorcist has good intentions, he can still hurt those around him unintentionally.

As for your friend Zhang San, his body is very special. Even if he can't exorcise those demons, there is nothing he can do to him. "

Kent, holding the golden helmet, thought that the keyboard was asking for the exorcism book to give to its police officer friend.

Bang! ! !
Seeing it starting to smash the hangar door again, Kent said: "I can give you some exorcism methods at a low cost."

"Is it the kind that even a fool can learn? Is there any magic in it that can emit small fireballs and light up?"

Dr. Fate didn't reply. After putting on the helmet, he pulled Zhang San out of the castle with one movement of his hands.

At the same time, a brand new book fell next to him.

[Life Magic and Exorcism Spells]
As soon as Zhang San opened the book, he saw the signature on it, Kent Nelson.

It was not the god Naboo who wrote it, but Kent.

On the way back on the spaceship, he studied this easy-to-understand magic book.

I was just reading the first few pages when a note fell out.

[It is best never to take out the Sabak Crown. It can bring the power of hell demons to the world and bring destruction to the earth. 】

"Shabak crown?" Zhang San thought about it carefully, and it seems that he took a crown when he followed the lady named Adrianna to the cave in Khandak.

He seems to have processed the thing that sounds like a bad thing from its name and a bunch of special materials into a space ring. Now that ring should be worn on the hand of the black-clad Superman in another world.

Now that Khandak is under the control of his bald friend Adam, there is a high probability that there will not be a second Sabak crown made of eternal metal.

It seems that there is another hidden crisis that he has solved. The crown that can be warned by Doctor Destiny is also related to the demons of hell. This kind of thing must be destroyed directly!

Don't have any curiosity, and definitely won't be a supporting role in a horror movie.

When passing by Little Cork Town next to Evergreen Town, Zhang San took a look at where Ivy lived.

There is a little more red in the yard, and the cross shape of the flower is exactly the butt flower he gave to the other party.Click!
He took a photo, then opened his phone and sent the woman a private message.

Keyboard with 104 keys: You really like this kind of flower, I will find more for you next
The other party did not reply to him, but Zhang San, who was sitting in the spaceship, saw Ivy running out from the house and looking up at the sky.

104-key keyboard: Do you want to thank me?photo.jpg
Ivy, who was standing in the yard, looked down at the mobile phone in her hand, and then clenched her fists.

The vines she controlled sucked air out of the air, and the keyboard's ship seemed to have run away.

104-key keyboard: I was scared to death. It seemed like something was missing just now.Look, does it look like your precious plant?photo.jpg
Clap clap clap!

From a distance, Zhang San looked at the crazy vines and shook his head.

I can’t even crack a few jokes, women are really scary creatures.

After a while, someone who was yawning saw Ivy sitting at the door of her home with a mobile phone in her hand.

"Aren't you going to sleep? It's late now."

"I have to find a way to find where it lives..."

Harley looked at the content on her phone. The woman who wanted to take revenge on the keyboard seemed to be browsing the personal space of the ace police officer in the town next door to them?
" don't want to kidnap a policeman..."

Turning around, Ivy shook her head and said, "No."


Harry, who had just relaxed, heard the woman's second sentence the next second.

"I just wanted to invite him over for a meal and make friends."


Someone who had no idea that his own account was driving traffic to his own account, causing his account to be targeted by a woman, returned home and handed the book containing magic learning materials to the two brothers who were drinking and eating meat.

"Living magic and exorcism spells? What are these?"

After briefly flipping through two pages, a confused Chris said that he could not understand the content at all.

Then the vigilante tried it, but like Chris, he couldn't understand what it was saying at the beginning.

"Two idiots, they can't even understand the book." The Spider Queen looked at the things recorded above with disdain. As a result, her expression after reading it was a little unnatural.

"You don't understand either, do you?" Chris, who was smiling, knew exactly what was going on with this little guy when he saw her look like this.

"Fart! I know exactly what's inside!"

"Then talk about it."

The Spider Queen turned to look at the vigilante who said this, and then hesitantly mentioned some spells, exorcism rituals and other catalog names.

"That's not right. When I asked others for this book, I made it clear that I wanted a book that even a fool can learn. Could it be that you..."

After glancing at the two faces with different expressions, Zhang San felt that this new discovery was very scary.

"You are the fool! This book must only be read by a fool. Others cannot learn the content from this book."

Her words reminded Zhang San that maybe it was because of this that a few people couldn't understand.

No matter what Dr. Fate said, there was no way he could just hand over a book that would allow even a fool to learn magic and exorcism spells. The only possibility was that the book had magic restrictions.

(End of this chapter)

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