People in DC, every day administrative leave

Chapter 238 238 The British scammer called

(Because of Keyboard Man, it is willing to help Officer Zhang.)
That's what the governor values, the relationship between the Evergreen town cop and his keyboard friend.

He doesn't care at all.

"Sir, what do you mean?" Director Daniel asked with uncertainty as he tapped his fingers on the table with a smile on his face.

(The city will increase funding for your police department fivefold and triple the pay for all officers.

Chief Daniel, I have only one request, for the ace police officer to become the face of our state. )
It sounds like the governor wants to use this news to make others envious that his good friend with a keyboard lives in the small town of Evergreen, which is his territory.

His fingers stopped tapping on the table, and Director Daniel happily said to the governor on the other end of the phone: "I guarantee that he will become the representative of our state, sir."

After the call with the governor ended, he was about to call and ask about his good police officer when he saw a pile of personal belongings lying next to him.

Among them was a mobile phone belonging to the ace police officer.


"Director, I'm already home. Please keep those things for me first, and I'll pick them up when the vacation is over."

(I know you didn’t go back to the police station because you didn’t want to write a report. Anyway, take a good rest for a few days. I’ll tell you anything on the day you go to work.)
"Don't forget the overtime pay you agreed on."

After hanging up the phone, the man lying on the bed opened the group chat on his new phone. After a few hours, someone from [Superhero Family] finally replied to his previous words.

Captain Fantastic: Brother, do you still need help?

Captain Fantastic: @张三Friends?
Captain Marvel: I saw the new message from the keyboard. Just hope you're okay!

Zhang San: @ magical captain thank you.

After all, he was a warm-hearted kid. Billy probably checked the messages on his phone during get out of class time.

As for the other members, they don't know what the Justice League and Savage are doing to keep them at bay for so long.

The current Superman is more cautious and cautious in dealing with enemies than the original Sunshine Boy. There should be nothing that can stop them for such a long time, right?

But when a superhero does superhero things, he is not a superhero anyway.

You can find something to do in these free days, such as making money, or going to the mining area to supervise work?
After looking at the private messages in the background of the keyboard account, he found that the number of orders accumulated in the treatment appointment channel specially opened for him by the platform was not large and could be settled in one night.

A word from the mine supervisor
Before the mine leader Deadshot contacted him, Zhang San didn't want to go over and meet a group of people full of resentment.

Looking at Zod's stinky face, it's better to talk to the deputy commander Fulla who is searching for gold on alien planets to talk about life ideals. She is much better than Kara Zor-El, who is locked up in Wayne Manor.

That Supergirl has a Kryptonian black boyfriend. This is really disgusting.
Fortunately, Krypton exploded.

While browsing the news, an incoming call reminder suddenly popped up on his phone.

[The British liar who was cheated]
Seeing this remark name, Zhang San hesitated.

He and the Englishman had only been separated for a few days, and when he called now, he knew without even thinking that there was nothing wrong with him.


(I thought you wouldn’t answer my call, my dear friend.)
"I wasn't going to answer your call, but I want to hear why you're looking for me." The authentic sacred objects sold online are a bit expensive, and maybe this scammer is willing to share some of them with him.

(This is my friend. A fool has caused a little trouble. I need your help.)
"Never selfless, my prices are by the hour, sir."

(I can pay you back the [-] last time. It only takes half a day. It won’t waste your time.)
After thinking about it, Zhang San turned over and took out a pen and paper from the bedside table next to him and asked: "Pay the full amount first, and then tell me the location."

(God, you are darker than me! I am in a forest in Atlanta, Georgia.)

After remembering the address mentioned by Constantine on the other end, Zhang San did not rush out. Instead, he gave out a series of bank account numbers.

(I won’t give you less money, okay, I’ll remit the money now.)
After waiting for about ten minutes, a remittance of [-] yuan was added to his account.

[I'll go over now and prepare a cleaner chair for me. ]
As far as the other party's look was concerned, the family still didn't know what he was like.

Maybe the sofa is covered in cigarette ashes and the living room is filled with wine bottles.

After changing into all black clothes, Zhang San said something to Kara downstairs and then got on the small spaceship in the backyard and flew towards Atlanta, Georgia.

The location given by the British scammer was in a remote forest in Atlanta, some distance from the city center.

When he was still a hundred meters away from the location, he landed the spacecraft on a road in the forest.

The man put away the spaceship and walked towards a mill with a waterwheel in the forest with a pistol on his waist.

The mill, which is basically made of stone, still uses wooden doors. The waterwheel next to it looks old, but it works normally.

Parked in the small yard in front of the mill were a silver SUV and a rusty white pickup truck.

When Zhang San just walked to the door, someone had already opened the door for him.

She is a woman with brown curly hair who looks to be in her twenties.

"We didn't expect you to come so soon. Come in."

"Constantine lives here? In a mill? Isn't there some magic cabin?"

In Zhang San's memory, it seems that Constantine has a magic cabin, and it is magical that he can become invisible.

The man's three consecutive questions confused the woman leading the way, so she had no choice but to reply: "You can ask him."

"Hey! My good friend Officer Zhang, you must have taken someone's express train to come here so quickly, right?"

The floor below the wooden corridor is a very large space. It doesn't look like a big mill from the outside, but there are a lot of strange things stored inside.

There are books on several cabinets placed against the wall, jars with stuff in them, things similar to handicrafts, etc.
The entire bird place is like a workshop full of life, the kind that is very old.

There were two people sitting at the table with a lamp hanging from the ceiling. One was Constantine, whom Zhang San knew, and the other.
Wearing a somewhat tattered white T-shirt and tattered jeans, he looked very nervous from the movements of his hands, a man with a somewhat strange spirit.

"She is Zed, a very good assistant. This is our little trouble today, the nosy Mr. Gary."

The expression on Constantine's face was helpless and miserable. It seemed that calling Officer Zhang was the only way he could do it. (End of chapter)

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