People in DC, every day administrative leave

Chapter 244 Chapter 244 What do you have! ?

After coming out of the gun store, Zhang San took out his cell phone and called the White House. When the other party heard his weird electronic sound, he thought it was someone's prank at first.

However, when he said that he had a way to 'solve' some thorny issues, the attitude of the people over there changed slightly.

(Sir, you said your name is keyboard?)
"Yes, keyboard. I am standing in front of the old Werther gun store not far from Walter's company. You should be able to see me through the intersection camera."

He waved towards the camera, and the person on the other end suddenly fell silent for a while.

After waiting for about 5 minutes, the other party's voice came again on the phone.

(Keyboard...Sir, please wait where you are, our people will pick you up.)
After putting away the hung up phone, the large keyboard in the eyes of passers-by went straight to a store on the street.

When it came out of the store, it was holding a bag full of snacks in one hand and an ice cream in the other.

"Whoa, bro, how do you eat that?"

"That's it." Zhang San demonstrated how he eats to the curious passers-by. The ice cream disappeared in the air when it approached his small keyboard.


Passersby find it strange to eat like this, especially when a big keyboard has no mouth at all.

“Can we take a picture with you?”

"of course can."

After receiving its consent, several passers-by came forward and stood next to the keyboard, raising their phones like the girls before, and some even turned on the live broadcast.

"Guys, today I came across a really amazing keyboard that eats like magic!"

"It's time to change the flavor. Maybe we have to add some alternative superheroes."

"A keyboard with hands and feet? Oh my god. This is the first time I've seen it in reality."

Zhang San completely became the backdrop for these people and received kisses from some girls on the live broadcast.

Suddenly, a black off-road vehicle drove towards him in his field of vision. The car slowly stopped on the side of the road and a person walked out of it.

"Mr. Keyboard, I'm here to take you back. You can call me David."

David looks like a tough guy, has black hair, and looks like James Bond in a suit.

"Sorry everyone, you also saw someone coming to pick me up. I'm sorry."

Squeezing out of the crowd with difficulty, Zhang San glanced at the man in a suit and sunglasses who helped open the car door, and then handed the bag he was holding to him.

Now, in addition to snacks, there are some small notes in the bag, which are the phone numbers left by passers-by.

And I don’t know who stuffed underwear inside. Anyway, he didn’t plan to eat the snacks inside.

The black off-road vehicle quickly drove off the street after picking up the person. Zhang San, who was sitting next to the man holding the bag, asked David in front about the situation:
"Are you the FBI?"

It was impossible for the White House to randomly send some people to pick him up. Judging from the body shape and standing posture of these people, it was very likely that they had served in the military for a long time.

"Sir, we are the CIA."

Unexpectedly, David looked at the keyboard in the rearview mirror and revealed that they were colleagues from the FBI, CIA.

The car drove for several blocks until it entered the underground parking lot of a building with armed security guards.

The driver, a man in a suit and sunglasses, David, walked into the elevator together with their keyboards sandwiched between them.

"You can actually throw it away. I don't know who is unscrupulous enough to stuff underwear in it."

The guy in sunglasses, who had been silent all this time, nodded and threw the bag into the trash can next to him after getting out of the elevator.

But when a few people left, a man wearing gloves came over and took away the bags in the trash can. "This way." David led him to a room where a Star-Spangled Banner was playing on a loop on the large TV hanging on the wall.

The CIA logo was also plastered on the wall, and the place that was supposed to be an office seemed to have been temporarily converted into a conference room.

"Sir, do you mind...?"

After the two sat down, David pointed to the camera on the big screen next to him. What they said next would be seen by those in the White House.

"I don't care. Is that the president over there?"

The screen that originally played the Stars and Stripes in a loop suddenly changed. What appeared in front of Zhang San was a man wearing a suit with a small Stars and Stripes badge on his chest.

His background didn't look like he was in the White House, but like he was in a small room like them.

"You said you have a way to solve the threat posed to us by the people of the motherland?"

"I'm talking about taking care of the thorns. Of course, he can do that too."

"what way?"

The president, with his hands clasped together, moved closer to the camera. He wanted to know what this long-limbed keyboard could say.

As a result, he saw the other party's black dumpling-like hand put on his chest, meaning it could be done?
"I am the strongest keyboard in the world, bar none."

"You're kidding me?"

The president's expectant gaze turned into displeasure. Facing the self-recommendation on the keyboard, he couldn't feel the sense of security given to him at all.

It’s just a mechanical keyboard with arms and legs that makes a weird sound. What can it do?
It's not even a human now!
"Have any of you ever had a close encounter with the sun?"

"What do you mean?"

Spreading his hands, Zhang San said to the president on the big screen: "It means I can throw the thorns into the sun like trash."

"Can you go into the universe?" The president began to carefully scan the large keyboard with black hands and feet. If it can get as close to the sun as mentioned, then there must be no problem.

"Want to give it a try?"

David, the only one in the room who didn't say much, instantly became the target of the two.

The president on the other end probably didn't want to see his subordinate die so young, so he rejected the suggestion after thinking about it for a while.

Of course, although he rejected the keyboard's suggestion to take people to the sun, he still asked it to prove itself.

Because some things cannot be stopped once they start. If the keyboard lied, he, the president, would be the unlucky one.

"I'll take a photo and come back?"

"You want to fly out of the earth in New York? I'll ask David to bring you here, and you can demonstrate your capabilities on my side."

The Watt Building is in New York, and so are the people from the motherland.

The president didn't want those people to know what they were talking about, especially the metahuman.

"No, I have a spaceship that can turn invisible and send me outside."

"You have a spaceship? Can it be used?"

In the eyes of the president, this news is much more valuable than the keyboard saying that he can get close to the sun. Research on superpowers is very random and cannot get the desired results in a specific way.

But spaceship technology? (End of chapter)

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