People in DC, every day administrative leave

Chapter 345 345 Fans who love painting

Noon the next day.

The man who hadn't returned to the villa all night woke up in the super queen's bed.

She can indeed bring happiness to people, but this happiness requires the consumption of a lot of furniture and appliances.

After glancing at the messy bedroom, Zhang San picked up his pants and clothes and went to the living room where the TV set had several holes smashed in it.

The coffee table collapsed, several pieces of cloth were torn off the sofa, and a pot of apples originally placed on the coffee table was scattered on the ground...

After entering the bathroom to wash up, he kicked away the ceramic shards belonging to the bathtub at his feet. After Zhang San cleaned up his personal hygiene, he left the Super Queen's room directly.

There was a huge gap in endurance between the two. The other was still resting, but he was full of energy.

"Did you spend the night there?" Chris, who seemed to be addicted to pulling weeds recently, stood in the backyard and saw his good brother who had just come out of the back hill.

Joining him in the team to pull weeds were vigilantes. The man wearing glasses spoke up: "He must have had sex with the Amazons all night long."

"You're not trying to get a chance to date Menanipa and the others by pulling weeds, are you?"

These two people have been so weird lately. They pulled grass once a week instead of once a day. They were just waiting to see when the Amazons would go out.

The vigilante with his hand raised said in words that came straight from his stomach to his mouth: "Why waste your time on dates?"

"Yes, only the heroes and heroines in TV dramas would go on such troublesome dates. We only do the simplest work."

Chris agreed very much with what he said. After all, superheroes spend most of their time punishing bad guys instead of going shopping with women.

Shaking his head, Zhang San, who walked into the room, was sure that the two of them would never have sex with an Amazon in this life.

When passing by the staff dormitory, he glanced inside. The Spider Queen, who was sitting in front of the small screen and operating the computer, slowly turned her head after being reminded by the mice.

I saw a pair of dark circles on this woman's face. Zhang San walked forward with a smile and said:

"Oh, I forgot that I came to talk to you last night. You didn't wait for me all night, did you?"

"..." Spider Queen silently answered him with the back of her head.

To prevent herself from being attacked at night, she stayed up all night. Instead, she hid in the closet and watched videos on her mobile phone.

As a result, no one quietly opened the door to attack her all night long, but the Spider Queen discovered that she had an extra pair of panda eyes in the morning.

If she could, she wanted to spit on the other person's smiling face.

But no, she was worried that the saliva she spat out would be blown back by the other person's breath.

Turn, shake, shoot.

Two balls of spider silk were stuck to a yellow barrier. Zhang San had been guarding against her for a long time.

The clumps of spider silk at the top and bottom showed that the Spider Queen was ruthless. Not only did she want him to shut up, but she also wanted him to be unable to cry out in the severe pain of her little brother.

"Rough enough, I like it."


Several more balls of spider silk flew in. Before leaving, Zhang San asked with concern: "Pay attention to your health, sister. You may get sick if you stay up late and have diarrhea."

"……" well…

Seeing him finally leaving, the Spider Queen sitting on the table felt tired and sleepy.

She really should have gone to sleep in Kara or Imogen's room yesterday, but now she just slept for a few hours in the morning and felt so sleepy...

Zhang San, who kept the two women awake at night, drove out to attend an event.

Simon, the head of Wayne Group's branch, organized a signing party for his new Ace Police comic, which was held at the Science and Technology Park.

[Ace and Green Arrow]
  Holding his new comic book, Zhang San wrote his name in Chinese on the forehead of Green Arrow on the cover.

I don’t know what Simon and his team were thinking. The superhero team actually linked up with an archery man who was said to dress up as Princess Twilight from My Little Pony to attend the My Little Pony Show.

Maybe because Arrow stuffed his money?
  Green Arrow's reputation is not very good, and netizens have "slandered" him, what about Kaiju's COS suit?
  So he wants to gain some popularity for himself through the recently popular Ace Police comic series, and normalize his personal image at the same time?

Boom!bang bang bang.
  After a few familiar landing sounds, Super Boy Billy and a bunch of his brothers and sisters arrived at the autograph session with happiness written all over his face.


"Hi everybody!"

"The clothes are great, really."

Billy, who didn't regard himself as a passerby at all, greeted others and took his family members to bypass the queue and go directly to the front.

"Officer, I want twenty comics."

Looking at Superboy who asked for twenty comics even though there were only six of them, Zhang San, who was wearing a police uniform, pointed at the queue behind them and said: "Superheroes also have to queue up. This is the rule."

Billy also wanted to use the fact that they were friends with Officer Zhang to use the express lane, but after being reminded by Freddy, he turned around and saw the cannibalistic looks of the people in line and immediately swallowed back what he was about to say:
  "Pfft. Of course, how can there be a superhero who doesn't line up, hehehe."

Under the gaze of everyone, he led the other five people to the back of the line and lined up honestly.

"Officer Zhang, can you also sign one of these comics?"

Among the people who came to attend the autograph session, there were also people who wanted to sign a complete set of comics that have been on sale so far. Zhang San didn't care about this. As long as it was a set, someone would write his name on it.

Occasionally, Officer Zhang gets surprises. Some fans will take out their own portraits of the ace police officer and ask him to comment on them and get his autograph.

Some of these portraits are excellent, and some are poorly drawn, such as the one he is 'appreciating' now.

On the nearly one-meter-long canvas, the Ace Police Officer is just a mixture of blue paint and black paint splashed on it. It is impossible to tell that this thing is a person!

There is still a colorful background around, and you can vaguely see a black cloth lying on the ground, with pink around it that may represent blood?
  The woman who made such a masterpiece is still explaining to him the source of inspiration for this painting. This woman named Liv is very proud to have painted this painting that combines multiple elements.

"Okay, are you signing here?"

Pointing to the white area in the corner of the canvas that was specially left open, Officer Zhang, who felt a little dizzy, took the pen given by the other party and wrote his Chinese name in this area.

"Thank you so much! I will draw more and better portraits of the Ace Police Officer in the future!"

Liv, who had a new magazine and a painting in hand, left happily, but the police officer who heard her words felt bad. (End of chapter)

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