[Philadelphia's 'superheroes' once again stage "Hancock 2", they should learn to control their powers! ]

[How many years does the medical technology from Krypton surpass earth technology? ]

[Ace and Green Arrow comics are on sale now, a police officer story you definitely don’t want to miss! ]

[Alien botanical garden? A strange tourist attraction under construction in the town of Evergreen. ]

"Does the keyboard really want to build an alien botanical garden next to the town? Will there be piranha flowers that eat people, the kind that are over two meters tall and can only take a bite when they open their mouths?"

Pointing to the news on her mobile phone, Barbara, who was sitting in the police car, was more concerned about whether she could safely visit the entire botanical garden after buying a ticket.

Officer Zhang, who was wearing sunglasses, patted the remains of the hamburger that fell on his body, then picked up the half cup of soda in the middle and drank it, then said: "A movie is a movie, and the plants it gets from aliens are all beautiful and beautiful." Very safe.”

With the plant expert Poison Ivy here, she will find out all dangerous plants and move them to the garden for planting.

In fact, Zhang San could also use the database of the lamp ring to scan, but there were some plants that were not recorded in the database, so he simply handed over all the screening work to the woman who, besides asking for money, surfed the Internet.

The police car parked on the roadside slowly started to move

At night, after the passion, the two sat on the bedside talking about parallel worlds. Barbara thought that she might be the same superhero as Wonder Woman in another world.

Zhang San nodded in agreement. In the infinite parallel worlds, there is always a world in which she will be a superhero.

"I sometimes wonder what I would do if I had powers like Superman."

"save the world?"

"Or destroy the world. But I can't live without French fries and ice cream and Chicken McNuggets."

If a man tells the truth, if the world is destroyed, he will lose entertainment, snacks, etc.

Barbara smiled and gave him a thumbs up and praised: "Then remember to call him Fast Food Boy, the superhero who protects the existence of fast food."

"By the way, put an M on the uniform and let them give me advertising money?"

There are probably not many superheroes who would do this for human-shaped billboards, but that would not be the case if it were Zhang San.

The woman next to him tapped his strong arm, saying that it was unbecoming of a superhero.

Although some people have figured out this way to make money, those guys wearing advertising clothes are just ordinary people.

"Superheroes are actually a kind of job, but noble people don't get their own wages. I don't want to be a superhero all my life and end up not being able to afford to live in a villa or even afford medical treatment."

In a capitalist country, everything is tied to money.

After the Flash got rich, he hired a powerful team of lawyers to clear his father's grievances. Superman had a wealthy friend, so he was able to get his family's farm back from the bank, and Green Lantern Hal...

He and his girlfriend Carol have been having a very happy time recently. Not having the pressure of work can indeed make people feel more relaxed.

"I feel like you're talking about Spider-Man, a city hero who uses super powers to deliver pizza." Barbara lay down and pulled the quilt up a little.

"Don't let Peter Parker hear this, he will throw ashes in my eyes, hehe."

Turning off the table lamp next to him, Zhang San also lay down and closed his eyes after saying good night.

the next day.

Continuous gunshots rang out in the black community. Officer Zhang and his partner used the police car as a cover to engage in a round of shooting with the suspect hiding in the garage opposite.

The black suspect, wearing baggy pants and a T-shirt, killed others in the house after neighbors heard the gunshots and called police.

Officer Zhang, who happened to be nearby, rushed over immediately. He and Barbara blocked the murder suspect who was about to drive away in the garage.

"Why don't you hit his gun hand?"

When changing bullets, Barbara asked him something strange.

Although the suspect in the garage was hiding behind the car, his shooting hand was not.

The police officer who was so good at shooting didn't even hit the suspect's finger or wrist with one shot? “I’m waiting for an opportunity.” Officer Zhang, who was holding a Glock, kept his gaze on the rear window of the opposite car.

Clap clap clap clap!

The suspect in the garage had changed his magazine, and it seemed that he had no intention of surrendering.

That is to say, when Barbara's counterattack caused the other party to hide nervously, her partner next to her found the opportunity to fire several shots at the rear window of the oncoming vehicle.

clap clap clap!

After these shots, the area fell silent for a moment. The two people who shouted to the garage several times without getting a response, together with the police officers who came to support them, followed their teammates holding bulletproof shields and approached the garage.

In fact, everyone knows the suspect's current situation at this moment, but the necessary procedures still have to be completed.

"Show me your hands!"

"Drop the weapon!"

They waited by the garage door for about ten seconds before the group slowly walked in.

I saw a man lying on the ground next to the trunk of the car. Based on the split head, it was estimated that he could not be saved.

The police officers could clearly see two bullet holes in the glass-less rear window frame.

While the newcomers were still impressed by the shooting skills, the veteran police officers were already searching the house with their guns in hand. They had to see if there were any victims in the room who needed help.

"Oh My God"

There was an old man lying in the living room on the first floor, and there was a child of several years old in the corridor on the second floor.

The first one was shot several times and lost his vital signs, while the boy behind was shot to death.

In the police station office.

Barbara, who was writing the report, raised her head from time to time to glance at the man sitting opposite her. When describing the process of the case, she couldn't help but ask: "Did you do it on purpose?"

The ace police officer couldn't have made a mistake, even if the two of them woke up in the morning and went crazy.

"What's on purpose?" Zhang San looked confused as his eyes moved from the computer screen to her, as if he didn't know what his partner meant.

"His hands are definitely exposed a little more than his head. How do you want me to write it?" Looking directly into his eyes, the speechless Barbara showed him the report she had just written with not many words.

"The suspect was hiding behind a cover and shooting at the officers. It's okay for you to write like that."

No one would care if there were less details, especially if the person who died was a murderer.

Barbara shook her head and refused to adopt his suggestion, but her pen kept getting stuck on how to kill the suspect.

Do you want to write that they shot two rounds with the suspect?

Her partner is an ace police officer!

A man who has won three consecutive shooting championships!

The suspect should have been hit in the arm or finger by the ace police officer in the first round of shooting, but he was not. (End of chapter)

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