People in DC, every day administrative leave

Chapter 455 455 Did you take the wrong thing?

[Human Federation, a new game you should know about right away! ]

[Everything is for the Earth! Speculations on the background of the story in the Human Federation]

[Monster in the gaming world! ! ! Major game developers analyze cross-generational technologies seen in the Human Federation. ]

[In an interview with reporters, Cyborg denied that he was involved in the development of the Human Federation game. ]

In just one day, all the hot news related to superheroes were replaced by the topic of a game, the Human Federation.

In the several-hour live video recording, they saw exquisite graphics, vivid character expressions, a large number of interactive targets, and a very immersive background story that far surpassed any game on the market.

The only regret is that the video does not include the initial process of the game, because it was recorded by a later audience.

Since the anchor who shut down the live broadcast did not reply to everyone's questions, a group of people who were full of expectations for the game found Officer Zhang who recommended the live broadcast room to fans yesterday.

Fortunately, Zhang San has set up the following settings to send private messages, but even this did not stop those game enthusiasts who wanted to ask various questions.

He had no choice but to update a game issue that everyone was most concerned about.

[There is nothing you can’t play, only things you can’t imagine. Neptune and fish.jpg]

The comment area of ​​this dynamic went completely crazy, with very neat pictures of Neptune and various fish occupying the front row of high praise comments.

The most exaggerated ones are the Sea King and the rocket-propelled torpedo. The hundreds of comments on this picture give opinions on why the torpedo can be regarded as a fish.

It can swim quickly in the sea, and it also has holes, if Neptune is not afraid of being burned

In the staff dormitory.

The Spider Queen registered a company according to Zhang San's request. With the governor's help, the newly registered company could be used directly without going through the original process.

While netizens were discussing the new game, some people suddenly discovered that the keyboard’s social platform account had been updated.

A direct link to the video website.

Curious, they clicked in and found out that it was a promotional video for the countdown to the release of the Human Federation!

The test live broadcast just came out yesterday, will it be released this week?

They were confused when they saw the name of the account that posted this few-minute video, and it made sense because it was called [Keyboard Company].

Wayne Manor.

Bruce sat in front of the computer with a cup of coffee and watched the promotional video of the Human Federation. The keyboard chose to create an interstellar war game with humans as the protagonist at this time, which was obviously preparing for the future.

There are no superheroes in the game, only heroes who sacrifice themselves for the earth.

Likewise, they have no nationality and only have the identity of being Earthlings.

"Interstellar war is not far away from us. The keyboard wants the earth to expand outward like Krypton."

Superman, who appeared next to Bruce, looked a little tired. He even quit his job to take care of his children but he still felt tired every day.

It was a kind of mental fatigue. Most of the time, he and Martha were changing the baby's diapers, because Louise went back to work directly after giving birth.

"You need to take a good rest and give Metropolis the green light for now."

Seeing Clark's current state, Bruce suggested that it would be best for him to take a day off and let Supergirl help take care of the child.

Green light

Thinking of Hal's previous behavior of punching criminals, Clark shook his head: "I'm fine."

Bruce said no more and started talking to him about the original topic.

Just then, the phone in his pocket vibrated, and a message came from the keyboard.

It wants to find some game peripherals from Wayne Group, and the division will be based on the previous one.

After a few minutes, after receiving the reply from the other party, Zhang San threw the phone into his personal space with satisfaction, and controlled the spacecraft to land in the alien botanical garden next to the town of Evergreen.

Poison Ivy and Harley recently moved from Little Cork Town to this large botanical garden that has been built. The entire farm house where they lived before was moved here by Zhang San using digital technology.

Seeing the keyboard coming over, Ivy, who was watering the plant, put down what she was holding and opened her hands towards it: "Thank you for everything you have done for me." "Then work hard to make the alien plants energetic. stand up."

"Why don't you use your previous abilities to help them?"

Ivy, who didn't hold the keyboard, asked curiously.

"The boss does everything, so what do you do?"

It's impossible for Poison Ivy to relax. Boss Zhang doesn't like employees who don't have a sense of distance.

The botanical garden will be open soon, and she has to take good care of the alien plants in each viewing area. They must look healthy and energetic when they appear in front of tourists.

"Get me two pots of Christmas flowers, the kind that can last a long time."

Only then did Zhang San reveal his purpose of coming here. He was not here specifically to visit Poison Ivy.

"You want to give it away?" Ivy asked casually after taking the flowerpot.

"Officer Zhang's friends, one of them is a bit lonely."

If Anna was given a computer directly, she wouldn't accept it, so Zhang San introduced her to a temporary part-time job that he thought of.

Ivy squatted next to me and moved two palm-sized Christmas flowers into the flowerpot, then handed the thing in her hand to the keyboard: "I really envy people who can receive gifts. This year, Harley may be the only one to give me Christmas gifts." It’s a gift.”

After saying that, she just stared at the keyboard that she hadn't left yet, her meaning was obvious.

How to deal with such an employee who shamelessly asks for gifts?

What Boss Zhang did was to take out two boxes of limited-edition keyboard toys from his personal space. It has a complete set of props that have been used on the keyboard, including a baguette that can knock over Superman in one go.

There’s the obligatory Kryptonite, of course, and an alien ship that fits inside the keyboard!

"Isn't that too little?"

There was no other way, Zhang San took out two more Brainiac movable toys and placed them on the box. With the limited edition keyboard, they could create a cool scene of the earth's heroes beating the alien invaders.


Ivy handed everything to the woman who came out of the house, and then continued to stare at the keyboard in front of her.

She wants a normal Christmas gift, not a toy for a kid!

"A greedy person will not be liked by Santa Claus. At Christmas, he will let the reindeer pulling the sleigh deliberately bypass that person's roof."

"Santa Claus is standing in front of me, and he obviously took the wrong Christmas gift from me." Ivy interrupted the story being told on the keyboard, because this sounded like something the other party had made up.

"is it possible"

"No! Absolutely not!"

Finally, with Ivy's insistence, she got her favorite Christmas gift, a golden Ivy made on the keyboard.

Although this thing was mud before it turned into gold, the keyboard changed its material just by rubbing the mud Ivy and a piece of gold twice. (End of chapter)

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