People in DC, every day administrative leave

Chapter 457 Chapter 457 Dannos Family

"Why is it him again?" Sinestro remembered this name. It seemed that Ginot was the one who got beaten up after causing trouble with the keyboard the day before.

A Green Lantern who had been trained for more than ten years before becoming qualified was even given back the sector he managed by the Guardians for destroying an asteroid.

When did the Green Lantern Corps have a recycled sector Green Lantern?

But today he discovered intruders from other dimensions, which is considered a meritorious service.

"In your world, the Dan North family may be the gods who rule everything, but in our world, you are just a few refugees who are barely surviving!"

Sinestro, who was floating next to the keyboard, moved forward a little, and what he said to the enemy in front of him was even more humiliating.

Refugees from other dimensions climbed over the high spiked wall, but what they faced next was the energy beam vented at them by the guards guarding their homes.

"I am all things in the universe! I am the Esme of all things. This dimension will eventually be owned by the Dan North family, and you green lights wearing rings! Although very powerful, I can even change the physical form with just one thought. Torn to pieces!”


Zhang San carefully observed his surroundings, and there was no such outrageous fighting environment.

If the man in front of him wearing a gold crown, gold armor, and a gold ring on each finger is as he said, he can shatter the physical form of the green lanterns with just one thought, then how can his family be harmed like this after a long time?

Could it be that the Dan North family is an alien version of the Justice League? !

Is the strongest output in the family far superior to others, or is it someone who doesn't care whether he has a team or not?

Thinking of this, Zhang San immediately became vigilant.

Shattering the physical form of others is a perverted skill at first sight.

"Before we continue, can I ask what the names of the members of your family are?"

A group of green lights all looked at the keyboard that said this. How could it still be in the mood to care about other people's names at this time?

Opposite is Esme of all things!

Perhaps because he felt that the upcoming victory would not be difficult at all, Esme, with his hands full of gold rings and two daggers stuck in his waist, introduced the guys in front of him one by one from left to right:

The tornado with green lightning is Ileta of the Void, the tall and tall one with the same figure as the female ghost in the horror movie is the Elegy of Eternal Sorrow, the tall energy werewolf is the King of Hunting Nodens, and the woman in purple clothed with ribbons It is the desire of the heart.

"There's another one, the Wanderer."

puff! ! !

The Esme of All Things who was talking a second ago disappeared in front of everyone's eyes, and there was a keyboard where he just stood.


Like everyone else, there were questions in his head. Zhang San didn't understand how he succeeded so easily. It seemed that he had killed the opponent with one punch without reservation.

This stupid thing even claims that he can shatter other people's physical forms with just one thought! ! !

When the keyboard pointed its raised fist at the remaining people who were stunned, they all panicked.

Esme of all things is dead

The remaining members of the Dan North family didn't even feel his death, but the fact was that he was already dead!

"Now, my friends from other dimensions, you should be obedient."

Since even the boss of this family is a braggart, there is no need to deal with the remaining ones.

If he heard it right just now, the braggart seemed to have said that the Dan North family has existed for billions and billions of years?

Eternal life form?

No, he is a tool man who can keep doing it!

Suddenly, the person in purple clothes turned into a keyboard person who looked like a keyboard but was pink.

She is love and desire, which can also plunge people into deep depravity.

So, with a group of people watching, Lust tried to seduce the keyboard in front of her. "You make me sick. Go back to who you were or I'll kill you!"

Zhang San is serious!

Seeing the keyboard walking towards him, and the clenched fist seemed to be about to fall on him, Lu Lu quickly changed his body back to its original appearance.

"Put it on your hand."

Several people took the yellow bracelets from the keyboard, but Elita of the Void had a small problem: "I can't wear it."

She is a tornado, and the bracelet requires hands to wear.

But this does not trouble Zhang San, because a gaseous life form named Larry has said the same thing before.

He came to Elita of the Void with the bracelet, and then stuffed the thing in his hand directly into the opponent's whistling wind, and after that, the bracelet stayed firmly in her wind-like form.

Realizing that the Keyboard had captured these creatures from across dimensions, Sinestro and the other Green Lanterns flew away from the planet where despair had faded.

Esme of All Things just said that they have another family member, the Wanderer.

Sinestro is ready to find this person. He will not let anyone from the Dan North family escape the capture of the Green Lantern Corps.

But not long after they left, Zhang San, who was still observing the robot civilization on the planet, met the wanderer.

"You kidnapped my sister and killed my family. I want to avenge them!!!"

The other party has sky-blue skin, eyes bursting with white lightning, long black hair containing stars, a pair of astonishingly large breasts and a silver-white uniform made of something similar to metal.

The clothes are very strange, covering all the bottom but only reaching her chest. If I had to describe it, it would reduce the part of Wonder Woman's armor that covers her chest by more than half.

"I'm willing to be kidnapped by it."

"Yes, we are willing to be kidnapped."

"Senna, this is not a kidnapping, I followed the keyboard voluntarily!"

Without Zhang San saying anything, the few people following him finished their words. They were really afraid that this sister would cause trouble.

"Really? Well, bye!"

After saying that, Wanderer smiled and waved to the keyboard and sisters in front of her, then turned around and prepared to leave.

She didn't care what happened to these people. In the internal fighting that lasted for thousands of years in the Dan North family until there were only six of them left, the wanderer Senna was the lowest-ranking member in it.

Taunting and ostracism are things that rogues endure every time they attend a family meeting, even if they are family.

And she just came over to stop the keyboard just because she wanted to show how much she values ​​her family. Senna really values ​​her family, but it's a pity that only Elegy doesn't hate her.

"Wait, ma'am!"

"What." Just when Senna looked back, a large yellow net covered her inside.

As the net became tighter and tighter, the wanderer, who was gradually unable to move, lay on the ground and huddled up in a ball, looking at the approaching keyboard angrily and saying: "You damn liar!!!" (End of Chapter)

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