Chapter 83 083. Once again

Zhang San, who was holding a sack in his hand, dropped the bricks and was about to fight the person in the bag away when suddenly several vines sprouted from the ground and rolled around his body and hung him upside down.

"Keyboard, she's my friend."

Ivy came over wearing a jacket, looking confused.

If it was just the clown's tombstone that was smashed, she wouldn't take action because Ivy doesn't like the clown either.

But she discovers someone has attacked Harley.

Moreover, this person is the keyboard she has always wanted to catch and whip and interrogate, which makes it a bit difficult...

"I know you are friends, so I prepared some friends for you."


The ground felt like an earthquake, with several cracks spreading, and Ivy was stunned for a moment as she looked at the several big trees that came to life.

The roots become their moving feet and the branches are their hands!
"Catch her!"

The big tree that received the order shook its branches, and the falling leaves easily cut off the vines that bound Zhang San.

Then these sharp green leaves surrounded Ivy, who was in a daze.

As long as she dares to run, the end will probably not be good.

"If you don't want your friend to get hurt, just come with me."

Zhang San walked in front with a big sack on his shoulders, and Ivy, who suddenly became mute, was surrounded by a group of living green leaves and obediently followed behind him.

"Strange...where is Batman?"

He has done so many things, why hasn't he seen the Knights of Gotham yet?
"He only shows up at night."

Ivy, who was walking behind, answered the question.

Turning his head to look at this ignorant woman, Zhang San could only say that she was too young.

Batman is on duty 24/[-].

How could he only appear at night, you were caught in Arkham because you only appeared at night!
Seeing that he was about to walk to the street, Zhang San, who really didn't see the figure of Batman, could only hug Ivy, and then jumped in the direction outside Gotham City.


Listening to the wind in my ears, Ivy, who remembered the last experience, unconsciously hugged the big keyboard tightly.

Bang! ! !
Zhang San originally wanted to land in a handsome superhero style, but with one on his shoulder and one in his arms, he could only land in the safest way.

Dig into the ground like a straight carrot!
"What are you blowing on me for?"

After landing, the woman in his arms suddenly breathed at him.

Although Ivy doesn't have bad breath, her behavior is still unacceptable to Zhang San.

Unexpectedly, Ivy, who was staring at him, hugged him up and gave him a smack on his face.


Zhang San looked confused. Is this woman okay?
Thinking of a possibility, he asked doubtfully: "You want to control me?"


Ivy, who had a sincere expression, shook her head. Her attempt to save her friend failed.

"Don't play tricks with me! You just wanted to control me, right!?"

Zhang San almost forgot about Poison Ivy's skills. In addition to controlling plants, she can also exhale a spore with mind control ability to control others.

And her kiss can poison people to death, this bitch.

"I just think you're my favorite, baby."

Ivy became bolder in speaking. If Zhang San was a passerby who didn't know her ability, he might have been deceived by her extremely seductive look.

"I can sing Two Tigers, so don't try to use mind control against me."


This time it was Ivy's turn to be confused, what song is "Two Tigers"?

Is it some kind of magic spell?
Is there a magic spell with a name like that...


uh uh...

"You are dangerous, I have to do some safety measures."

Without any thought of pity, Zhang San wrapped Ivy's mouth with a roll of scotch tape.

Her two little hands were also forcibly entangled by Zhang San.

Then, in her frightened eyes, Zhang San tied her and the unconscious Harley to a spaceship!
And he himself got into the cab!
When Ivy, whose heart was half chilled by the cold wind, opened her eyes again, she found that she was in Antarctica with penguins...

"Here, unless you can call Superman, don't even think about escaping."

Zhang San, who was building a snow house, said to her.

Quickly stacking the igloo, he checked Ivy's palms and found that they were still hot, so he tore off the scotch tape and untied them from the spaceship.

The comical gift of throwing tiles probably won't last long.

In the igloo, Ivy, who had no restraints on her body, sat obediently on the red cloth laid out for her by the keyboard.

But Harley was not so lucky, and she was given a chair made of snow.

"Isn't it cold? Are you still pretending to be dizzy?"

He had already discovered that Harley had woken up when he was kidnapping people onto the spaceship, but he just didn't reveal it.


What's surprising is that the moment Harley opened her eyes, she shouted the name of a superhero.

"Ah, Superman, come and save me."

Zhang San imitated her tone and shouted, until Harley closed her mouth and stared at him with anger on her face.

"I'm just kidding you, do you really believe it?"

Putting aside how far it is from Metropolis, if everyone could be saved by calling Superman's name, how many people could die in Gotham?

Metropolis is right next door to Gotham City, which is much closer than the distance between Metropolis and Antarctica.

If you're not Louise, don't even think about calling a superhero by name.

"I heard that you want to challenge me because you are sad about the death of your ex-boyfriend?"

Seeing that she didn't speak, Zhang San continued: "I gave him a good time, a shot in the head plus..."

"To shut up!!"

A red slap mark appeared on Harley's face, and Ivy couldn't bear to turn her head and look to the side.

"You've really been fooled by the chemical pool. Do you still think you can say such a thing under the current situation?"

Zhang San took out a white pill, opened Harry's mouth and poured the pill in.


Seeing her spitting out the pills again, Zhang San scooped up the snowballs that were covered with the pills and stuffed them into Harry's mouth.

"This is a medicine for treating mental illness. I hate to see a woman turn into a lunatic."

These words made Ivy, who had just stood up to stop him, sit back down again.

Although she couldn't bear to see her friend treated like this, she hoped to see a Harley who was not so obsessed with the Joker.

When Harley Quinn's health bar changed from red to yellow to green, Zhang San knew that his transformation plan was successful.

"I...what have I done..."

"I need you to do something for me and get some special plants." Zhang San turned to look at Ivy. Poison Ivy had very good control over plants.

"Help me, this normal Harley is yours."

Although this sounded strange, Ivy, who cared about her friends, nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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