Chapter 90 090. A Better Collection
Police station.

Everyone involved in this operation was commended by the director.

Director Daniel is very satisfied with their performance, especially the best officer Zhang in his hands.

He's as reliable as ever, figuring out how to deal with bad guys hiding in the basement without stun bombs.

Of course, Director Daniel didn't forget to give them the rewards they deserved.

1000 yuan in cash, plus a shopping card from the small town supermarket, worth 1 yuan.

The police officer Zhang who performed the best and worked hard will get a three-day all-inclusive trip to the central city!

After a while.

Zhang San, who knocked on the door of the director's office, asked Director Daniel a question about the grand prize:

"Can I take more people with me on this tour?"

"Up to three, the presidential suite cannot be opened."

Just three?
After calculating the current number of people in the family, Zhang San stretched out his hand: "Four, how can I say that Barbara has contributed a lot."

"Four, the economy class and the presidential suite are not allowed." Director Daniel reluctantly agreed, but asked him to only take the cheapest economy class.

In the evening, Zhang San told Chris and the vigilante the good news, but the two of them didn't seem very surprised.

"Central City, where there's a loud-mouthed asshole in a rubber suit and a bunch of rabid fans who scream (OMG! The Flash!!) when they see him."

Chris described The Flash as an annoying mosquito that sings and buzzes in your ears at full volume when you sleep at night.

"It was rumored on the Internet that he was like a duck when he did it, and it was over with a snap."

The vigilante looked at Chris next to him, and the two smiled knowingly. They should have read the same post about The Flash.

"Then are you going?"

“It’s free, of course I want to go.” x2
Although they make jokes about The Flash, this is a trip to Central City, not a Flash fan meeting.

No one can resist a three-day trip with full reimbursement, no one!
"Kara, you are going too, leaving the Spider Queen at home."

"I'm going too! I don't want to be Kevin in Home Alone."

The Spider Queen, with her hands on her hips, was not happy to be left at home. She didn't want to take care of those mice, flies and eagles.

"Actually, it should be Alex, the protagonist of the third part..."

Seeing her looking at him angrily, the vigilante spread his arms and explained:

"I'm not wrong! Kevin was forgotten by his family and left at home, while Alex was left at home, and he also has a pet mouse and a bird that can speak human."

A ball of spider silk flew out of the spider queen's hand and covered his mouth. Seeing her looking over, Chris who was smiling next to her quickly put away his smile and pretended he didn't hear anything.

"I'll take you to the sea to play in a few days. Forget it this time."

Zhang San didn't want to be found out that there was a little person in her house who was more than ten centimeters tall. She couldn't even go through the security check at the airport.

However, the Spider Queen was already thinking about how to roast that annoying seagull.

She wouldn't be able to get French fries for the seagull once Carla left, so she might as well make it into a delicious roasted seagull before it got hungry.

Pluck the hair, clean it, tie it on the grill and brush it with some honey sauce.

"When I come back, I will see that there is not a single mouse or fly missing in the house, do you understand?"

"Don't worry. But don't try to renege on your debt. You agreed to take me to the sea to play."

She jumped off the table and went back to the staff dormitory, possibly to discuss with the mice how to turn seagulls into roast chickens.

the next day.

Bar door.

"Barbara, this is Chase, and this is my housekeeper Kara."


Barbara had heard from Peggy that Zhang San lived in a mountain villa, and there was a beautiful housekeeper in it. It turned out that her name was Carla.

"Don't you have any luggage?"

Barbara, who was just about to put the suitcase into the trunk of the car, found that it was actually empty, but she quickly realized:

"Why didn't I think of it..."

Zhang San is going to smash Director Daniel's piggy bank, and he plans to buy the new clothes directly in the central city, which is too powerful.

In the car, the two big guys sat in the front, and the vigilante Chase and Kara and Barbara sat in the back.

Listening to what the women next to him were talking about, he could even interject and say a few words.

At the airport, Kara, who was dressed in high technology, passed the security check smoothly.

Holding the air tickets that Chief Daniel had given them, the group boarded the flight to Central City.

after an hour.

Several people who landed at Central City Airport took a taxi to the most luxurious hotel in Central City.

Although the tall and bright hotel building is not as luxurious as the Wayne Hotel, its interior decoration is not bad.

"Please give us a room for each of us."

Here, there is no need to save money for the director, anyway, he boasted that Haikou's travel expenses are all covered.

On the first day of the tour, several people visited various scenic buildings in the central city, and Chris also met a local owner who sold superhero peripherals.

Because this boss made a peacemaker's helmet, he likes the spirit of the peacemaker who can do anything for peace.

Chris never thought he would meet a fan in real life. He immediately revealed his identity and became friends with his boss.

"They all said you died, in that city. But I believe you won't die, for peace!"

"For peace!"

Chris, who was wearing a helmet made by his boss, took a photo with him while holding a model gun sold in the store.

I have to say that this fan really likes him.

Not only the helmets are exquisitely made, but even the doves of peace on the various weapons used by the peace messengers are so similar.

"You won't believe what else I have in my collection."

The boss who spoke mysteriously took out a box containing a ring from the safe in the store.

But there was no diamond ring for the proposal in this box, but a blood-stained bullet.


To be honest, Chris really couldn't remember what it was.

He knows that this thing is called a bullet, but why do fans regard it as a collection?

"This is the bullet taken out of the kite body. I got it through my relationship."


Chris put the bullet back into the box with some disgust in his heart, because in that battle, he shot the Kite Man in the butt.

Then he quietly wiped his hands with the super human body shirt sold in the store, anyway, the red clothes don't show anything.

"If you like to collect these things, I can mail you a set of peace messenger clothes when I go back."

"Did you wear it?!" The boss's eyes lit up when he heard this.

For the first time, Chris felt that the fans in reality were somewhat perverted.

 Thank you for your support, it will be available tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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