Space Struggle After becoming a concubine, I just want to farm

Chapter 177: Raising a Dog (please vote for me)

Chapter 177: Raising a Dog (please vote @@)

After sending off the child early in the morning, Ruyi felt a little anxious, thinking of those funny photos on the modern Internet.The children who turned their heads three times at the entrance of the kindergarten, and the parents who climbed the walls and windows, can finally understand it now.

Ruyi thought about it, his brows never loosening.I don’t know if Xiaojunjun cried or not.Probably not. Xiao Junjun has been well-behaved since he was a child. After more than one year old, he almost never cried.

"Xiaotian, it takes one hour in the morning, that is, two hours. Is it too long?" Ruyi was still fidgeting.

"No, it was only seven or eight o'clock when I sent him off. He will definitely be back before eleven o'clock. They must have arranged a break. What are you worried about?" Oda replied angrily.

"You might as well make some snacks for Xiao Mingjun every day and let him take them with him." Xiaotian suggested when he saw that Ruyi couldn't calm down.

"Yes, yes, I'll ask him to bring it in the afternoon." Ruyi felt good about it as soon as she heard it, and she would bring some in the morning and afternoon. "How about you go with Xiao Junjun from now on? I'm not too worried."

Xiaotian also thought of the smallpox last time and immediately agreed: "I will go with you in the afternoon."


"Raise a dog." Concubine De received another small note, but there were only two words on it.

What does this mean? Why let yourself have a dog?Concubine De has not liked these cats and dogs since she was a child, so she doesn't want to raise any kind of dog.

After burning the note, Concubine De wanted to forget it. First, she didn't know who sent the letter, and second, she couldn't see what the other party wanted to do.

But my life is like a pool of stagnant water, with little hope.It cannot be said that raising a dog is a test for the other person.

"Mammy, this Jinmo Residence is too deserted, and I can't go out to see if there is a cat or dog?" Concubine De called the mammy next to her and asked her to ask the queen.

Overall, Emperor Qinglong's harem was still peaceful, and the news reached the queen easily.

"Raising cats and dogs?" The Queen was a little puzzled when she heard this, that this concubine was actually so leisurely and carefree.

"Yes, that's what the palace attendant at Jinmoju said. It's too deserted. Concubine De wants to raise a puppy or a kitten and wants to ask for permission from the empress." The eldest palace maid Xiangrre told the palace attendant at Jinmoju's original words Read it again.

"I agree to this matter. Just ask the cat and dog room to send a few over for Concubine De to pick." The Empress thought that it didn't matter such a small thing, as long as she stayed in Jinmo Residence peacefully. good.

In the afternoon, Concubine De saw seven or eight cages, each containing several cute puppies and kittens.

"Just the white dog will do." Concubine De took a casual look and picked out a dog.Pure white, not too big or too small, in general, just point to it casually.

That night, Concubine De received another letter and a small paper package.

"Mix this with dog food and keep it for a month. There will be surprises."

Ruyi had no idea what was going on with Concubine De, but she finally got through the first day of sending her child to school for the first time as an old mother.

At noon, the fourth prince was sent back by Eunuch Li Sheng. Ruyi hugged his eldest son as soon as he saw him.

"Empress, the fourth prince's servant has brought it to you. The emperor said that from now on, you can ask Mingyu to follow you when you come back and forth in the morning and evening." Eunuch Li Sheng was still busy going back to serve Emperor Qinglong, so he didn't say much, took the message and left. .

Ruyi understood. Even if she goes to school in the afternoon, no one will come to pick her up. Just let Mingyu drop her off.

"Mother, my husband said a lot this morning, I have already memorized it." Xiao Junjun was obviously happy, full of emotions, and showed no signs of fatigue. I thought it would not be too tiring after an hour in the morning.

"Mr. Zhong, will you give me a break?" Ruyi was still curious.

"Yes, sir, he taught me the first lesson and then asked my third brother and I to go to the yard to look at the flowers and plants. We also gave him snacks before he taught the second lesson." Cheng Qian's expressive ability has been improving rapidly recently.

Ruyi also didn't expect that this gentleman was pretty good, he knew how to balance work and rest, and he also knew how to let his eyes rest.

"Okay, let's have lunch first, then play with my sister for a while, and then take a nap. Can Mingyu take you there in the afternoon?" Ruyi discussed with the child, Cheng Qian was very good at making arrangements.

"Okay, my concubine and Cheng Qian have the same idea." Xiao Junjun was very surprised.

"This is what mother and child are at the same heart, and they have a tacit understanding." Ruyi simply taught the four-character idioms. After all, parents are the first teachers in a child's life, and she can't be too far behind the old emperor, right?

(End of this chapter)

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