The Emperor's Favorite Fenghua: Master Guoshi is a magic stick

Chapter 134 Take the Ice Deer Beast and Leave

Chapter 134 Take the Ice Deer Beast and Leave
If there is really a problem with her background, then she is not from the Zuoqiu family.

But if she is not from the Zuoqiu family, who are her biological parents...?
So Zuo Qiuyao could no longer care about the Ice Deer Beast at this time, and his mood began to sink into the issue of his own identity and became heavy.

Seeing that she was so entangled, the Ice Deer Beast continued: "You can study the rune on your forehead. I have never heard of such a special mark on the forehead of the gods. If you are really curious about your life experience, then Only by making myself stronger will I be able to check many things easily."

Zuo Qiuyao naturally knew this truth, so her eyes fell on the ice deer beast, and asked casually: "So, are you coming with me?"

When the Ice Deer Beast heard this, he was silent for a while and then nodded: "Okay, I also want to know... your identity. The gods are too special between heaven and earth, especially the gods with golden eyes. I can know your life experience clearly. I protected you before.”

"I don't need protection. This Huangling Continent is full of mortals. But I heard that there are many monks in the mysterious world. Although I have always been curious, I have never found a way to go there." Thinking about it, he turned his eyes to the ice deer beast and asked, "Do you know the way?"

"The Mysterious World is not so easy to pass. Huang Ling's spiritual power is thin, and I have been practicing here for hundreds of years. But compared to the Mysterious World, the Yellow World is more peaceful for me. So even if I can pass it, I won't It may not pass." Ice Deer Beast said.

Zuo Qiuyao absorbed too much information today.

He looked at the Ice Deer Beast with a troubled expression: "Let's talk about these things later! You must leave Crescent Forest with me now. I have to go to Yuzhou and have urgent things to do."

"Yu Zhou?" The Ice Deer Beast looked at Zuo Qiuyao with its icy blue eyes, and asked suspiciously, "What are you doing there? There has been a natural disaster over there, and it's in chaos. It hasn't rained for a long time..."

"I went there, of course for the rain." Zuo Qiuyao answered casually
Ice Deer Beast: "..." It looked at Zuo Qiuyao with wide eyes, and said in a rather surprised voice: "Can you make rain now?"

"What's so difficult about it?" For Zuo Qiuyao, some things were indeed like instinct, so she also doubted her own eccentricity.

Binglu Beast said: "Even if you are a protoss, it is not so easy to have the ability to summon wind and rain."

So now it is even more impatient to follow Zuo Qiuyao to Yuzhou to see how she makes it rain?
"Don't talk about those who have nothing, hurry up and leave with me now." Zuo Qiuyao had already turned around and walked towards the direction of Crescent Forest.

The Ice Deer Beast could only follow behind, but at this moment it thought of a problem and began to worry: "These water sources can only provide me with a cup of tea invisibility. After I go out of the Crescent Forest, I have no cover. What should I do if someone sees me?"

It felt that this was really troublesome for Zuo Qiuyao.

But Zuo Qiuyao didn't care about it: "Since I have decided to take you out of here, I will face what you said sooner or later. If those people want to snatch you from me, it will not be so easy."

After all, these are a group of ordinary people with no spiritual power.

Even if there are a few strong men, they are all warriors.

Besides, as long as the Ice Deer Beast is willing to follow her, there will be no other surprises.Then even the four countries will know that the ice deer beast has an owner, and it will be safer.

On the contrary, she was hesitant to tell the world that the Ice Deer Beast was already with her.Otherwise, the next bloody storm in Crescent Moon Forest will be inevitable.

Hongyang, Chang Hui and others who were still waiting outside were staring closely in the direction of Crescent Forest.Because the sun has risen outside, and the sunlight has filled the entire Crescent Forest.

Immediately, the fog at the entrance of the Crescent Forest gradually disappeared, and the interior of the Crescent Forest also began to see through.

"The time is almost up!" The person in the unknown strength stood up excitedly and said.

Others waiting could not help but get excited: "We are ready to enter the Crescent Forest at any time."

Immediately, everyone looked warily at the forces around them.

From this moment on, as soon as they enter the Crescent Forest, everyone is each other's potential enemy.

And Zuo Qiuyao made a detour and went out of the woods.

Originally hesitant to go out from the entrance, but the Ice Deer Beast told itself that it would be smoother to go out from the direction of the entrance to Yuzhou.

Zuo Qiuyao couldn't get it right, so he walked out of the Crescent Moon Forest with Binglu in a big way.

When the forces at the entrance saw people surging in the Crescent Forest, they all looked up.

I was shocked to see that the woman who was alone just now walked out of the crescent forest by herself.

More than half an hour has passed in this world!
There is nothing wrong with this woman?
How can it be?

"The poisonous fog just now was so heavy, how could she still come out of the Crescent Forest intact? Damn it."

The crowd was amazed.

Even Chang Hui and the others couldn't help getting up when they saw Zuo Qiuyao, staring at her with wide eyes: "Miss Yao?"

At first, Zuo Qiuyao acted as if he had bid farewell to them, and they thought that they might never see her again.

Unexpectedly, she came out after only half an hour.

However, Zuo Qiuyao was very calm in the face of the surprised gazes around her, but the Ice Deer Beast beside her couldn't help but said: "My invisibility time is coming soon. If there is no water source..."

As soon as it finished speaking, the entire beast body of Sting La La appeared abruptly from the air.

Zuo Qiuyao: "..."

Originally, all the forces had their eyes on Zuo Qiuyao.

But the next second, everyone was attracted by the dreamy and beautiful ice deer around her.Everyone was dumbfounded and looked at Binglu blankly.

At this time, a snow-colored ice deer that was taller than her stood beside the woman.His ice-blue eyes were bright and clear, his body had snowflake-like marks on it, and his whole body exuded a white halo, making him look extremely holy.The snow-colored antlers spread out like plum branches, which is very beautiful.

This spiritual beast is not ferocious at all, it is so beautiful that people yearn for it.

After all, I heard that there are spirit beasts in the crescent forest to find.Therefore, most people are seeing this creature for the first time, and at the same time, they doubt whether its existence is real.

When they really saw it at this moment, all of them were stunned, dazed, fearful and excited.

"My God, there really are spirit beasts."

"I... I don't have hallucinations in my eyes, do I?"

"This woman actually found a spirit beast?"

Their eyes were all focused on Zuo Qiuyao and Binglu, feeling incredible.

How long has it been since this woman entered the Crescent Forest?There is no taboo against the poisonous fog, and... got the ice deer.

(End of this chapter)

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