e-sports puppy is a girl

Chapter 147 Ma Yao Combination

Chapter 147 Ma Yao Combination
[OK. ]
[Pumping friend competition. ]
[I also want to play games with Qingqing. ]
[Otherwise, open the room, I want to be beaten by the relationship. ]
[What kind of heavy taste is this upstairs, tsk tsk tsk. ]
[Don't say I think too, just be happy. ]
Xiang Qing refused, "I don't want to play a friend match, I will help the fans to play five kills tonight."

Her current state is not suitable for playing games with fans. If she loses, she will feel worse and may lose her temper with fans. She knows herself very well.

She had just promised to help fans get pentakills, but she hadn't officially started the mission yet.

After playing this game, Xiangqing switched the fan account.

Before logging in, she asked her fans that the other party was not playing games, so she didn't have to worry about getting the top number.

After boarding, she clicked directly into the ranking. Before it was turned on, her daily mobile phone rang.

Remembering that she had logged in to a small WeChat account just now, she thought it might be from a fan. She picked it up and took a look. It was not a fan, but it was from Jun Xiangxiao.

In addition to the latest WeChat, he sent five in a row.

It was almost at this time. I glanced at the bottom one and it said that I wanted to play with him.

Thinking that Pentakill would be a bit difficult, Xiang Qing agreed and sent her ID over.

When receiving a friend request, she agreed and explained to the fans: "King wants to play together, you don't mind."

[do not mind! ]
[We wish we could. ]
[Ah ah ah, I was so excited as soon as I came in? ]
[The ID upstairs and Qingqingdeng's account seem to be the same. ]
[Yes, the account Qingqing is currently using is mine hehe. ]
[Damn, I’m so jealous, I don’t even have such good luck. ]
[Upstairs you are not alone, I am a thousand-year-old African chieftain. ]
[Who isn't, envious, jealous and hateful. ]
Xiang Qing didn't pay attention and pulled the person in after agreeing to the friend application.

The rank of fans is the king, and Jun Xiangxiao also chooses to play with the tuba.

As a result, many fans suddenly poured into the Xiangqing live broadcast room, and the viewing rate soared.

I tried it before when I played games with Jun Xiangxiao, and Xiang Qing was not surprised at all.

After matching and entering the bp link, Xiangqing doesn't need to ban heroes on the first floor, and expresses in advance that she "I play jungler".

If you want to get pentakill, the first choice is to be a jungler. You are in charge of a jungle area. As long as you don't make mistakes, develop well, and have economy, it is easier than anything else.

Unfortunately, someone competed with her again for this position.

It was on the third floor, and the other party also said that he wanted to play jungle and asked for help.

Maybe the second floor was playing with him, and Xiangqing hadn't thought about playing jungle yet. The speed of the second floor helped the third floor steal the jungle. It only happened in one second.

Xiang Qing was stunned, clicked on the category of shooter, and chose Marco Polo.

Reluctantly said: "The jungler was robbed, and I can't help it."

Although the shooter can also get five kills, Xiangqing still feels that the jungler is more reliable. It may be that she is very confident in her jungler strength, but on the contrary, she is not so confident in others.

[fine. ]
[Marco is also very strong. ]
[It would be better to have a Yaomei. ]
[I, I, I want to see king play Yao. ]
[To be honest, I want to see it too. ]
The fans just said that when you go to the third and fourth floors to choose a hero, Jun Xiang Xiao Miao Suoyao.

Xiangqing:? ? ?
Is he spying on the screen in his live broadcast room?Why does he know what fans say?

Or was he planning Princess Yaoyao from the beginning?
Between the two, love is more limited to the former.

If it's the latter, she has nothing to say, and it's hard to say anything.

A big man likes to play Princess Yaoyao, she has no right to interfere, because this is someone else's personal hobby, and it happens that she doesn't like to dictate other people's hobbies.

(End of this chapter)

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