Chapter 82 Have you been looking for a long time?

Lin Ze found it strange that the two yuan had melted at the beginning. He often asked the cook to learn several dishes and feed him in different ways, and he always secretly watched him deal with affairs in the dark.

When he looked over, she ran away like a frightened rabbit. He knew she wanted to be nice to him, but...

These days are particularly good.

When he was free, he asked Jingyun. Jingyun was confused for a moment and then answered seriously, "Maybe it's because Your Majesty and Miss Rong are getting married soon. Miss Rong is very happy and wants to be nicer to Your Majesty."

Lin Ze frowned slightly, is that so?Although he was very sweet in his heart, he still hoped that she could do whatever she wanted without deliberately being nice to him.

It was almost evening, and the sun was still hanging in the west. Lin Ze remembered that she said she wanted to give him a gift in the morning, and he felt a little hopeful.

He hurriedly handled the affairs and came out of the Silver Moon Palace. When he passed by the Lanxuan Palace where Rong lived in the early Yuan Dynasty, he saw a white plum tree in bloom outside the flower garden. The bright red stamens were set against the pink petals, which were blown by the cold wind. The cold winter days slowly bloom.

A little bit of the elegant cold plum fragrance is exuded, and the fragrance is tangy.

He turned around and picked a few, held them in his arms, and returned to the Luhua Palace to place them in a vase in the room. The room was suddenly filled with a faint fragrance.

Yu'er saluted him and said, "Your Majesty, are you looking for Miss Rong? She is in the study room of the side hall."

Lin Ze nodded and was about to open the door of the study when he saw a girl sitting in front of the desk through the gap. She was drawing something on the desk with a pen in her bare hands under the bright luminous beads.

The corners of her lips were raised with a smile, and her beautiful face was filled with happiness and warm joy. The sleeve of her right hand was gently rolled up and placed on her slender wrist, revealing a fair and delicate wrist. She occasionally stopped writing. Thinking, sometimes writing.

He opened the door and made some noise. The girl suddenly looked up and looked over. She panicked for a moment when she found him. She pretended to be calm and picked up a beautiful handkerchief and covered it with paper. She stood up and smiled at him.

"Are you here? Today...why did you come here so early?"

He has been getting busier and busier these days. He has to deal with some unruly ghosts and lead people to search for Mrs. Qin's traces. Xunyue Immortal Master told him that Mrs. Qin is probably hiding in the ghost world, so these days The security in the imperial city was tightened, and many ghost soldiers were sent to search other places in the ghost world.

Usually, he came here late at night to accompany her back to the Palace of Silver Moon to sleep, but today he came so early.

Lin Ze hummed and nodded lightly. He couldn't control his excitement since the morning, but he didn't show it. He speeded up his work and came to her before the sunset.

Although he didn't say anything, Yuan Churong was keenly aware of the expectation in the deepest part of his eyes.

The corners of her lips raised quietly, a smile flashed in her eyes, and she waved to him cheerfully, "Then come here."

Lin Ze's black eyes flashed, and he walked over with long strides. His eyes involuntarily shifted from her face to the table.

There were square pieces of cardboard piled high in a pile. The handkerchief was covering the paper, covering the entire picture. He said, "What are you drawing?"

Can she still paint?
Yuan Churong pulled him to his side, and the faint fragrance from the girl's body was even more alluring than the bouquet of white plums he picked just now.

He is a head taller than her, and the two of them are relatively close. Looking from top to bottom, what comes into view is the girl's dazzling white neck skin and a small exposed collarbone. Below that, there is an astonishing The curvature is wrapped under the gorgeous dress.

... He knew how attractive it was.

Lin Ze's Adam's apple slid slightly unconsciously, forcing himself to look away and concentrate on listening to her.

"This is how we play there, let me show it to you."

The girl's tone was full of joy, but she was a little shy and embarrassed if she looked carefully. After taking the handkerchief away, Lin Ze saw what was drawn on the top piece of paper...

It is a picture of a character drawn with simple lines. There are two characters in the picture. A slightly taller man is dressed in black. He is unsmiling and has a cold look in his eyes. Lin Ze is holding the sword from the character's hand. The shape recognized him.

On the left is a woman dressed in pink. Her facial features are simply depicted, but her expression is cunning and agile. Her watery eyes are drawn particularly large, and she looks as moist as usual.

Both characters have big heads and small bodies, and they look very cute.

Yuan Churong endured her shyness and took the stack of papers in her hands, pinching the edges with both hands, and turned the pages from top to bottom under Lin Ze's gaze.

The paper fell very quickly, and the two Q-version figures were drawn on each piece of paper. The difference was that with each page falling, the distance between the two figures became closer and closer. .

Lin Ze had excellent eyesight. When he saw the last page, the little man in pink had already thrown himself into the arms of the little man in black. He raised his head and kissed her, and finally stopped.

This is one of the more fun ways to play in today's world - page-turning painting. On a whim, she wanted to make the two of them into Q-version characters.

After Yuan Churong demonstrated it once, she looked up and saw Lin Ze looking at the pile of paper in her hand, with a hint of surprise in her eyes and her black eyes shining slightly. She bit her lip and handed the pile of paper to her. Him, "Do you want to play?"

He reached out and took it, looking at the picture on the top of the paper. She was actually very shy when she thought of him personally playing with this page-turning picture.

His hands were so big that he could hold the pile of paper with one hand. According to her actions just now, the little people on the screen started to move as if they were alive...

After playing it himself, he seemed to find it very fun. He pinched each piece of paper and carefully observed the images of the characters on it. He pursed his lips, and his expression was unprecedentedly relaxed.

Yuan Churong's eyes softened, and the shyness in his heart faded a lot.

He's also been tense these days, so she wants him to relax.

She put her arms around his strong waist, put one hand around his neck and pulled him down, raised her face, and placed a slightly soft kiss on the corner of his lips.

Lin Ze didn't seem to expect that she would kiss him suddenly. He was a little stunned for a moment. A piece of drawing paper held in his right hand fell from his fingers, and his other hand subconsciously held her slender waist.

After a kiss like a dragonfly touches water, she withdrew slightly, leaning against his chest, and Yuan Churong smelled the faint fragrance of cold plum in his arms.

The sweet and fragrant kiss left, and Lin Ze couldn't help lowering his head to ask for her. Yuan Churong raised her slender fingertips to press against his lower lip to prevent him from getting closer. Her bright red lips were slightly raised, and her fingertips were slightly cold. The touch woke him up slightly.

She looked up at him, her eyes blurred, her red lips slightly parted, and she asked him softly, "Lin Ze, tell me, did you find that wish note after looking for it for a long time?"

Lin Ze suddenly felt a sense of unspeakable embarrassment and turned his face away, pretending to be calm.

"What...what a wish note."

(End of this chapter)

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