fast wear women wear men

Chapter 48: A woman wears a man's clothes, the second son of the prince's house 3

Chapter 48: A woman wears a man's clothes, the second son of the prince's house 3
When Ren Mingyue heard this, she danced happily and smiled, "Great! I like to eat the noodles made by the second brother the most! The second brother is the best! Yueyue likes the second brother the most!"

Ren Pingsheng chuckled: "Last month, my eldest brother gave you a pendant. You said that you like your eldest brother the most."

Ren Mingyue's smile froze, her eyes rolled, and she said softly: "I like the second brother more than the eldest brother."

Ren Pingsheng smiled and did not continue to argue about this topic: "The noodles will be ready soon. You go and sit outside for a while. The place smells of oily smoke. If you stay there for a long time, you will no longer be a delicious dumpling."

Ren Mingyue muttered dissatisfiedly: "I'm not a dumpling, I'm a Xiangxiang little girl!"

But she still walked out of the kitchen obediently and came to sit on a chair in the yard. There was a table in front of her with a glass of juice on the table, as if it was specially prepared for her.

Ren Mingyue picked up the cup out of habit and took a slow sip after another.

At this time, an old woman came in carrying a vegetable basket, which contained a handful of seasonal vegetables. When she saw Ren Mingyue, the old woman smiled and said, "The eldest lady is here."

Ren Mingyue also greeted her with a smile: "Mother Su."

Aunt Su walked into the kitchen carrying a vegetable basket and looked at Ren Pingsheng: "Second Young Master, I bought the vegetables you asked for."

Ren Pingsheng nodded: "Okay, wash it off."

Aunt Su: "Okay, Second Young Master."

Ten minutes later, a bowl of longevity noodles came out of the pot. Ren Pingsheng fried two more vegetables and put them on top of the noodles, then took them out and placed them on the pear wood table in front of Ren Mingyue.

Ren Mingyue smiled brightly when she saw him, and said sharply: "Wow! It smells so good! Thank you, second brother!"

Ren Pingsheng smiled slightly: "Eat it. Be careful because it's hot and slow down."

Ren Mingyue nodded with a smile, held her small chopsticks, and couldn't wait to eat.

After all, she is the daughter of a wealthy family. She eats everything in a polite manner, chewing her food slowly and pleasing to the eye.

After she finished eating, Ren Pingsheng took the little girl's hand and walked in the yard to eat.

Ren Mingyue: "Second brother, tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, let's go out and enjoy the lanterns."

Ren Pingsheng: "Okay."

Ren Mingyue: "Would my second brother make mooncakes for Mid-Autumn Festival? Yueyue wants to eat the mooncakes made by my second brother."

Ren Pingsheng: "Okay."

Ren Mingyue played in the yard for a while and then left.

Ren Pingsheng walked into the bookstore, took out the rice paper, Fuquan had already polished the ink, and Ren Pingsheng started to write the first storybook with a brush in his hand.

He started learning when he was 6 years old. Now he can write only when he is 10 years old, and he can recognize almost all the characters. He just started writing storybooks today.

He has already conceived the framework. Ren has no hobbies in his life. Apart from cooking, he just writes storybooks. Of course, he does not dare to write openly and can only write secretly, because he is afraid that if Mr. Hou and Mrs. Hou find out, they will be punished. I was dragged away for an education.

The synopsis of the story of Ren's first storybook is: a modern female teacher disguises herself as an ancient Madam Hou.

Ban Zhaoxue is a Chinese teacher who comes from an ordinary family. She is a straight girl. She is still an old maid at the age of 30. She is addicted to work and cannot help herself. She knows nothing about emotions.

On this day, her 30th birthday, she was about to make a wish when suddenly her vision went dark. When she opened her eyes again, she found herself lying in an antique room with furniture that could only be seen in TV series.

Suddenly dizzy, strange memories flooded into my mind.

Now she finally figured out what was going on with her.

She wore it on an imaginary ancient woman.

The original owner is Song Xuewei, who was born in a scholarly family. Her father Song Zhen is a bachelor, and her mother is the princess of Anyang Palace. Song Xuewei was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, but she is a love-minded person. She fell in love with Weiyuan Marquis at first sight, and she would not marry him unless she was the king. .

(End of this chapter)

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