Xiaobai's Counterattack: The Great God of Glory Lives Next Door

Chapter 353 I want to make friends with you

Chapter 353 I want to make friends with you
After closing his eyes for a while, Luo He finally opened his eyes slightly again, adapting to the brightness that was completely opposite to the darkness.

The sultry heat of autumn is becoming more and more obvious at this moment.Even though this boy blocked most of the sunlight shining on Luo He, Luo He still felt the sweaty heat and had the urge to rush to the school milk tea shop to escape the heat.

Obviously before the boy came, Luo He didn't feel hot at all, but actually enjoyed the feeling of being wrapped in the sun.

They, a group of e-sports teenagers, have no mornings and no exercise. They rarely go out to welcome the sunshine and take sun baths.So when the poisonous ultraviolet and infrared rays hit her body, her first feeling was warmth and happiness!
"Classmate...please ask, are you okay?"

While Luo He was speaking, she only raised her eyes to look at the young man in front of her. After confirming that the manager with the neat short hair was not someone she knew, she lowered her eyes lightly. From beginning to end, she only asked in an extremely cold voice at the end. Got this sentence.

Although Luo He's alienation clearly meant that he refused to be friends with people thousands of miles away, but as soon as he opened his mouth, the aloof image he had managed to create instantly fell apart.

Because, her soft voice is really not cold at all!

Therefore, the supervisor was not frightened by her alienation. Instead, the blush on her face became more and more intense, and there was a faint tendency to burn.I just heard the young man stammering in response: "I...I want to be friends with you..."

After the supervisor finished speaking, he didn't hear the expected or shy contact information, or the cold rejection. The little girl opposite was quiet for a long time.After a long time, the supervisor couldn't help but cast his eyes on her face again. She suddenly came back to her senses as if she had been awakened, and then asked the supervisor in a confused way: "Are you playing games?"

Although this question was far beyond the supervisor's expectation, he was only stunned for half a breath before he laughed and said with a little pride: "Let's play, League of Legends, Glory of Kings, I am both For play!"

After finishing speaking, before Luo He asked him what rank he was, he added very consciously: "I am a master in the first district of LOL, but I can reach the king in two days! Pesticide is the glory king, third in the district, thirty star!"

However, the expected exclamations and screams, not even the adoring gazes, were seen on the face of the girl with delicate features in front of her.She still looked at the air in front of her with the same eyes as at the beginning. It seemed that in her heart, she was not even as good as the air...

Suddenly, Guan Zhi felt a little frustrated.The pride that had always been felt in being superior to others due to rank was suddenly filled with frustration that filled the chest.

He seemed like a clown who presented a treasure that he thought was unique in the world to the girl he loved, but what he got in exchange was a cold sentence: "What are you talking about?"

Unwilling and frustrated.Guan Zhi didn't understand why Luo He would reveal such a thing, although in fact, she was just in a daze.

Since September, she seems to like to be in a daze more and more. She is in a daze all the time, just like spring is here and she doesn't want to sleep all the time. She doesn't want to be in a daze all the time.

Perhaps the supervisor's gaze on his hand was so obvious that Luo He, who was far away from the world, actually noticed it from the corner of his eye and responded with a smile as bright as the wind.

The bright smile was like a shot of tranquilizer hitting the supervisor. Although she didn't know why she was smiling, all her unwillingness and anger were suppressed in an instant.

Before Guan Zhi could recover from Luo He's smile, Luo He had already got up and left.

The back view when leaving, accompanied by the last sentence, together in the golden sunset, will be forever engraved in Guan Zhi's memory.

"You are great, keep up the good work!"

(End of this chapter)

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