Chinese comic editing: taking stock of high-energy famous scenes!

Chapter 270 This will be his lifelong nightmare.

Chapter 270 This will be his lifelong nightmare.

At the same time, he looked left and right, and a series of wilderness survival tips came to his mind.

"Standing high, with a wide view, able to fight and run, it's you."

Lu Shu looked at the small mountain not far in front of him and was very satisfied.

Then he ran in its direction, trying to appear on the top of the mountain before the moon appeared.

This is a guarantee for your own life safety.

He kept running and running, and from time to time he passed by the corpses of several men in black that he had seen in the base.

It was a delicious snack for a few vultures hovering in the sky, feeding on carrion.

But Lu Shu didn't have time to mourn.

After all, in this dangerous place, the only thing I can do is to protect myself first, and then do anything extra.

He exerted all his strength and trotted all the way. When he saw a familiar face, he slowed down and walked towards him.

I saw the man in black in front of me sitting on the ground, leaning against the mound of soil, his head hanging lifelessly.

There was a fatal wound on his white shirt, and the dim afterglow shone on his body, adding a little sadness.

This place became his destination.

Lu Shu looked down at the dead man, seemingly calm, but his heart was surging, and memories from the past emerged in his mind.

After the incident of slapping the fat man with his hand the night before, the man in black patted Lu Shu on the shoulder when they were having dinner again the next day.

He turned his head and saw the small bench on the ground.

It turned out that the man in black specially sent it to Lu Shu in order to thank him.

He is a good man.

But now, because of his mission, he died alone in the ruins.

No one will remember him either.

Life is so unpredictable sometimes.

The person who was laughing and chatting with you one second, you don’t know what will happen the next second.

Seeing this scene, Lu Shu was shocked in his heart, and a feeling of discomfort spread in his heart, which was very unpleasant.

But it also made him realize more clearly the cruelty of the environment he was in.

He forced himself to calm down, closed his eyes and didn't think about these things, then turned around and started running again in the other direction.

Not long after he left, several vultures flew down and gnawed on the dead man in black.

This is war.

Victory is certainly joyful, but who knows that in the process of victory, there are unknown sacrifices and sacrifices.

Food for thought.

At the same time, after leaving, Lu Shu concentrated his attention, crossed the obstacles, and kept moving towards the destination.

Seeing that no matter what, there is still a big gap in front of me, I silently complained in my heart.

"Wangshan is really a race to death. It's too far."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Shu saw a rising red light in the sky, with black exhaust gas elongated at its tail.

Seeing this, he stopped and watched.

"What kind of artifact is this?"

Without saying a word, he jumped up, raised his long sword, and struck down the red light neatly.

As the red light descended into a canyon, Lu Shu also landed on the ground and ran to the edge of the valley.

He lowered his head and looked down, and saw a yellow-haired student in the huge canyon, facing the red object that fell in front of him with negative emotions.

Seeing someone, Lu Shu suddenly realized.

"This is a signal flare."

After thinking about it again, I felt something was wrong.

Anyway, now that the other party has discovered him, he can no longer hide it.

So Lu Shu directly observed this person openly.

Noticing the red gun in the opponent's hand, he continued to think in his mind. "Could it be a student from Daoyuan's class out of town? I've never heard of a flare gun being given to ordinary students, and the workmanship and materials are too weird."

At this time, the main system page appeared in front of him.

When he saw the negative emotion values ​​popping up on the main interface, Lu Shu felt even more puzzled and said.

"Why does this person still use numbers to name his names?"

The main system disappeared. In order to clarify the doubts in his heart, he jumped down directly and landed opposite Huang Mao, observing the other party more clearly.

Compared to Lu Shu's openness, Huang Mao obviously hid a little secret.

When he saw Lu Shu coming down, he quickly hid the flare gun behind his back.

After catching the other party's small move, Lu Shu's expression became serious, he realized the seriousness of the matter and said silently in his heart.

"Is he... the foreign spy Jiang Suyi mentioned?"

Through the red signal flare, Huang Mao was stared at by Lu Shu until his scalp went numb. His upper body moved back involuntarily, and his negative emotions continued to explode.

The screen turns.

Back to the night when I first came to the base.

in the tent.

A man carefully opened the curtain and watched as large trucks with flashing lights came in.

He lowered the curtain with confidence, returned to his position, and praised in a low voice to several compatriots, including Huang Mao.

"You have been trained by the organization since childhood and have lived in hiding in other people's lands. In terms of perseverance and endurance, you are far ahead of your peers."

Then he opened the box among the people, and there were six flare guns placed inside, which he briefly introduced.

“This is a 3D-printed disposable flare gun that can hide from the dragnet’s security checks.”

After distributing it to everyone, he taught them how to use it.

"After entering the ruins, if you get separated, find a safe location to launch the flare. When people nearby see it, they should immediately go to the launch location and try to gather together."

Huang Mao lowered his head and looked at the red flare gun in his hand seriously.

Looking up again, he saw Lu Shu's serious gaze staring at him again.

At this time, the signal flare straddling the two people gradually lost its light, turning into a plume of black smoke and disappearing completely.

Lu Shu was always wary of Huang Mao, who was silent in front of him, and felt grateful in his heart.

"Fortunately, the income record also has the function of seeing through the real name. This guy is definitely not one of our own."

Just after thinking this, Huang Mao once again provided Lu Shu with negative emotion points.

It made him very happy.

After realizing that this was a big deal, the darkened version of the little devil Lu Shu appeared again, his expression becoming more and more ferocious.

It created an invisible pressure on Huang Mao.

Negative emotional values ​​continue to explode.

In this way, Lu Shu did nothing, just looked at the other party quietly, his balance income continued to increase, and he rushed to the sun to set.

Huang Mao didn't know what Lu Shu was planning and why he was looking at him silently like a mute.

He was angry and aggrieved at the same time, with all kinds of complex emotions intertwined together, and his negative emotion level never stopped.

However, Lu Shu was not satisfied with this. He raised his chin slightly, looked upward, and started his own little calculation.

"If we keep doing this till night, we might be able to break [-]."

The next second, Lu Shu took out his long sword and moved forward in an attacking stance.

All-day chat group.

[Full-time Mage World Mo Fan: When this foreign spy meets Lu Shu, it will be his lifelong nightmare. 】

[The King’s World Lu Xiaoyu: Lu Shu, you can do it, anyone can be your experience baby! 】

[King World Lu Shu: Oh, it is an honor for these foreign friends to meet me. 】

[Big King World Li Yixiao: Damn it, people from abroad really sneaked in, these guys are shameless! 】

(End of this chapter)

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