Let you fight monsters, and you wake up Gatanjie?.

Chapter 166 Two Attacks, Are You Crazy?

Chapter 166 Two people attack, are you crazy?
Chen Yu still has one of the Tree of Life in his hand, but he has not yet planted it.

If you want to plant it, you have to find a relatively safe place in the real world.

As for the control of MP, Jiliang Zeyu gave Chen Yu a reply three days later.

The control cannot be completely handed over to Chen Yu. The management officer Matsunaga said that half of the control must be in the hands of Kira Zeyu.

Of course, as a price, Yu Kirazawa's rights in another location will be handed over to Administrator Matsunaga.

"Okay, half is half."

Chen Yu also knew that it was impossible to hand a team as big as MP directly into his hands.

Being able to control MP with Yu Kirazawa is already a very good start. One has two, and rights and other things can be mastered slowly.

That night, Chen Yu came to Qian Shulian's room and handed the fruit of life to Qian Shulian.

"Captain, where did you buy this fruit? It smells very fragrant."

Qian Shulian only regarded the fruit of life as an ordinary fruit and asked Chen Yu.

"It's from my hometown. It was mailed recently. Try it and see how it tastes."

Chen Yu smiled and said to Qian Shulian.

Although half of the Fruit of Life can save Qian Shulian, Chen Yu is too lazy to score it. Anyway, he still has a lot of this thing, and there will be more after planting the Tree of Life.

Qian Shulian nodded and put the fruit of life into his mouth.

Unexpectedly, the fruit of life turned into a ray of light and directly entered his stomach.

Sensing this movement, Qian Shulian was stunned.

"Don't be surprised. This fruit is the fruit of life from the universe. How will you feel after eating it?"

Seeing Qian Shulian's bewildered expression, Xu Ming asked with a smile.

"In the universe? The fruit of life?" Qian Shulian's eyes widened, "I feel like my body is undergoing transformation!"

"Go out, Yu Kirazawa is waiting for you to check your body." Chen Yu said to Qian Shurei, "After the examination, we will know what changes have happened to your body."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yu left Qian Shulian's room and returned to his dormitory.

The results of Qianshu Rei's examination came out quickly. Kira Zeyu was the most excited after seeing the report.

The inspection report showed that Qian Shurei's physical condition was normal, and the cell vitality test even exceeded the standard!

"The fruit of life is indeed useful!"

Kira Zeyu's ghostly figure appeared in Chen Yu's room, wanting to tell Chen Yu the news.

However, Chen Yu smiled and said: "Consultant, now you should give me the management authority of MP."

"It can be handed over to you, but you have to let me know your intention to take charge of MP."

Kira Zeyu calmed down and asked Chen Yu.

Chen Yu stood up, came to Kira Zeyu and said, "It's very simple, I just want all human beings to know the existence of Ultraman."

"No." Hearing Chen Yu's words, Kira Zeyu refused without thinking, "The existence of Ultraman cannot be known by humans!"


"Because the alien beasts feed on the fear of human beings, if humans have a lot of fear, the strength of the alien beasts on the earth will be greatly improved!" Kira Zeyu replied, "At that time, it will not be the night raid team Can handle it!"

"Consultant, I think your path has gone astray." Chen Yu shook his head and said, "Alien beasts feed on fear, but have you ever thought about where Ultraman's strength comes from?"

"Come from where?"

This point is the knowledge blind spot of Yu Kirazawa.

Even the visitors don't know how Ultraman's strength improves so quickly and the energy comes from it.

The only thing I know is that Ultraman Nexus will become braver as he fights, and his strength will improve after every battle.

"Of course it's the fetters and people's beliefs." Chen Yu replied, "Alien beasts feed on fear, and Ultraman needs the support of people's beliefs to make people believe in him and bring light to the world."

"Are you talking about Tiga...or Nexus?"

Kirazawa asked.

"No matter what Ultraman he is, his strength will definitely be related to people's beliefs, because Ultraman's power is idealistic."

"Only mind..."

Speaking of this, Jiliang Zeyu suddenly believed Chen Yu a little bit.

Because as a predictor, this kind of power beyond materialism has appeared, so it is not impossible for the power of idealism to appear in this world.

It's just... In Kira Zeyu's eyes, it is better for humans to solve the things that humans can solve.

"I know what you're thinking." Seeing that Kira Zeyu hadn't spoken, Chen Yu continued, "You're thinking, if the alien beasts become stronger and can only be wiped out by Ultraman, then human beings can only kill them." We can rely on Ultraman to fight against alien beasts, right."

"That's right." Kirazawa nodded and said, "If the strength of the alien beasts has been suppressed, then humans still have the ability to fight against them. If their strength changes..."

"The alien beast is evolving, you should know it." Chen Yu interrupted Kira Zeyu and said, "Sooner or later, the alien beast will still evolve to a stage where the night raid team can't beat it."

"I have to think about what you said." Kirazawa shook his head, "And it's not up to me alone to prevent MP from erasing human memories of alien beasts and Ultraman."

"Okay." Chen Yu also nodded and said, "I believe you will understand my intention."


Ikki is still taking care of Lizi. After all, as the captain, Chen Yu still has the right to approve Ikki's fakes.

As for Captain Wakura, Shiori Hiraki has already returned and will be taken care of by Captain Wakura's family members.

As a rookie trainer, Hiraki Shiori soon took up the training job.

Both Chiki Rei and Hime Yajun joined Hiraki Shiori's training.

In fact, Ji Yazhun used to be a war reporter, so he is still good at marksmanship, but he has never learned how to pilot a fighter plane.

As for Qianshu Rei, because he is the son of Prometheus, his learning talent is different from ordinary people, so he can learn everything very quickly.

In terms of physical strength, with the blessing of vitality from eating the Fruit of Life, high-intensity training is completely possible.

When Kirazawa Yu's voice appeared in the hall, asking the Night Raid team to go out to fight, Chen Yu said that he would just take Ishibori Mitsuhiko with him.

Ji Yajun and Qianshu Rei stayed to train and did not need to participate in the battle.

Ishihori Mitsuhiko thought Chen Yu was joking at first, but after Kira Zeyu agreed, Ishihori Mitsuhiko was dumbfounded.

"Staff, Captain, are you serious?"

Looking at Chen Yu dumbfounded, Shijue Guangyan asked.

"Yes, seriously." Chen Yu nodded, "We will pilot the Chester Alpha and Beta respectively. You just have to make sure you don't die."

(End of this chapter)

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