The Awakening of All People, But I Opened a Fairy Pet Shop

Chapter 193 Are you ready to embrace the new world? !

Chapter 193 Are you ready to embrace the new world? !
The super speed with priority +2 is one of the fastest moves besides the high five.

Comparable to this move, there are only feints, head-on blows, and electric acceleration.

However, among these skills, feint is a functional move that breaks through moves such as defending or seeing through, and electric acceleration is an exclusive move that only the partner Pikachu can learn, so it is not considered.

Only a very small number of elves can learn to hit the head, which can be compared with the speed of the gods.

Su Bai's hand kept stroking the fluffy hair of Feng Speed ​​Dog, this feeling is really good.

Although Zeraora is also very good, but it is obviously not as good as the wind speed dog in front of him in terms of fluffy hair.

It made Su Bai want to get a long-haired and soft elf to rua a little more...

"The move of super speed is also one of the reasons why the wind speed dog is so precious and is called a legendary elf."

Su Bai said while ruaing: "It is the only elf that is not a quasi-god or a divine beast, but can use speed ..."

As one of the most useful initiating skills, the most impressive is the speed after the fat dragon dance. After a big fight, it will be the nightmare of the squishy elves.

Even in the latest noble environment, the so-called fat fast dragon has firmly dominated a wave of arenas.

Only elves who can withstand a fat slap and not die are eligible to play...

Although the wind speed dog is not as powerful as hypertrophy, the skill of super speed has guaranteed that its lower limit will not be too low!
After all... Let's take a good look at the elves who can use super speed!
All are beasts!
Let alone Raikou, Entei, and Suicune... Raykuza, Deoxyus, and even spirits like Arceus can only have super speed in their list of moves.

It can be said that as an extremely easy-to-use move, just the skill of super speed can directly fill up the card board of the wind speed dog.

Not to mention it's just a fire stone with [-] cultivation points, so what if the cost is doubled?
A wind speed dog who can be used as a mount, has super speed, and has a key character that is loyal and absolutely protects the master is definitely worth it!

Su Bai's words immediately made the people present couldn't help salivating at the wind speed dog again.

the center of the crowd.

Liu Yunlan, whose middle school soul was burned by Su Bai's words, was burning with enthusiasm, sitting on the wind speed dog and pointing to the gate: "As expected, he is the elf of my strongest trainer!"

"I knew that the bond between us would make you one of the strongest elves!"

"Come on! Wind Speed ​​Dog, let's find a place to train!"

"Let's conquer this era!"

Immediately, the wind speed dog let out a long and loud howl, carrying its master on its back and shuttled through the crowd like lightning.

After a few ups and downs, he rushed out of the gate of the elf center!
"Ah this..."

Su Bai stretched out his hand with black lines all over his head, always feeling that this guy Liu Yunlan's middle school illness has become more and more serious.

Should I power up Rotom?
On the side, Murong Nan helplessly apologized to Su Bai's best friend who helped him, and said with flickering eyes, "Eh...I'm sorry..."

"As an apology... How about I treat you to dinner?"


On the afternoon of the third day, there was a sea of ​​people at the gate of Haicheng.

Su Bai and Zhu Jianyuan stood at the front, and behind them were countless trainers with their own elves!

At this moment, all the people, looking at the scenery in front of them, couldn't help but fell into shock.

The arrival of the elves for nearly three days has been completely completed.

During these three days, it was clear that the arrival of the elves had brought about more environmental changes.

Some trees and flowers that withered due to too much dead energy exuded a new vitality.

The fruits planted by Haicheng people are also giving off a refreshing fragrance.

For Haicheng people, the whole world is completely different.

And each of them contributed to it!

Now, it's their turn to explore this unknown new world!
Su Bai looked at the trainers who were gearing up in front of them. These people would become the first batch of people to come into contact with wild elves in the entire human world.

Starting today, elves will completely enter human life.

The influence of the dead beasts will be gradually dispelled by the vigorous vitality of the elves!

What surprised Su Bai the most was that in fact, the City Lord's Mansion only issued an order to prevent the people of Haicheng from going out within these three days.

But for some powerful awakened ones, going from inside the city to outside the city is actually not as difficult as imagined.

However, in these three days, no one really left the city without authorization.

You must know that for human beings who are used to death, every inch of land after the arrival of elves is an unknown surprise!
It is not surprising that one or two people can restrain this temptation.

But there are so many people in Haicheng, but it is hard to find a single person who violated the rules!
This kind of restraint just shows the desire of Haicheng people for the arrival of elves.

I'm afraid that if I do anything wrong, the elves will not be able to descend smoothly!

"Everyone... is amazing!"

Su Bai rode on Lao Ping's back, hovered in mid-air, looked at the eager Haicheng people, and said sincerely: "As the boss of the elf center and an elf envoy, I am very grateful for everyone's dedication."

"I know everyone wants to explore the world of elves right away, so I won't waste your time."

"But before that, I still want to say some necessary precautions."

The huge crowd became silent the moment Su Bai spoke.

Everyone looked up slightly, looking at the boss of the Elf Center who had changed the entire Haicheng and was about to change mankind.

Su Bai's words were conveyed to the ears of these concentrated people without missing a single word.

"The world of elves is a strange world to everyone."

"Although elves are not like dead beasts, they have a strong desire to attack humans."

"But elves are also territorial and will attack creatures that trespass or make them feel dangerous."

"Therefore, it is not recommended that people who have no self-protection ability enter the elf territory without authorization."

He pointed to a broad road stretching out in front of him and said, "Of course, it's not to prevent these people from feeling the beauty of the world... I know how hard everyone has been waiting for this day."

"Those who don't have the ability to protect themselves can follow the right path. Generally, there will be no elves attacking humans within the range of the path."

"But correspondingly, the degree of exploration will not be increased on the road. This is a road set up for humans who have no exploration ability to feel the breath of the new world."

Su Bai's words immediately made many people's hearts drop.

Waves of uncontrollable cheers began to ring out at the gate of Haicheng!

For civilians without the ability to protect themselves, just being able to experience a world without dead beasts is enough to make people excited!

The cheers all over the sky forced Su Bai to stop with a smile, after repeated gestures.

Su Bai turned to the trainers at the forefront of the line.

"'s you. Exploring the elf world is your mission as trainers, right?"

"Ready to embrace the new world?"

(End of this chapter)

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