The Awakening of All People, But I Opened a Fairy Pet Shop

Chapter 619 I just want to keep my home!

Chapter 619 I just want to keep my home!

As the "gods" of the elven world, the power of the mythical beasts is almost endless.

For example, the performance of the Divine Pillar King has already shown its power to crush everything.

If the Divine Pillar King reveals his true form and walks on this earth, then it is obvious that any apostle will cease to exist, let alone this small tide of death.

As the Phoenix King at the same level as the Divine Pillar King, of course he has power that is not inferior to that of the Divine Pillar King. Not to mention Wang Ce, the second seat, even if the ancestor comes in person, he may not be able to get a good deal in front of the Phoenix King!

But this is not the elf world after all... Although the order of this world is close to collapse, it is still there after all!

As the power of another system, the power of elves will have a certain resistance in this world... It's like being tied up.

The will of this world...or part of it, does not want gods from other power systems to act recklessly in this world!

The higher the power, the more obvious the restraint is.

This kind of restraint... Su Bai has been vaguely aware of it since he obtained the power of the seven major elements.

The dividing line is probably at the strength of the second-level god. If it is higher than the second-level god... it will reach the threshold, resulting in the inability to fully exert its power.

Unless... break this world.

But obviously, it is impossible for the mythical beasts to do such a thing.

The appearance of mythical beasts can be divided into two situations.

One type is dispatched based on system tasks.

In this case, the system will provide a platform for the display of the power of the mythical beast.

For example, the way the God Pillar King pulls the continent is neither restrained nor breaking the rules of this world.

Another situation... is that of King Feng.

One is on a business trip, and the system will naturally take care of everything.

Now, as well as the time in Life Jungle, they are all private jobs, so naturally they lose this benefit.

Moreover, apart from this factor... the Phoenix King himself may also want to see something better.

For never gets tired of courage and hope!


Almost everyone on the front line has already anticipated their ending.

A student carefully put away the elf, wiped his face casually, and took out a staff from his arms.

Suddenly he said with a playful smile: "Although my power is somewhat insignificant compared to the entire death energy tide."

"But it is impossible for me to be swallowed up without saying a word."

"Later, I will let this dead energy tide know what the number one fire method in Lianshan City is!"

A flame with extremely high temperature flashed on the staff as he spoke.

Most of the students are awakened ones.

Even without the elves, they still won't be able to surrender.

Although the awakened person's power system cannot be integrated into that wall, it still has a tit-for-tat restraint effect on the death energy!

In the crowd, people kept taking out their weapons and waiting quietly.

Amidst the continuous sound of monsters smashing against the wall, more and more people began to form a square formation, just like what their ancestors had done before there were elves.

Use your life to fight for a future for mankind!

At the very least, they should be able to make the tide of death a little thinner... to make it easier for those who come after?

"Damn... why are you doing this so bravely..."

Su Bai cursed weakly and angrily increased the output of the elf's power.

However, all of this cannot play a big role in the face of this tide of death energy that is almost a natural disaster.

Now, he is still a bit far away from the level of a divine beast. To be honest, he is still a little far behind.

However, just when his mood became extremely bad.

In the distance, a huge head quietly poked its head out.


With a huge roar.

A Kirby beast that was much larger than an ordinary Kirby beast appeared in Su Bai's sight and ran towards it!

Immediately afterwards, there were familiar calls of "Da~~Da~~".

A handsome Gotha Duck led a group of dull Gotha Ducks, following Kirby and running towards this side.

In the sky, several Big Bee Birds appeared with a small group of Big Bee Birds, also flying towards this side.

Rattata, Arbor Snake, Nidoran...

More and more elves of various colors appeared in everyone's field of vision.

In the confused and disbelieving eyes of the students, one head hit the superpower wall!


"Overlord... Overlord Kirbymon!"

It was naturally impossible for Su Bai not to recognize the Kirby that appeared first.

This guy's kid has been eating and drinking freely at the Elf Center!

Speaking of which, if it weren't for the tycoons from the Elf Center or Zhang Qun... they really wouldn't be able to raise Kirby...

Su Bai was deeply impressed by this dominant Kirby beast that gave his cub as a gift.

There are also those ducks. If Su Bai admits his mistake correctly, they should be the tribe of Murong Nan's duck. And the group of flame horses...and the group of fire monkeys who once chased Wang Tao's blaster...the armored rhinoceros that ran into a deep pit with every step...

All kinds of elves have surprisingly the same goals at this time!

As if they had made an appointment, they faced the tide of death one after another!

"Holy shit! What a great guy!"

Bai Caiyun stared at this scene dumbfounded, pulled Eli Locke beside him blankly, and said confusedly: "Am I hallucinating?"

"What are these elves doing...are they here to help us?"

"But if that's the case, then why did they run away again before??"

Bai Caiyun's eyes were full of confusion.

She knew that in addition to being disgusted with death, wild elves also had fear.

When the amount of death energy reaches a certain level, this fear will overwhelm the disgust.

Without the orders of the trainer, it is impossible for ordinary wild elves to muster the courage to fight against such a huge death force.

Because there is too much "malice" in it!

Instinctively, the elves want to escape from this overwhelming malice... Otherwise, they will not be driven away by the apostles with dead beasts and sub-beasts.

But now... what's going on here?

Why come back to fight against the tide of death energy? !


Not far away, where Su Bai is.


Faced with Su Bai's question, the Overlord Kirby roared loudly.

Dianxi suddenly realized: "Kabimon said that they don't want their homes to be completely destroyed..."

"They are protecting their home!"

Su Bai slapped his forehead and finally understood.

The elves fled at first because there was no such tide of death energy at that time.

In the simple mind of the elves, they would not think about how the apostles would treat the occupied territory after they occupied the elven city.

They were just driven by instinct and wanted to stay away from the army of dead beasts that smelled huge and disgusting.

But after the death energy tide formed, things became different.

Wherever the tide of death energy passed through, it was completely ruined and lifeless.

This also means that once the tide of death spreads completely, the wild elves will lose their home forever!

This is unacceptable for any kind of creature.

They turned back to help, actually not because they wanted to help humans. Wild elves are not that great yet.

They are just like those students... they simply want to keep their homes!

"I see, but..."

After Su Bai stood blankly for a while, he suddenly frowned again: "But this is not enough..."

As if in response to Su Bai's words, an armored rhinoceros suddenly took several steps back and lay weakly on the ground.

Then, another big tongue fell down with a whimper.

Obviously, the wild elves with different levels of power are only weaker than the elves trained by the students in their ability to resist the tide of death!

And the most deadly thing is that the trainers' elves and trainers can replenish their status, and if it doesn't work, they can take back the elf balls.

These wild elves have no one to do this for them!

If this continues, I'm afraid even these wild elves will be wiped out.

The terrifying corrosive power of the death energy tide... is like a real natural disaster!


At this moment, the overlord Kirby suddenly roared at the tide of death.

A strong light enveloped the overlord Kirby beast's body, and the next moment, the other wild elves seemed to have received some instructions.

They also all roared!

The keen intuition of the wild elves made them make the same move at this moment.

At the same time, he unleashed his elf power with all his strength!

Powerful forces gathered together, and the superpower wall suddenly took a big step forward at this moment!

The tide of death energy... was pushed back!

And it was at this time.

A flash of fire suddenly burst into flames from the sky.


This was accompanied by a cry that was extremely familiar to Su Bai.

A brilliant rainbow suddenly appeared over the battlefield!

(End of this chapter)

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