When people were in Qin Dynasty, they changed the world by swiping entries

Chapter 101 Bug Acupuncture, 2 Means of Killing and Medicine

Chapter 101 Bug acupuncture, combined killing and medicine
Although he knew that Bai Yuan had a high status in Taoism, neither Nian Duan nor Duan Murong had any other thoughts except surprise.

They didn't think about what to do with Bai Yuan.

Different from the big forces such as Confucianism, Mohism, and Taoism, medical people do not study the classics of governing the world, nor do they pursue powerful martial arts. They only study how to treat diseases and save people, and inherit the medical skills of their ancestors.

Even the only martial arts that doctors have are just for strengthening the body, so for hundreds of years, doctors have not had any martial arts masters, only some immortal doctors and miracle doctors.

Because of this, the power of doctors among all the schools of thought was weak and it was difficult for them to protect themselves.

This is why doctors choose to stay away from disputes and only do their own thing. They basically ignore matters that have nothing to do with treating diseases, saving lives, and medical skills.

The two of Nian Duan were similar, knowing Bai Yuan's identity, Duan Murong might feel happy because of it, but Nian Duan felt much calmer.

Six Fingers Heixia knew Nian Duan very well, knowing what she was thinking, he couldn't help shaking his head.

He had thought about inviting Nianduan to join the Mohist family before, but the Mohist family often participated in wars between countries, which was contrary to the idea of ​​doctors staying away from disputes and inheriting peerless medicine. He knew that Nianduan would definitely not agree, so this idea was rejected by him. Let it go.

However, Tianzong of Taoism is different from Mohism. Tianzong is detached from the world, quiet and inaction, which coincides with the idea of ​​doctors to stay away from disputes.

Moreover, Taoism and doctors have a long history, and most Taoists are also proficient in medical principles, but they are not as specialized as doctors.

This can be seen from the Taoist inner strength method that can be used to heal injuries, as well as the Taoist alchemy technique.

Therefore, Nianduan and the others can rely on Taoism through Bai Yuan's relationship, not necessarily to get any benefits, but to give them an extra guarantee in this troubled world.

Six Fingers Heixia also really thought about Nian Duan and them, so he told Nian Duan and his thoughts.

After hearing this, Nian Duan fell silent. Taoism and medical school are indeed related, and many concepts are similar.

But she still upholds the dignity of the heirs of the medical family, not to mention that they are not in danger every day, and the situation like today is only a minority after all.

So maintaining the current relationship with Bai Yuan is enough, there is no need for more.

Regarding Nian Duan's decision, Six Fingers Heixia couldn't say much, and he could understand Nian Duan's thoughts.

Leaving from Mo's house, Nian Duan found that Duan Murong's mood was not high, so he couldn't help sighing.

She must have felt sad because she reunited with Bai Yuan this time, but she didn't have much time to get along well, so the two sides had to part again!

Silent all night.

In the early morning, Bai Yuan finished his cultivation and walked out of the house early to breathe the fresh air and feel the beauty of the new day.

Taking advantage of the rising sun, Bai Yuan casually completed his daily draw.

[Huayang Acupuncture (Purple)]: According to legend, it is a set of acupuncture created by the miracle doctor Bian Que. It can not only cure diseases and save people, but it can also dissipate all the enemy's internal energy by pricking the enemy's acupuncture points. It is extremely powerful, but to learn Huayang Acupuncture, you must first have a solid medical foundation, and at the same time, it must be combined with Huayang Acupuncture or the doctor's special silver needle to exert its full power.

Bai Yuan raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect to be able to draw a purple entry, and it was also a bug-like Huayang Acupuncture Technique!

You must know that a certain descendant of the Tang Dynasty relied on the Huayang acupuncture method taught to him by Gangzi to save danger many times, and even dared to jump left and right in front of the King of Hell.

A good mood for the day starts with this Huayang Acupuncture!

He hurried into the room, took out a piece of clean cloth, wrote something related to medical skills, and then loaded it with [Huayang Acupuncture].

The content recorded on the cloth changed instantly, and became the real Huayang acupuncture method.

"Humans have triple energizers, qi is born from the essence, and spirit is born from qi. Therefore, the Huayang needle holds the three pointers and only shakes and twists to lift the three methods. It has two intentions of killing and healing. The mind and the needle go up and down at will. Acupuncture is like burning a volcano, take a hundred labors for the first time, repeat the needling, as if the sky is cool, and then perform acupuncture, light and heavy, light and heavy, take it off from the top, potter the body and gods, and hang life in the middle of the tendons... ..."

The content of Huayang acupuncture is not much, and it is extremely easy to learn for those who study medicine.

Bai Yuan took it in his hand and directly used [Quantum Speed ​​Reading] to learn it.

However, it is not enough just to learn the Huayang acupuncture method. If you want to use this acupuncture method, you must cooperate with Huayang acupuncture or the doctor's special silver needle.

He doesn't have Huayang needle, but he can have the doctor's special silver needle.

Because Nianduan and the others were here, he could ask for a share from Nianduan.

Thinking of this, he felt that he was really lucky. If he hadn't happened to meet Nianduan and the others yesterday, he would not have known when he would be able to use the Huayang Acupuncture technique today.

At this moment, an idea suddenly popped into Bai Yuan's mind, perhaps this set of Huayang acupuncture can be passed on to Nianduan and the other two. They are proficient in medical skills and are suitable for learning Huayang acupuncture!

And he just happened to be able to use this acupuncture technique in exchange for the doctor's special silver needles, and he was not in debt!
On the other hand, if they learn Huayang Acupuncture, their ability to protect themselves will be stronger, and Bai Yuan can feel more at ease.

Among all the schools of thought, the basic martial arts skills of the doctors are not very high, so they are often very passive when encountering danger.

Today, Bai Yuan came in time, and there were everyone from the Mo family, but what if they weren't there?

After making a decision, Bai Yuan put away the cloth that recorded Huayang's acupuncture techniques, and then went out to find Nian Duan and the other two.

Seeing Bai Yuan approaching, both Nian Duan and Duan Murong were surprised.

"Why did you come here so early, are you ready to say goodbye?"

The question of Nian Duan made Bai Yuan feel dumbfounded.

"You have misunderstood, I am not here to say goodbye, but to discuss something with you!"

Hearing his words, Duan Murong's eyes lit up. He wasn't here to say goodbye. The subtext was that he didn't want to leave so soon. They still had time to stay together for a while!

Nian Duan glanced at his apprentice, and then asked with some doubts: "If you have anything to say, just say it!"

Bai Yuan took out the cloth and handed it to the two of them.

"I want to exchange this set of acupuncture techniques with you for a set of silver needles specially made by doctors."

When Nian Duan heard his words, his brows trembled slightly.

The doctor's special silver needles are basically not given to outsiders to use, but when he heard the acupuncture method he said, Nianduan was a little curious.

She took the cloth and took a look at it, but it was this one look that made her unable to take her eyes away.

As the successor of the medical family, how high is Nianduan's medical skills?
It was also because of this that she was extremely shocked by this set of acupuncture techniques. How could there be such exquisite and miraculous acupuncture techniques in this world?
Nianduan didn't finish reading this set of acupuncture techniques and quickly rolled it up. This thing was a priceless treasure for doctors, and she didn't dare to accept it easily.

 I've been a little busy lately, so updates may not be timely, so I'm sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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