Douluo: Girl, please let me go.

Chapter 138 Is this position lonely? 【Subscribe】

Chapter 138 Is this position lonely? 【Subscribe】

Bibi Dong: "?"

She raised her head in astonishment, apparently a little caught off guard by Xu Changqing who suddenly poked his head out
Originally, Bibi Dong was experimenting with ways to resist system punishment. After all, it was impossible for her to choose to do those deceptive tasks.

This meant that after the two-year task storage period, she would continue to be punished like this kind of punishment of falling down after ten steps. This was too deceitful, and she had to make plans early.

She is the Pope of the Wuhun Temple, and she has never seen any scenes. She believes that with her own ability, she will be able to find a way to deal with punishment, so she has been experimenting for a while.

However, he never expected that Xu Changqing would suddenly appear in front of him at this moment.
"What do Xiaowan and the others do? Why can't anyone stop them!" Bibi Dong felt a little annoyed, but on the surface he got up calmly and patted the dust on his clothes twice.

"It's nothing, I just fell down accidentally, how did you get in." Bibi Dong looked at Xu Changqing calmly, as if it wasn't herself who fell just now.

"I have this"

Xu Changqing shook the papal decree held between his fingertips, with a strange look in his eyes, "Your Majesty, are you really all right?"

Bibi Dong looked a bit embarrassed at this time, compared to last time, the luxurious pope's robes looked a bit dirty, and she lacked a bit of the majesty of the high pope.

Bibi Dong glanced at the Pope's decree, her heart twitched, it's no wonder that this kid can enter her East side hall unimpeded.

"What's the matter with me! Also, you should call me teacher just like Nana."

After finishing speaking, she paused, then flicked her embroidered robe and floated up, "Follow me!"

"Oh" Xu Changqing nodded, followed Bibi Dong and scratched his head, always feeling that Bibi Dong is so weird today?

"His Majesty the Pope, do you always fly when you walk?"

Bibi Dong's face was sullen, and she didn't want to answer this question.

"Call me teacher!"

"Alright, His Majesty the Pope, by the way, where are you taking me?"


Xu Changqing heard the sound of his knuckles clenching because he was holding it too tightly. In front of him, Bibi Dong's palm behind her back had been tightened at some point.

Xu Changqing:
"Teacher, where are you taking me?"

"Go to my bedroom." Bibi Dong turned her head and showed a somewhat stiff smile.

"Bedroom?" Xu Changqing was shocked, no way, jockey Zhizu and so on, I'm still ready!
It turns out.

Xu Changqing was completely overthinking.

Outside Bibi Dong's room, Xu Changqing was shut down.

Bibi Dong only left a sentence telling him to wait outside, and left him outside the door.

Xu Changqing was not in a hurry, he wandered around the courtyard, and finally found a seat in the stone pavilion and sat down. There was a tea set on the low table in the middle, and he made tea without any hassle. Not bad.

He came today, apart from wanting to see what Bibi Dong was up to, he also had the idea of ​​asking where the killing capital was.

After the soul master competition, he planned to go to the capital of killing. This trip is destined to be not peaceful, and it may be very dangerous, so he will not bring anyone with him at that time, and plans to go alone.

The tea is warm.

Bibi Dong hasn't come out yet.

The pot of tea was almost finished, but Bibi Dong still didn't come out.
Xu Changqing leaned on the low table, resting his cheeks on his palms, almost falling asleep while waiting.

"Dong dong!"

In a daze, the short table was knocked, and Xu Changqing rubbed his eyes to wake up, and looked at the figure sitting opposite him.

"What are you looking for here?"

Bibi Dong sipped her tea gracefully, her eyes were light.

She had already changed into a casual dress, which was very loose, revealing a large area of ​​white and greasy skin. She seemed to have taken a shower, her long wet hair was hanging behind her, and her lustrous jade fat was shining.

A vague fragrance flows from the front, lingering around the tip of the nose, it is not known whether it is body fragrance or the fragrance of flowers for bathing.

Xu Changqing silently recited "Amitabha Buddha" twice in his heart, without looking sideways, and then went straight to the point, "Your Majesty, I want to ask, how to get to the city of killing?"

Bibi Dong didn't say anything, just looked at Xu Changqing with gloomy eyes, lightly tapped the table with her slender fingertips, and there were slightly dull "boom" and "boom" sounds from time to time.

Looking at each other, Xu Changqing was defeated.

"Teacher, I would like to ask how to get to the Killing City?"

"In your book, there is a record of the city of killing, but not how to get there?"

Seeing Xu Changqing shaking his head, Bibi Dong asked with a crooked eyebrow: "What do you want to do in the capital of killing? Do you want to get the inheritance of the God King Shura?"

"I just want to complete a killing god domain. As for the inheritance of Shura God, just let it go, you can get the best one, and forget it if you can't. There are so many places in the Douluo Continent where the gods are passed on, so I don't have to dig into the horns. You have to hang yourself on the inheritance of a god king."

Xu Changqing said it very frankly and casually. The original book did not explain how to start the Asura Examination. He only knew that the Asura Excalibur should be very important. If you get the Asura Excalibur, if you have enough talent, you will have the possibility of becoming the Asura God.

Isn't this the case with Tang San in the original work?
It can be said that the Shura God's throne was forcibly given to him by God Shura.
that's it
Hearing this, Bibi Dong's frown slowly relaxed.

She is determined to win the throne of Asura, if Xu Changqing is determined to snatch it from her, then it will be difficult for her to do so.

In the past two years, she had made too many preparations for the Asura position, and she didn't even bother with the Rakshasa test.

The loss is too great, so the inheritance of the god king must not be lost.

"After the Soul Master Competition, I will also take Nana to the Killing City. You should go with me then. It is very dangerous inside. Together with me, I can keep you safe." Bibi Dong pondered. After a while, he said this.

Bibi Dong is going too?

Is she interested in the inheritance of God Shura?

Also, with Bibi Dong's temperament, and the fact that she had said so many bad things about the Rakshasa God before, it is only natural that she would like to change her legacy to a God who is stronger and more prestigious in the God Realm.

"All right."

Xu Changqing was a little helpless. It seemed that Bibi Dong was a little afraid that he would take away the Shura God's throne, so they went together to protect themselves.

This time, he really lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot.

But with Bibi Dong's help, perhaps the battle against the Slaughter King wouldn't be so difficult?It seems to be a good thing, as for who will win the final Shura Excalibur, it depends on the operation!

If it really doesn't work, the worst he can do is give up. The position of Poseidon is still acceptable, or he can forcefully become a god at level [-] with his own abilities!
In the past, the God of the Sea and the God of Angels could achieve level [-] godhood on their own without relying on the place of inheritance. Why can't Xu Changqing do the same?

With the help of the system, he has the confidence to become a god at the hundredth level without relying on the inheritance of the god position!
"Okay...? Are you dissatisfied with this seat's decision?" Bibi Dong tickled the corners of her rosy lips.

"It's a little bit." Xu Changqing admitted frankly and calmly, with the presence of an old god.

"You are so brave, you dare to talk to me, a teacher, like this. Xiaoxue is not here right now and can't save you." Bibi Dong narrowed her eyes slightly, picked up the teacup, and took a sip.

Silently, a cold breath spread from her body, like an inverted bowl, wrapping the entire stone pavilion. The "crack" ice spread to the surrounding stone pillars, trying to cover the entire stone pavilion. The pavilion was frozen into a lump of ice.

Seen from the outside, the entire stone pavilion was covered by a layer of mournful white air.

This is the killing god domain!
Bibi Dong's control over the Killing God Domain has reached the point where she can move her mind at will, and the area covered by it is just the entire stone pavilion, without affecting the outside in the slightest.

At this time, the inside of the stone pavilion was icy cold, the air seemed to be frozen, and Xu Changqing's clothes were covered with a layer of hoarfrost.

"A teacher, you want to scare my disciple like this? You can't say anything from your heart. No wonder I think when Hu Liena talks about you, it's like a mouse talking about a cat, with respect and fear at the same time. There is no harmony between master and disciple. ."

Xu Changqing rolled his eyes, his body trembled, and a circle of ripples spread out from his body, turning into five-color light and yin and yang energy, covering him, with him as the center, spreading outward, resisting Bibi Dong's God of Death Domain.

Wherever it passed, the ice and snow melted quickly, just like the first sunshine after snow.

Divine Firmament Domain!

In the small stone pavilion, the two realms collided silently. The inverted bowl-shaped realm shield is no longer simply a sad white color, but is divided into two parts from the middle, with one side showing a sad color. White will wither everything, but the other side is beautiful and very gorgeous.

Facts have proved that it is useless to look good. Xu Changqing's Shenxiao Domain has been suppressed. Most of the domain shields above the stone pavilion are the territory of the Killing God Domain. Can only barely protect themselves.


Bibidong was a little surprised. She didn't expect Xu Changqing to have domains. Domains are a very rare ability. The martial souls with domains are all very powerful martial souls, such as Qian Renxue's holy angel martial soul. Qian Renxue was born at level 50, and the angel domain was opened early at level [-].

Her own death domain was only opened when she was level 90, the sooner the domain was opened, the stronger the spirit was.

Looking at it this way, the quality of Xu Changqing's martial spirit is no worse than Qian Renxue's, and can be compared with the god-level martial spirit.

"Your field is just so-so."

Bibi Dong's face was expressionless, and she verbally belittled Xu Changqing's field, but she was a little envious in her heart.

Xu Changqing's martial soul potential is very strong, stronger than hers!
"so so.?"

The corners of Xu Changqing's mouth twitched. Aren't the domain abilities similar except for the Martial Soul characteristic?
There is no good or bad statement, only the conclusion of whether it is suitable or not.

Ah yes yes yes!

You say so-so, so be so-so, I know you are not jealous.

"His Majesty the Pope is saying that I am really not very satisfied with my domain. It cannot compete with your God of Death domain."

Xu Changqing nodded with certainty on his face, agreeing with Bibi Dong's words. If it weren't for the narrowness in his eyes and the serious expression, one would have thought he really thought so.

He is over level 60, and Bibi Dong is over level 90. The real power of the field can only be exerted after level 70. This is a truth that both of them know.

Bibi Dong snorted softly, and waved away the Death God Domain. Xu Changqing also followed suit. In the stone pavilion, the previous harmonious scene was restored again, and the two of them drank tea opposite each other.

"You said before that Nana is very afraid of me!" Bibi Dong spoke first.

Xu Changqing spread his hands, "Isn't it? Could it be that His Majesty the Pope didn't notice it? I think you get along in a cold way, not like a master and a student at all."

"That's why you don't want to call me a teacher? If that's the case, then what do you think is a master and apprentice?" Bibi Dong asked with a faint smile.

What constitutes a master and apprentice?

Xu Changqing thought for a while.

Doupo's anti-inflammatory medicine and the old man with medicine, he thinks it can be called a typical one, tsk, staring at the big breasts together, nodding blankly and saying how big together, he still remembers that scene vividly, in Xu Changqing's view, this is unique It's like a master-student relationship!

But it was impossible for him to describe it to Bibi Dong like this, otherwise the previous scaring would probably turn into a real beating.

"I can't explain clearly, but I feel that there should not be so many insignificant etiquette between master and disciple, which only increases the sense of alienation. Nor should only the state officials be allowed to set fires and the common people not be allowed to light lamps." Xu Changqing replied with a shrug.

"Etiquette? Alienation?"

"oppressive rule?"

Bibi Dong pondered for a while, and somewhat understood what Xu Changqing wanted to express, she stared at her beautiful eyes, "When did I do the thing you said about setting fires and lighting lamps?"


Xu Changqing looked shocked, "Are you still doing little?"

"For example?" Bibi Dong frowned and spread her hands, signaling Xu Changqing to continue.

I'm excited if you want to do this!

Isn’t this an opportunity to educate and brainwash yourself?

Xu Changqing thought for a while, and then said, "Let's talk about it just now. You asked me if I was dissatisfied with your decision. I said a little bit, and then you used the killing god domain to scare me, didn't you?"

"Is there a problem? You said it yourself, it was a threat, and I didn't really want to do it." Bibi said.

"Is this okay? You're used to being superior. You're used to others not having any opinions. You want everyone to follow your preferences. Otherwise, it's disrespectful to you."

Seeing Bibi Dong frowning slightly, Xu Changqing continued: "Yes, maybe you think you are a superior pope, so others have to do what you want, and they should respect you, but have you ever thought about the differences between people? The relationship between them is also different?”

"Take Ju Douluo and the others for example. They are subordinates and they should obey orders. But you asked me to call you teacher. Our relationship must be more intimate, right?"

"I just said something. You can use the Killing God Domain to suppress me, and you won't give me any opinions. Then I feel that in your eyes, I am not much different from a subordinate. Sorry, I can't feel it. Master-student relationship, so I don't want to call you teacher."

"If you don't understand, you can think about Hu Liena, is she as obedient as a rabbit in front of you, she never dares to speak loudly, and dare not make any comments."

"You're pushing everyone out, toward the relationship between the Pope and his subordinates, so that no one else dares to think about it even if they want to get closer."

"His Majesty the Pope, is this supreme position lonely?"

(End of this chapter)

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