Covering the sky starts from the mortal body

Chapter 838 Destroy the Feathered Emperor

Chapter 838 Destroy the Feathered Emperor

Zhang Wenchang dug up this dragon vein, took away this divine spring, and then returned to the ancient star of the Gods again.

Zhang Wenchang refined this dragon vein into the ancient star of the Gods.

Zhang Wenchang, together with the old patriarch of the God Clan and several Supreme Elders of the God Clan, entered the heart of the Dragon Vein.

Zhang Wenchang was proficient in the formation secrets and easily broke through the countless formations inside, entering a temple.


Countless divine clouds burst out, and divine light of various colors lingers. It is extremely sacred inside, and billions of rainbows penetrate the sun and the moon.

This is the first ancestral vein of the feathered ancestral star. All the essence of dragon energy is gathered here. Countless rays of fairy light are transpiring and falling. In this world, the glow is bright and surging.

The entire ancient temple looks peaceful and sacred, and there are countless divine chains of order here.

The most shocking thing is that a stone embryo is in the only hole of the first ancestral vein, rising and falling there, rising and falling with the auspicious glow emanating from it, fluctuating with the rainbow, absorbing the essence of the ten directions.

"what is that?"

"Is this the Yuhua Emperor?"

The protoss who came together were stunned, and they felt as if they were struck by thunder.

Witnessing such a heaven-defying scene with my own eyes, a dead ancient emperor is still alive?This is beyond their understanding, considering that 30 years have passed.

The entire cave is simple, natural, and majestic, with colorful smoke blooming, densely imprinted with runes, and the sounds of sacrifices and gurgling sounds, creating a myriad of atmospheres.

These auspicious scenes made the stone body even more extraordinary. The image of the stone man was very vague, looking like a human figure sitting there cross-legged, very rough, but at this time he was the center of the world.

This is a stone man, and something must be gestating inside. The hearts of the people of the Protoss race are pounding, and they feel that Zhang Wenchang is really too courageous.

Emperor Yuhua is a very ancient emperor who has left countless immortal traces in this world.

"This is impossible!"

"Many great emperors and ancient emperors are dead. How come he is still alive?"

"Could it be that he also killed himself and became the Supreme Being of the Forbidden Zone?"

"Is it true that becoming the Holy Spirit can lead to such a long life?"

The gods couldn't believe their eyes, and their hearts were full of doubts.

Zhang Wenchang used his supreme magic power to smash the stone body with his own hands and killed the Yuhua Emperor.

At this time, five colored juices emitted from the stone body, and the fragrance filled the air.

The generation of the Holy Spirit is very mysterious and is the product of the harmony between heaven and earth.

The juice inside is the essence of the great avenue, containing the laws of heaven and earth. Once turned into stone, it forms the core of the Holy Spirit.

It takes a long time for him to be nurtured by heaven and earth before he is born. It is produced by the interaction of the great ways, so as soon as he is born, he will stand at the top of the ultimate path.

At this time, the Yuhua Emperor has turned into the most primitive form of the Holy Spirit. It can be said that he has turned into an egg. He is in the weakest state. Even a saint can easily kill him.

At this time, Zhang Wenchang smashed the stone fetus and took out the essence of the avenue, and his development stopped.

These essences and divine fluids of the great avenue can be put into a bucket of water to wash the marrow and refine the bones of a young child. It takes about a month to get a genius child.

The eyes of several elders of the God Clan were red. This is such a heaven-defying thing. If you get a god, how many wizards can you cultivate.

Even ten young children cannot use it up, and it can be used for three to five generations.

If your own qualifications are strong enough, coupled with such assistance, your future achievements will be limitless.

Zhang Wenchang took half of the psychic fluid, and then took out about one-tenth to give to the gods.The other four-tenths were reserved for the old patriarch of the God Clan for transformation.

Zhang Wenchang kept sketching with his hands and muttered words in his mouth, as if he was reciting a magic spell. The scalps of the elders of the God Clan were numb for a while.

One after another, the divine lines of the avenues in the sky and underground were flashing, and the divine light that lit up was filled with a kind of demonic fluctuation.

The old patriarch of the God Clan has only one head left, and the rest have been turned into stone.

At this time, he also turned into a stone body, taking the place of the Yuhua Emperor, floating up and down in the cave.

"Thank you, Emperor of Heaven, for your help to me. From now on, the Gods will obey the Emperor of Heaven!" said the old leader of the Gods.

"You're welcome, the Gods have always stood proudly in the world, and I admire them very much. Immortal Court should be allies with the Gods, helping each other!" Zhang Wenchang said politely.

Everyone in the God Clan expressed their gratitude to Zhang Wenchang. Zhang Wenchang said a few polite words to them and left.

Before leaving, he carefully told these people from the God Clan to take good care of them and not to be destroyed by others after they turned into holy spirit eggs. If something went wrong at that time, death would be real death.

On the way away from the ancient star of the God Clan, Fatty Duan chased after him like his butt was on fire, constantly competing with Ji Haoyue on the skill of transcending the heavenly tribulation.

They discussed endlessly with Ji Haoyue every day, making Ji Haoyue and his wife take the trouble to meet again after being separated for thousands of years.

Finally, Ji Haoyue told Fatty Duan the location of the ruins and asked him to go there to search for every bit of the ruins.

Zhang Wenchang returned to Xianting and came to a wide courtyard.

He took out the Nine Aperture Holy Spirit Liquid of the Feathered Emperor and planned to give it to the most outstanding little guys in future generations.

Although he also consciously cultivated some Holy Spirits to baptize future generations, their quality was far from the level of the Feathered Emperor.

This is almost comparable to the Qing Emperor's blood of the Demon Emperor's Holy Heart.

The mountains were filled with clouds and mist, and a dozen outstanding descendants were baptized that day.

The bones in their bodies were crackling continuously, and vague laws and fragments were imprinted into their bodies.


"It hurts to death!"

These little guys screamed in pain, struggled fiercely, and each one resisted strongly.

It seems that these little guys usually lead such a good life that they are not even willing to suffer this little pain.

Zhang Wenchang was cruel and pushed them all into wooden barrels to wash their marrow and refine their bones. This was an astonishing transformation.

"You're such a little guy who doesn't know your blessings despite being blessed. How many people kneel down to ask for good things that I can't ask for, but you don't treat me as a treasure." Zhang Wenchang said.

Zhang Wenchang left here and came to the Immortal Mountain, where he continued his enlightenment.

Now that Zhang Wenchang has reached this level of cultivation, there is still room for progress, and he is not willing to stop here.

He knew that becoming the Great Emperor was only a small step.

After the Great Emperor, there are True Immortals, Immortal Kings, Quasi-Immortal Emperors, Immortal Emperors, Sacrifice Dao, and above Sacrifice Dao.

There is a crushing gap between each realm.

He must work hard, not only to become an immortal in the ninth world, but also to achieve the highest level in the future.

Now that he has become the Great Emperor, the next step is to consider how to survive life after life.

(End of this chapter)

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