Chapter 971 Heng Tianzun

This world was not created by Zhang Wenchang's body. The light particles here have been silent for who knows how long and how many epochs.

The once brilliant pollen road has become a dead end, and those light particles have been buried by black matter.

Now Zhang Wenchang's body stirs the river of time and stirs up the whole world, allowing those mysterious light particles to revive in this world.

Although it is said that there is Empress Pollen on this road, Zhang Wenchang knows that this road can still be walked to reach the Dao Fruit of the Immortal Emperor.

The Pollen Queen uses pollen, while Zhang Wenchang’s Pollen Path uses pollen and breathing techniques. Therefore, if you continue on this path, you can also give birth to the Immortal Emperor status.

This was a polluted road. In the Holy Ruins Era, when Chu Feng first started discussing it with Yu Shang, he believed that the body had mutated and rotted, such as having more heads, more arms, more scales or vertical eyes, perhaps. It is to enhance the various abilities of the human body and unlock the treasures in the body.

But because it evolved too fast and too much, the human body couldn't bear it, so it turned into various monsters, also known as rot monsters.

Chu Feng once believed that when faced with these dirty and ugly corrupt mutations, he should first calm down, take the initiative to realize, constantly evolve, and finally transcend, instead of considering getting rid of all the mutated parts of the body.

But Zhang Wenchang knew what the problem was. The pollen path and the breathing method had been polluted. The light particles and pollen had been polluted, and were contaminated with weirdness and ominousness. This was the most essential reason.

Zhang Wenchang once again found an ancestral dragon vein and set up many restrictions. He once again wanted the seeds to take root and sprout.

He wants to evolve again and evolve into Heng Tianzun.

Plant the seed again, and a purple sapling takes root and sprouts from the pot, surrounded by a trace of chaotic mist.

This purple sapling rose from the ground and quickly grew into a big tree.

This big tree is more than ten meters high and has three big branches. The purple mist is filled and rolling there, and the sound of the great heaven and heaven comes from the tree like a scripture.

The bark of this big purple tree has lines like dragon scales eight feet in size, full of the vicissitudes of time.

The big branches are lush and leafy, and the leaves are purple and translucent. There are star-like light spots on the leaves, sparkling and sacred.

The leaves rustled like the sound of heaven, and Zhang Wenchang could feel the special sound of the avenue.

He felt countless light particles swaying from the big tree, and the mysterious scriptures continued to echo. It was very mysterious and could not be heard clearly, but it felt like being baptized, and the soul and body were sublimating.

Zhang Wenchang realized something in his heart, stood up and performed the great road in his heart.

All kinds of wonderful skills flashed in his hands, astonishing divine power surged, and mountains one after another were destroyed by him.

In the Huafen Road practice system, the Tianzun level is a special joint. Legend has it that in this realm, one can comprehend the principles of the great truth at the beginning of the world and resonate with the immortal great truth.

This mysterious scripture seems to come from an unpredictable world, transcending the long river of time and being delivered here.

Zhang Wenchang lowered his mind and concentrated on understanding the process of evolution. Countless runes emitted from the big tree, falling like raindrops.

On the big purple tree, a flower bud appeared in the middle of three big branches, and countless avenue runes gathered towards the flower bud.

It was a dazzling purple divine flower that was the size of a sea bowl when it bloomed.

The purple flowers danced without wind, pouring out countless purple mist, shrouding Zhang Wenchang, and the rich fragrance was intoxicating.

As soon as Zhang Wenchang took a sip, he felt that the pores all over his body were relaxing, and he felt extremely comfortable. His whole body felt like he was in a state of ecstasy, and he was soaring.

Countless light particles flew into his body, and his body began to undergo a comprehensive transformation.

His body is getting stronger, his soul is being baptized, and he can feel his strength growing rapidly.

With a loud bang, he entered a new realm.

He felt his body improve comprehensively, and his strength increased again. His powerful momentum caused the surrounding rocks to explode.

At this time, Zhang Wenchang's body suddenly underwent inexplicable changes. Countless strange lines spread out and spread all over the surface of his body, binding him tightly like iron chains.

Zhang Wenchang even heard the real banging sound of iron chains colliding, which was bone-chilling.

The lines like iron chains kept tightening and wrapped around his soul, as if they were going to strangle his body and soul.

Zhang Wenchang continued to evolve the various magical techniques he had learned. Although the chains were getting tighter and tighter, his aura was getting stronger and stronger.

With a loud bang, his body burst into brilliant divine light, and the chains on his body broke abruptly. His body was flawless, his soul was pure, and the terrifying and strange divine patterns were completely shattered.

Zhang Wenchang knew that these lines were caused by the pollen road being strangely polluted. If ordinary people were contaminated, they would definitely not be able to escape the fate of rotting or becoming slaves, but Zhang Wenchang was definitely different.

Zhang Wenchang's body was undergoing a violent transformation, and his whole body was emitting an increasingly bright divine light, which was hotter than the scorching sun and extremely domineering.


His body was constantly glowing, and his soul was extremely bright. Countless light rains poured out, bathing in a sea of ​​countless light particles.

The lost scene reappeared, an illusory ancient road appeared, it was a broken road, and an evolutionary path that had disappeared for endless years reappeared.

An ancient road lay in front of him, leading to an unknown distance. He could clearly see that at the far end, there was a broken road.

It was a vague and deep road, traversing between heaven and earth, as if there were countless opportunities.

The space where Zhang Wenchang was located suddenly became dark, as dark as ink, but the road became more and more real.

And this road is like being made up of light particles. Countless light particles are falling down, and the broken road ahead seems to be cut off by sharp knives. It is very evil and terrifying.


A spear as black as ink suddenly passed through the void and pointed directly at Zhang Wenchang's eyebrows.

A bright divine light automatically lit up to form a protective shield, protecting Zhang Wenchang's body.

This black spear was bone-chilling, as if it came from hell, and it easily broke through the divine light.

Zhang Wenchang punched out, and countless golden millstones automatically appeared on it.

There was a loud bang, accompanied by a bright golden light and black light, and his fist hit the spear, which was deafening.

The pitch-black spear was blown away, then automatically broke apart, turning into a pitch-black rain of light, and the light flew into Zhang Wenchang's body in a flash.

Zhang Wenchang was attacked by hundreds of black divine lights. The gray millstone in Zhang Wenchang's body slowly began to rotate, frantically absorbing the black divine light, collecting them into the millstone, grinding them, and forcibly erasing them.

With a sound, a blood-red monster, a humanoid monster, appeared next to Zhang Wenchang.

Its speed is incredibly fast, and it can't even dodge.

He is the blood-colored monster in the Blood-colored Era, a monster formed from the weird blood-colored substance.

He jumped into Zhang Wenchang's body in an instant. Zhang Wenchang's body was full of orifices, and strange blood was flowing out of the pores all over his body.

Zhang Wenchang immediately started breathing. His body and soul resonated continuously, forgetting things and myself, and constantly interpreting his own method and his own way.


A mysterious small cauldron appeared in his body and exploded, shattering a lot of blood-colored material.

A divine bell roared in the body, continuously expanding, and the ripples of the avenue were like tides, shattering a lot of bloody matter.

Countless golden runes suddenly appeared, rushing through his body like a vast ocean, washing away the weirdness that appeared in his body.

The shrill screams came, as if each of the weird monsters had been wiped out.

The blood-colored substance was continuously sucked into the millstone and was completely destroyed.

Between his flesh and blood, a multi-colored divine light rose, extremely bright, and even his blood seemed to turn into five colors in an instant.

All malignant substances and weird substances in the body are purified.

In Zhang Wenchang's channel composed of light particles, countless light particles continued to gather here as if encountering magnets.

Immersed in a special state, countless light particles and mysterious substances swirled around Zhang Wenchang's body.

The broken parts of Zhang Wenchang's body were being repaired frantically, and his Dharma and Tao were sublimating unknowingly.

As if he had experienced thousands of years and reincarnation, he had taken a big step on the path of spiritual practice.


Zhang Wenchang took one step, and the entire road collapsed, and countless light particles flashed out.

Zhang Wenchang's body stood firmly on the fruition position of Heng Tianzun.At this time, Zhang Wenchang's body was crystal clear, his hair was as black as ink, and the blood all over his body was as bright as the morning glow, like the scorching sun. Every drop was shining, and his every move and every move carried inexplicable power.

Zhang Wenchang pulled out a seed from the ashes of the dead tree and kept it.

Click click.

Streams of terrifying thunder fell from the sky, each one shaped like a ball like a mountain, and lightning fell from the sky, as if it was about to destroy the world.

The terrible disaster came, hitting Zhang Wenchang's body, and the mountains and rivers under his feet were shattered.


One after another, the mountains were turned into fly ash in the lightning that filled the sky. All the flowers, plants and trees were turned into fly ash, and the surrounding lakes were also evaporated.

This terrifying Hengzun Heavenly Tribulation is specifically designed to kill super strong men at the level of Hengzun.

It seems that such monsters that exceed the rules are not allowed to appear in this world.

This terrible catastrophe almost chopped Zhang Wenchang into pieces. All the flesh and blood in his body exploded, leaving only the bones. In the end, even the bones were charred and blackened, and scattered on the ground piece by piece.

But he persisted in the end, regrouped his figure, and persisted until the thunder disappeared.

The physical body is baptized by thunder. For geniuses, divine punishment is actually a reward. The strong ones are always strong with the baptism of thunder.

For example, those geniuses who practice the method of covering the sky in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, starting from the Secret Realm of the Four Extremes, with strong enough physiques and strong enough foundations will encounter heavenly tribulations to a greater or lesser extent.

The stronger the Heavenly Tribulation, the more benefits it will receive and the stronger its foundation will be.

The stronger the foundation, the more violent the heavenly tribulation and the thunderous tribulation you will encounter next time. As long as you don't die and persevere, the foundation will be stronger, just like a positive cycle.

Zhang Wenchang's body recovered quickly and reshaped his true body, with countless divine tattoos flashing in his body.

His soul became stronger and stronger under the baptism of thunder.

He successfully survived the catastrophe and became a Hengzun.

Zhang Wenchang traveled around the world again. After traveling for 1000 years, he left the Great Red Sky and came to the Floating World. This is a big world among all the worlds, no less than the Great Red Sky.

This world has also been activated with pollen, and has also embarked on the path of pollen.

Zhang Wenchang discovered that fallen immortals have appeared in this world.

In other words, among those who practice the five secret methods of covering the sky, there have been polluted ethnic groups, and many people have begun to be forced to turn to the pollen road.

He discovered that in this world, the so-called decree has appeared. Holding the decree can reincarnate in reincarnation and rebuild again.

On this day, there was chaos on the Samsara Road. It was said that someone attacked the Soul River, and everyone on the Samsara Road in the ancient underworld rushed to support.

Zhang Wenchang hid in the Purple Gold Pagoda and rushed into the path of reincarnation through a crack.

The main body told him that there was a big opportunity there and asked him to go there.

Zhang Wenchang rushed into the path of reincarnation without hesitation.

The extremely vast reincarnation road is intermittent, as if it is composed of broken continents floating in the void.

Zhang Wenchang's speed was very fast, and he soon discovered skeletons one after another.

They are skinny and skinny, almost like skeletons, and they have extremely weak soul fire in their bodies.

No reincarnated people were seen on this road, only these skeleton-like corpse soldiers.

The cracks between continents could not stop Zhang Wenchang's footsteps, and he quickly entered the depths of the path of reincarnation.

He found dilapidated buildings there and various skeleton-like monsters wandering around, but they were all confused and spiritual, and turned a blind eye to Zhang Wenchang.

Among the ruins, Zhang Wenchang discovered one after another deep pits like black holes, where there were desperate places.

Zhang Wenchang heard the cries and howls of billions of creatures along the way, and they all came from the deep pit.

These terrifying black holes seem to be connected to one big world after another, specializing in collecting all kinds of corpses.

Zhang Wenchang passed through one desert after another and soon found a glorious temple.

There is deathly silence here, as if it has existed for countless epochs. There are no skeleton soldiers here, and it seems to be a place of sleep.

This palace is so terrifying, every room is as vast as a world.

Here he saw a huge millstone that was constantly turning.

He saw countless corpses suddenly appearing from the black hole above, entering the pipes of the millstone, and being continuously ground into pulp.

Then it is repeatedly quenched and extracted to extract a certain substance from it.

In just a few moments, millions of corpses were torn apart and extracted.

I don’t know how many years it has been here, the same thing has been repeated, and I don’t know how many corpses have been processed.

The black hole above must be connected to countless worlds.

Collect the corpses of various creatures from various worlds, grind them into plasma here, and extract mysterious substances.

It took the corpses of billions of creatures to refine a drop of mysterious liquid.

This stone mill, which looks extremely rough, runs endlessly and has an existence of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Zhang Wenchang soon realized that the extracted substances were probably the practicing beings. The bit of spirituality in their bodies, the foundation of their cultivation, had been extracted and turned into liquid.

Zhang Wenchang could see that there were nine stone mills connected together. After layers of grinding and extraction, all substances except the mysterious liquid were turned into fly ash.

The mysterious liquid gathered into a small pool, ten meters square.

After Zhang Wenchang saw the small pool, an impulse surged through his body, just like a traveler in the desert seeing the sweet spring water.

Zhang Wenchang immediately realized that these things might be the same as the origin extracted from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths with the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique, and they had countless wonderful benefits for the body.

Although this kind of thing seems very disturbing at first glance, it is indeed a great tonic for practitioners.

Zhang Wenchang suddenly thought that Chu Feng back then seemed to have used this liquid to relieve himself. The fatigue and weirdness caused by practicing too quickly allowed him to easily span ten thousand years without having to practice step by step.

What bothers practitioners most about the Flower Fen Road is the so-called exhaustion period. After reaching the limit of a certain realm of practice, you must go through the baptism of time. If you don’t withstand the erosion of time, it will be difficult to make progress, and the possibility of strange changes will increase. big.

Before Zhang Wenchang left God, he was warned that if he practiced too fast and forcibly evolved, his flesh and blood would fall off and turn into a skeleton, and his whole body would become all kinds of weird and ominous, very miserable.

If normal development is followed, after becoming Hengtianzun, it will take at least tens of thousands of years to cool down the body and stop progressing in practice.

After all, Zhang Wenchang's cultivation speed is smooth and surprisingly fast compared to other Huafen Road practitioners.

Since the main body has prepared something for him early and asked him to come here to receive it, it must be referring to this pool of liquid.

On the cliff in the distance, Zhang Wenchang could see dense caves, inside which were monsters that looked like skeletons one after another, each with different shapes, not all of which were humanoid.

They look like they have been dead for many years, but in fact they are still alive.

They still exude the aura of their own Tao. It is obvious that they were extremely powerful practitioners during their lifetime.

Zhang Wenchang saw countless strands of mist floating out of the pool and being absorbed by the monsters. They seemed to be sleeping, constantly absorbing the mist.

Soon, Zhang Wenchang saw thick rhizomes one after another in the pool, which were the rhizomes of plants.

Zhang Wenchang saw that under the roots in the water, there was a stone guqin, which was densely covered with runes, like a book from heaven.


A faint voice came, and a terrifying divine light emanated from the pool, as if it was about to flood the path of reincarnation.

Zhang Wenchang, who was hiding in the Purple Gold Pagoda, watched the Purple Gold Pagoda emit purple light, resisting the terrifying energy fluctuations and blocking the incoming divine light.

That monstrous divine light seemed to destroy the entire world. The densely packed monsters on the cliffs in the distance exploded one by one, and the terrifying sleeping monsters instantly turned into flying ash.

(End of this chapter)

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