Shake out the peerless fairy money every day

Chapter 480: Fang Zhufo, the True Lord of Nine Heavens Siming 9 Mao Yinghua!

"There is no need to be polite, but you are not in the Western Paradise to receive blessings, so you come here and don't know why?" Shakyamuni Buddha asked directly.

Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva smiled and said, "I came here to relieve the World Honored One's worries."

"Oh? What's the explanation?"

"I have the power to destroy everything. Although I don't intend to, I may harm all living beings. I should illuminate all living beings in the world with the light of wisdom, so that all living beings can be freed from the disaster of unreasonable death and gain the power of supreme Bodhi."


The third Buddha smiled when he heard this.

Immediately, Shakyamuni Buddha said with a smile: "Good man, you are willing to achieve great things. Because of this, you will achieve great potential. In the next life, you should achieve Anuttarasamyaksambodhi in the largest world like this. It is called the treasure of good abode." The Mountain King Tathagata should worship the Buddha, the World Honored One, who has perfect knowledge, clear deeds, and good deeds in this world.

Hearing this, the great situation is that the Buddha of the Third World will touch the ground with his face in front.

Suddenly the worlds in the ten directions vibrated in six ways, like the sand in the Ganges River, and it rained from the sky.

All sentient beings in the holy land of Lingshan Mountain in the West recite this verse for the sake of the Great Power:

"The merits of strong strength can be repaid now. The earth shook, and the rain was full of flowers."

"The Buddhas of the ten directions have given you instructions, and when you come to realize them, you will be the Brahma in heaven and earth."


The chanting echoed throughout the West.

And at the next moment, a vase suddenly appeared in the western sky.

The light of infinite wisdom illuminates the world, and the power that contains the mystery of the fall is expelled and dissolved in an instant under this power.

Throughout the West, meritorious deeds are recited silently.

The other creatures in the Immortal Realm also sighed.

"The light of Buddhist wisdom, this is the time for Buddhism to take action!"

"One of the three sages in the West, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva who sees the light of countless Buddhas in the ten directions. If I remember correctly, this Bodhisattva, like Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, is a Bodhisattva who will make up for his mistakes throughout his life. As long as he ends his career as a Bodhisattva, , you will definitely become a Buddha in the next stage of your life.”

"Well, if I remember correctly, the merits and virtues of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva's original vows in the original origin of the cause, and the virtues of absorbing the majestic Buddha land of the Pure Land, are exactly the same as the original intention of Amitabha."

"Yes, so the pure and solemn state of the Buddha's fruition ground is so extraordinary, so extraordinary. Others include the thirty-two kinds of incarnations that respond to the sufferings of all living beings, and the fourteen kinds of fearless and boundless giving to all living beings. Divine power, the four inconceivable and wonderful virtues of doing nothing, possessing all unimpeded supernatural powers, and practicing all kinds of skillful and expedient methods."

"The current Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha, one of the three Buddhas of Buddhism in the past, once said that this great compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has already become a Buddha in the past countless kalpas, and his name is 'True Dharma Ming Tathagata' only because of his great compassionate vows. In order to arouse the bodhicitta of all Bodhisattvas and to bring peace and happiness to all sentient beings and to achieve the path of all sentient beings, he still appears as a Bodhisattva... and this Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva is actually similar."

"If we talk about it in terms of pure realm or magic power, this person is at least standing at the top of Daluo Jinxian, and has even entered the realm of creation. And because the concept it occupies is extremely special, so the great power cannot be viewed by common sense. Of."

"Oh, I thought Buddhism would be quiet this time. I didn't expect that I was holding back such a big move and actually invited this person... But it's normal. Wuzhuang Temple, which we originally thought would not be sold, also took action. How can Buddhism fall behind?"

"But one thing I can say is that Buddhism does have a profound foundation. It is worthy of being the Great Sect of the Other Side in the past. The three generations of Buddhas are divided into horizontal and vertical directions, and the three saints are also divided into east and west. Anyone who comes out will at least stand at the top of Daluo Jinxian or even have entered the realm of creation. His existence is truly as powerful as a cloud and unfathomable."

"Then the next step is to look at Xianting. Now only Xianting has not taken action. As the orthodox master of the three realms, Xianting will not let Buddhism and other forces dominate the front."

"Yes, allowing other forces to focus on beauty is to shake one's own orthodox status. However, the current situation is no longer simply about suppressing this force. It is also a time to show power. I don't know which god the Immortal Court will send to deal with it. "

"That's true. Although with the foundation and methods of Immortal Court, it is not difficult to suppress this force, but Immortal Court is the Immortal Court of Taoism. If the pomp and circumstance when taking action is compared to that of Buddhism..."

"If the pomp of Immortal Court is compared to that of Buddhism, then there will be a big problem. I am afraid that Immortal Court will not rest in the future, but these have nothing to do with us. The matters of the big guys above are Let the big guys deal with it.”


But what no one knows is this.

At this time, the westernmost part of the fairy world.

In a space that is connected to the western earth but relatively independent.

The long-disappeared demon general stared at a figure in front of him with a feverish expression.

It was a figure that seemed to have stepped out of ancient times and across epochs.

He is tall and exudes a majestic aura, as if he can shock the world forever.

There were endless demonic shadows behind him clasping hands at him, as if they were worshiping God.

At this moment, the scarlet eyes of the figure looked at the three realms through the boundaries of time and space, and a deep coldness was outlined at the corner of his mouth...


fairy garden.

The gods also felt this powerful and inexplicable power.

The power that seemed to be able to destroy everything made them unable to escape.

If they hadn't already had good cultivation, and as Shinto gods and enjoyed the protection of Shinto, it might not even be possible that they had attained the Tao now.

"What a terrifying power!"

"This power is really terrifying. Even with our cultivation and status, we were almost affected by it and led into the abyss of death."

"This kind of thing is really shocking. To be honest, if I hadn't experienced it myself, I wouldn't have believed it at all."

"To put it bluntly, this is the power that can bring an era to an end."

"But the most important thing now is that if we are like this, what about other creatures without the protection of Shinto? Isn't it more difficult for them?"

In the Lingxiao Palace, the immortals and gods were talking a lot.

It didn't take long for their attention to shift from the force itself to sentient beings.

Then, regardless of whether they were Wenxian or Wuxian, their expressions changed drastically.

"Not good! All living beings are in trouble!"

"This matter cannot be left alone!"

"If we let it go, I don't know how many creatures will perish in the three realms!"

"Your Majesty, our Immortal Court must take action as soon as possible, otherwise all living things will be lost and our Immortal Court will be shaken!"

For a moment, all the immortals and gods shouted in unison.

All eyes looked towards the Emperor of Heaven on the throne.

The Heavenly Emperor Haotian's brows were furrowed and his expression was extremely gloomy.

He really didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment.

Calling these guys trash is still trash.

It took me a long time to think of caring about the sentient beings in the three realms.

Fortunately, Xianting, he and Doumu Yuanjun had already made some secret moves immediately.

Otherwise, this power is so weird and powerful. If these losers really waited for these losers to show concern, all living beings would have died long ago...


Although it won't mean that all sentient beings will die.

After all, there are many strong people among them, and many of them have also taken action to protect sentient beings.

But it is still possible that many unnecessary lives will die.

But now is not the time for accountability.

He already knew how useless these guys were.

And the most important thing right now is to send an immortal god to come forward.

You must know that although he and Doumu Yuanjun have made some moves, they have done so secretly.

It's equivalent to doing something good but not letting people know about it.

The other forces acted openly and carelessly.

Then their Immortal Court cannot be suppressed by other forces, especially Buddhism.

We must send another powerful immortal to take action on the bright side.

After pondering for a moment, Haotian slowly raised his eyes and said, "What you all said are right. Our Immortal Court will never allow any mistakes in this matter. Are you... are any of you willing to share my worries?"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

After hearing this, all the immortals knelt down and said respectfully.     But they only speak wisely.

He never mentioned anything about asking Ying to share his worries.

This undoubtedly made Haotian's face darker.

how to say.

Doesn't he still know what level these wastes are?

Even if he really asked for help, he wouldn't be able to let these guys go.

But...even so...

It's okay to put on a show and show some attitude to make him happy.

Why are you so silent now?

Let him once again feel that there is no one available in this huge fairy court?

How embarrassing does this make him?

"Is it possible that no one in your family is willing to share my worries?"

And as Haotian said these words, a vast and majestic aura suddenly erupted in the Lingxiao Palace.

The momentum swept through the entire Lingxiao Palace like a tide, making all the immortals feel shocked and even their breathing became a little short.

"It's bad. Your Majesty won't be angry, right?"

"This is not impossible. Your Majesty has always had a good face. Now no one in the palace invites the gods to fight, and His Majesty can't keep it on his face."

"This is not good. If Your Majesty really feels that he has lost face, I will have a hard time waiting for you. Why don't you just ask for a fight?"

"But in the face of such power, it is difficult for me to protect myself. How can I help others? I absolutely cannot accept this battle."


The gods are discussing in their hearts.

They are also a little embarrassed.

Haotian's face became increasingly gloomy.

And at this moment, Taibai Jinxing, who was standing at the front of the immortals and gods, suddenly said:

"Your Majesty, Xiaoxian recommends three people who will surely relieve your Majesty's worries."

Haotian's eyes narrowed when he heard this, and the aura that swept across the Lingxiao Palace disappeared instantly.

All the immortals and gods also breathed a sigh of relief.

This wave of Venus is really life-saving.

But at the same time, they couldn't help but be curious.

I wonder who is the powerful being recommended by Venus?

Can you actually suppress this force?

It's not that Immortal Court doesn't have this strength, but as far as they know, the powerful people of Immortal Court are either suppressing unknown people, or are being restrained by other forces, or are in retreat. Now they have this ability and have There seems to be very few people with time?

But before they could think about it, Haotian asked: "Who does Jinxing recommend?"

"Zhenren Mansion, Sanmao Zhenjun!" Taibai Jinxing Li Changgeng said loudly with a slight smile.

San Mao Zhenjun!

heard the name.

All the immortals and gods were slightly startled.

Immediately, some immortals reacted, and their expressions changed drastically.

"But what about the founder of the Maoshan sect, True Lord Sanmao?"

"If it's Zhenjun Sanmao from Zhenzhen Mansion, maybe it can be done."

"After all, although his reputation is not outstanding, San Mao Zhenjun is definitely not weaker than the Great Spirit Officer Dutian."

Soon, the information about True Lord Sanmao emerged in the hearts of all the gods and immortals.

San Mao Zhenren is the three brothers of the Mao family who achieved enlightenment in ancient times.

The elder brother Mao Ying, the second brother Mao Gu, and the third brother Mao Zhong, because they saw through the world of mortals, wrote the exclamation "Only in the spring will the willows be seen green, and in the autumn wind will the chrysanthemums be seen yellow. After all, glory is just a dream at the third watch, and wealth is still the same as the frost in September." Find mountains and practice Taoism.

They wore the stars and the moon, ate in the wind and slept in the dew, and traveled day and night. When they arrived at the shore of the Yellow Sea, they saw a high mountain with towering trees, green shade, fragrant grass, and lemongrass everywhere. people.

He also established a Taoist tradition here and called it Maoshan Sect.

As time went by, the Mao brothers finally became successful and became immortals.

Brother Mao Ying was awarded the title of Lord of Dongyue Shangqing and Siming Zhenjun!

The second younger brother, Mao Gu, appointed Mao Jun as the right imperial master for the real person Juqushan!

The third brother, Mao Zhong, was granted the title of Right Jinlang, Ding Zhenjun, Zhongmao Jun!

Collectively known as "Jiutian Siming Sanmao Yinghua Zhenjun", also known as "Sanmao Zhenjun".

San Mao Zhenjun takes the names of Si Ming, Bao Ming and Ding Lu, and also takes Si Ming and Ding Lu as his duties.

Damaojun Mao Yingzhi's palace is in the Jade Cave of Chicheng. There are forty jade boys and jade girls each, coming in and out of Taiwei, doing Taiji, general Dongyue, and commanding Silu.

The Lord of Zhongmao governs Maoshan and also controls the true state of the land.

Sanmao Jun ruled the mountain of Liangchang, summed up Daizong, led the birth and recorded the birth, and was the hero of the Nine Palaces of Earth Immortals. He advised and educated children, taught female officials, taught all wonderful spirits, came to control all ghosts, and suppressed the gate of the Yin Palace.

Don't look at it, Sanmao Zhenjun seems to be a bit inferior compared to those deities and emperors.

But in fact, Sanmao Zhenjun's status in the Taoist sect is still higher than that of Zhang Tianshi among the four great heavenly masters, and he attained Taoism much earlier than Zhang Tianshi.

In terms of magic power cultivation, there is no need to compare with the four great masters of the Tianshi Mansion. In the real man's manor, he can also stand shoulder to shoulder with the four great masters of Nanhua, Chongxu, Tongxuan and Dongling.

It can be said that his magical power is vast and boundless.

Really a good choice.

Haotian couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"That's good. If that's the case, go and invite him quickly."

A smile finally appeared on Haotian's face.

As expected, Chang Geng is really his little worry-free flower.

He always made constructive suggestions and never let him down.

This suggestion is really good, Sanmao Zhenjun is indeed suitable.

Whether it is in terms of cultivation, magic power, or status.

He can compete with the general trend.

Moreover, there is another thing about Sanmao Zhenjun that the immortals, gods, and even many powerful men don't know. That is, when the three brothers were learning Taoism in the past, they were said to have been taught by Taoist Yuchen.

Who is Taojun Yuchen?

That was one of the incarnations of the other side of Shangqing, the Lingbao Tianzun who once lived in the Pure Realm above Shangyu Yutian in the thirty-fourth heaven.

In other words, Master Sanmao is actually a hidden disciple on the other side of Shangqing.

It is an existence that has received the true message from the other side.

Therefore, Haotian is not worried at all that San Mao Zhenjun will be defeated by the general trend.

Another thing Haotian considered was that even behind the scenes, he was the master.

San Mao Zhenjun is also in line with the general situation.

After all, one is the other shore of Shangqing, and the other is the other shore of Buddhism.

Totally worthy of being called an adversary.

Even the time when Sanmao Daojun attained enlightenment was after the general trend came.

If the general trend is compared, wouldn't it reflect the image of Xianting?

And he won't be said to bully the small. The Buddhists can only break it into pieces and swallow it in their stomachs.

The more he thought about it, the more appropriate Haotian felt.

When Li Changgeng heard this, he did not take any action. He just said lightly: "Today is different from the past. This matter should be done sooner rather than later. If the immortal goes to announce the decree, it may delay the time. In the opinion of the immortal, it is better to send a decree from your majesty to the three true kings as soon as possible." Take action quickly."

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