Dark Fairy

Chapter 208

Chapter 208

Bailang's mind was very clear.He understood that there was a huge element of luck in his position as a swordsman.Not to mention qualifications, it's even worse.

So as soon as Bailang came to power, he took advantage of the oppression of the Xicheng Sword Hall to gather strength and evade the Red Sword.Later, seeing that the Kuang family's business income was good, the interests of the middle and lower-level combatants in the knife shop attracted the hearts of the people.

With these two measures taken and the support of the city lord's palace, Bailang could barely secure his position as the swordsman.

However, if these two-handed measures are used elsewhere, it will be enough, and the rest can be gradually taken root in the future.But this alone is not safe enough in a knife shop.At least not in terms of prestige.

Where does the knife studio’s prestige come from?

Seeing how Bailang got along all the way, he should know that in order to be respected in the knife shop, he must not only be able to make money, but also be able to cut people.Kill anyone who dares to fight against you.

As for Bailang, as a knife holder, the only thing that would oppose him on the surface would be the matter of the knife shop in the opposite side of the city.In addition, when Tang Yan was still around, he also suffered a lot from the opponent.Now that the territory has been encroached on again, Yang Xiuyou is not alone in this anger, everyone in the West City Knife Shop is holding back their anger from top to bottom.

In addition, Bailang also understands that the Xicheng Knife Museum will not let it go after the death of Xiu Qi before, and all the things now are all temptations, and there will always be a thunderbolt.Instead of passively accepting moves, it is better to take the initiative to strike first.First, let's see how strong the opponent is; second, it can disrupt the opponent's arrangement.

Yang Xiu left happily.Be prepared to work out the strategy for the raid as soon as possible.At the same time, speed up the training process of combined attack skills for the middle and upper levels of waist knives.

The next morning Yang Xiu handed Fang Lue to Bailang.From the slightly messy hair, Bailang was certain that Yang Xiu hadn't rested all night, and this strategy was worked out overnight.

After looking carefully, Bailang asked: "Set up an ambush on Chuanzhu Street, are you sure it won't spread to the surroundings?"

"Don't worry, Zuodao. It's not peaceful at Chuanzhu Street during this period. There are many attacks and killings, and the surrounding merchants have stopped going out. As long as it's early morning or evening, you'll be fine."

Yang Xiu is full of confidence.He is too familiar with the affairs of the opposite knife shop.So I was very confident in my arrangement when I opened my mouth.

"Li Guang looks ruthless, but his temper is very hot. He doesn't like to suffer the most. He pays attention to keeping grudges overnight. We only need to deal with a few of his people on Chuanzhu Street, and soon there will be people who will find their way back. Come on. And then clean up a back and forth and you will be able to smoothly cause a big battle.

Generally speaking, nine out of ten killings in large battles are caused by this small conflict at the beginning.It will definitely not arouse Li Guang's suspicion.

As soon as Li Guang showed up on Chuanzhu Street, I would use my numerical advantage to surround him.The gray bag opened the way, first disabled their eyes, then threw a rope to catch them, smashed their heads and bloody them, and finally combined the attack skills to surround and annihilate them.

The subordinates estimated that the entire killing process would not exceed the effort of a meal.Afterwards, you can directly jump over the wall and head to the nearest Qianfang in the west city.Break open the door and go in and burn the place down! "

At the end Yang Xiu said again: "However, because Lin Yue has always dominated the formation in the East City, so when the time comes, please use a saber to restrict Lin Yue, otherwise the plan may fall short."

Bai Lang nodded, and closed the strategy handed by Yang Xiu.Said: "You order three more red knives to add to your plan. Try to shorten the killing time on Chuanzhu Street."

Besides, you said using fire, are there no residents around Qianfang?Can you count the reaction of the City Lord's Mansion? "

"Don't worry, Zuo Dao. Who would dare to live in a place like Qianfang? Even if it existed before, it would have moved out a long time ago. The land price will drop wherever it goes. There is still a big alley around it, and it will be burnt. It can't be burned anywhere else. Moreover, the specified burning is not clean, and the purpose can be achieved if the place is messed up.

If there are three more red swords, the subordinates can try to shorten the killing time in Chuanzhu Street.But I can't guarantee how much it can be shortened. "

Bailang also laughed when he heard the words, and said: "Yang Hongdao sees things thoroughly. Very good. You know more about killing arrangements than I do, and you are more experienced. I hope you can hit the ground running!"

"Don't worry, Zuodao! Three days! Give me another three days, and I will be able to start taking action in the evening after three days."

"Go down and prepare. Don't leak any information before departure. You must know this."

"The subordinates know!"

There must be Lin Yue's eyes and ears in the knife shop.This can be seen from the incident when Tang Yan was injured.Therefore, Bailang is very wary of those attendants in the hemp rope alley, and is gradually adjusting, and is currently replacing them batch by batch.Now except for the chief manager Liu Hu who has not moved, the rest of the attendants have probably been replaced by newcomers.

At night, when Bailang went home, he passed a tavern, looked through the window of the carriage, and found a black pendant hanging on the canvas signboard outside the tavern.If he remembered correctly, the pendant was still a white stone yesterday.

After dinner, I chatted with my younger siblings for a while. After late at night, Bailang went back to the house to meditate and practice. In the middle of the night, he jumped the wall and left the house without disturbing anyone. He used the night to hide his whereabouts. In the small courtyard in the forest.

"See Zuo Dao."

"What's the urgent matter?"

"Zao Dao, General Shan replied to the letter. They heard that we didn't want to talk about it and rejected it. They cut themselves off immediately and took back more than half of the previous requests. They no longer ask for two berths, but they still hope Can share a few more ships every month.

In addition, their previous idea of ​​wanting to buy some yellow and white goods was not cut, but they were willing not to count the yellow and white goods this time into the subsequent negotiations, and were willing to use spirit stones as a reward.A low-grade spirit stone is worth a boatload of yellow and white goods.

Block knife, this is definitely a rare high price! "

Wang Lin was a little surprised.Because the other party is not exchanging a shipment of yellow and white goods for a low-grade spirit stone, but is willing to take a low-grade spirit stone as a toll for the channel.In addition to the fact that yellow and white goods are seriously discounted in the black market, and if the tolls are so high, does Wang Lin think that General Shan and the others can finally get [-]% of the profit after trading them?

This matter was urgent, otherwise Wang Lin would not have invited Bailang to a secret meeting at night.

"Exchange Lingshi for yellow and white goods? What does General Shan want to do?" Bailang frowned.Although Lingshi and Huangbai also have exchange prices, generally speaking, there is no market for the price.Now being offered by the other party as a toll, this shows that the other party does not lack spirit stones.At the same time, he is very eager to deal with the black goods in his hands, and would rather pay more than the normal price for this.

After thinking about it, Bai Lang said, "Don't answer them, just keep holding them hostage. If they come to you again, just give them the same excuses as before. They seem to be far more anxious than I thought before." Much more.

Procrastinate a little longer, maybe they still have something to say. "

"Then what if it's procrastinated?" Wang Lin felt that he had already made a lot of money.Worry about playing off.

"If it turns yellow, it will turn yellow. Although Lingshi is good, it is not what we need urgently. General Shan needs to take his time, not rush.

In addition, how did you go about asking about the thieves' cottage? "

(End of this chapter)

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