Dark Fairy

Chapter 254 New tricks

Chapter 254 New tricks

After storming the Liao family's mansion last night, what Bailang couldn't forget was not the subsequent changes in the industrial park. He didn't need to think about it.What he can't forget is the new inspiration he received in this storm.

Originally, Bailang was an odd number from another world, and he was good at accepting new things.So when he realized and successfully attempted a so-called "compound technique", a whole new world opened up in his heart.

He had secretly speculated on his true combat power before, and combined with his experience in several previous battles, Bai Lang originally felt that his current combat power must be higher than that of most Qi practitioners in the middle stage of the Qi-entraining realm. He was not guilty, thinking that at worst, he could seriously injure the two of them even if they were injured, and then with the poison-quenching crossbows around them, they would definitely be able to kill them.

But who would have thought that Bailang not only won one against two but also killed someone in the end, and the whole process didn't look too easy.In the end, it even meant playing tricks on the other party and sharpening their skills by the way.

Even Bailang himself never thought that he would win so easily.But at the same time, he also understood that the main reason why he was able to win so easily was because of the "compound technique" that he created in harmony with the five elements on the spot.

The mutual generation and mutual restraint among the five elements is not difficult, what is difficult is to find suitable techniques and connect them.This is actually very difficult for ordinary Qi practitioners, because it involves the essence of the technique.This directly stopped ninety percent of the Qi practitioners.

Just because you know how to use a technique doesn't mean that you have thoroughly studied the essence of the technique.

It's like everyone wears clothes, but not everyone who wears them knows how the clothes are made.At most, the predecessors planted trees and created the veins of the technique, and the descendants took advantage of the shade to use them along the veins.

Therefore, the method adopted by the two people of the Liao family before was to cast spells separately, and then through running-in, the performance of the two spells would be harmonized together, so as to generate a powerful blessing of mutual gain and fusion.But these are all outward appearances.But internally, the two techniques still belong to each other, and there is no real integration.

Inspired by this, Bai Lang created a five-element compound air wall that is the real "composite spell", which essentially uses the compatibility and compatibility of different spells to form a brand new spell method.

The difference and the superimposed effect of power are also vividly reflected in the previous life-and-death fight between Bailang and others.

It is precisely because the effect of the compound spell is so good that Bai Lang never forgets it.

In Bailang's view, he was able to integrate the five spells together in a very short period of time with almost no barriers. This should also be because of the digitization ability of the attribute panel, which did not require him to delve into each spell. He only needs to think about the essence of space and the fundamental details of integration, and if this possibility exists, then he can directly display the results in the general direction of logical existence.

This kind of convenience from digitization surprised Bailang, but at the same time, he couldn't help being speechless.I secretly called out the power and power of the attribute panel in my heart.Although until now Bailang didn't know the reason why the attribute panel could digitize him.But this does not affect his ability to tap into his new potential.

Since the basic defense techniques of the five elements can be fused together to form a composite air wall of the five elements, in other words, the basic attack techniques of the five elements should also be able to be fused together in this way?

Do as soon as you think of it, but it is not as simple as Bailang thought at first.

After several failed attempts with no response, Bailang kept thinking about the reason.Since the data-based capability of the attribute panel has always been there, the failure can only be caused by a problem with the aggregation logic.That is to say, following the previous method of inverting the Five Elements Composite Qi Wall and continuing to invert attack-type spells will not work. There are logical flaws, so even if there is an attribute panel, it will not work.

"The defensive array focuses on absorption and offset, and focuses on stability. In this regard, whether it is fire spells, water spells or even species-based spells, they are the same. But the attack spells are different.

Attack techniques focus on the stimulation of various attribute characteristics, rather than pure stability.For example, the earth method emphasizes firmness and thickness, while the fire method emphasizes disorder and violence, and the wood method emphasizes tenacity and continuity.
In this way, there will be less commonality when merging with defensive techniques, and it will be difficult to simply aggregate according to the number of five elements. "

What Bailang needs to do now is not to doubt whether it can be done, but to figure out how to find a logically feasible integration possibility.

"It's impossible to find commonalities among the five kinds of people, so let's change the direction and try it from the simplest two-two fusion." After Bailang figured out the reason for the failure, he was not trapped in his thoughts for long, and soon thought of a new one. Number of ways.

For example, wood makes fire.

The basic attack technique of the Five Elements Wood attribute should actually be called an auxiliary technique rather than an attack. It is a method called "Vine Manjutsu", which is characterized by tenacity and entanglement, and is limited by a certain spellcasting environment.It is more powerful in places with lush vegetation, otherwise it is not so powerful in deserts or gravel.

The basic attack technique of the Five Elements Fire attribute is much more straightforward, that is, the simple fireball technique. The power of the fireball technique mainly depends on the cultivation level of the Qi trainer who casts the technique.After all, compared with the wood attribute and vine technique, which requires a physical body to show its power, the fire attribute technique can directly condense the fire energy in the world and can be embodied to produce power.

"Try it."

Bailang did what he thought of, clasped his hands in front of his chest, and then divided his mind into two palms to use the vine technique and the fireball technique at the same time. This method can only be used by Bailang, who has an attribute panel. If he changes his meridians, he will have to use them. This disordered spiritual energy veins were damaged.

Then I saw Bai Lang holding his hands together and pinching hard, then spreading his palms, and a bright red tongue of fire came out along the palms, swaying and jumping up to more than three feet high, with branches and bends in some places. The curved description is weird.

"It was... a success?"

Bai Lang looked at the strange finished spell that looked like a vine but was made of flames and exuded both fire and wood attributes coming out of his palm. He was a little confused for a moment.He hadn't thought of this form before.

With a thought, the flame vine could actually be controlled. Under the control of Bailang's thought, it rolled and swayed from time to time, and could even entangle objects after being proficient.

The fire attribute doesn't have this kind of meticulous controllability. Without the fire control technique, the fire technique is just thrown out and ignored.Only wood-attribute magic has such fine controllability.

"This is a combination of manipulation and the erosive high temperature of the flame? Is it a success?"

(End of this chapter)

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