Dark Fairy

Chapter 391 Ancient Monk

Chapter 391 Ancient Monk

In the past, Bai Lang always thought that Qi training was very magical.Because it involves the great power of heaven and earth, and it is still possible to use human power to mobilize the great power of heaven and earth and use it.

This is equivalent to taking the power of heaven and earth out of nature and using it as a tool.When using this tool, it is disguised as exerting great power on behalf of the world and giving it a sense of superiority over ordinary creatures.

And this sense of superiority is not a fantasy, but a real chain reaction.The most simple and intuitive thing is that the lifespan of a Qi practitioner will continue to increase with his cultivation level.It's possible from hundreds of years to hundreds to thousands of years.Even the legendary immortals are immortal for eternity.

The evolution of this level of life will naturally have a sense of superiority, and the direction of evolution is also working towards a truly immortal world.

However, when Bailang stepped into the Dao Dan realm and began to examine himself, he discovered that there are many wonders in the world. It is not only the heaven and earth and Qi training that are mysterious and magical, but his own body is also the same.And as he dug deeper into himself, he also discovered that the mysteries of the body actually corresponded to the mysteries of heaven and earth in many places.I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or if it’s destiny.

Or it can be explained that life is the result of the creation of heaven and earth. It is originally in heaven and earth, and it will naturally coincide with the rules of heaven and earth.

After practicing martial arts one by one, Bailang spent half a year in this leisurely time.

In the past six months, Bailang had collected all the martial arts skills preserved in the sword hall into his attribute panel, and he had carefully studied each method at least twice.

Without any impatience or boredom, Bailang had a very fulfilling six months, not to mention very surprising discoveries and unexpected improvements.

Starting from the five senses, Bailang at this time can be three blocks away from his self half a year ago.In particular, hearing and touch have improved the most.So much so that now Bai Lang doesn't need to rely on perception or spiritual thoughts. He can feel the vibration of even a mosquito flapping its wings within a radius of two feet around him, as well as the tiny particles of dust falling on him just by relying on the subtle vibrations of the surrounding air. He could clearly feel it all over his body.

Then there is the control of skin, flesh, muscles and bones, and even the control of blood in the body.Bai Lang can even control every blood vessel in his body, including the capillaries all over his body, without the help of techniques, spells or spiritual energy.

There are also hairs. Bai Lang can now individually stand up a certain hair in his body. He can also infuse spiritual energy into it or cast a spell on the hair alone to make it as hard as a needle.He also turned off his perception and spiritual thoughts in a wicked way, then closed his eyes and controlled his hair to sting the flying mosquitoes to death.Use this to exercise your fine control.

Bailang had never even thought about this before.

If you can control it, it means you can exercise.It's all part of body mastery.

But further inside, when it comes to touching the organs, Bailang is temporarily powerless.

According to Bai Lang's thinking, organs are the most fragile. If he can bring all the organs under his physical control, he can exercise them in a targeted manner, and even use aura and magic to strengthen his organs alone.It's a pity that this kind of idea can only be an idea for the time being, and he has no way to achieve it yet.Perhaps it would be possible if he became more diligent in martial arts.

Although it is not possible to control the internal organs for the time being, this series of in-depth excavations has brought Bailang a subversion of his previous inherent understanding of martial arts and martial arts.

For example, the Sharpness Technique was originally a technique applied to magic weapons, and it was also a very basic five-element metal method, but now it can be applied by Bai Lang to his fingertips, hair, or any position on his body.Another example is the strengthening technique of the Five Elements Earth attribute. It can not only be used as a supplementary method to strengthen some scattered earth walls, etc., but can also be used on bones to temporarily make them much harder than normal.

There are many examples of this kind of fusion of magic and physical body.Even the captured soul magic can be integrated into Bai Lang's body and can even cause his own magic to have corrosive changes similar to that of Barbarian.

Bailang asked his disciples to come together to besiege him.Firstly, let’s see how strong these people are, and secondly, simply try to see where your current lower limit of defense is.

The final result is that even if Bailang does not use perception and spiritual thoughts, he does not need to exceed the mana and methods of the Qi-Entraining Realm. As long as he has the fusion methods of his current martial arts fellow practitioners, he can resist all the efforts of the dozen or so Qi Practitioners who are in the early stage of the Qi-Entraining Realm. Attacking, even if you don't get hurt, you will still feel very relaxed.

This shows that Bailang's current lower limit of defense has reached at least the mid to late stage of the Qi Entraining Realm.This means that Qi practitioners with this kind of cultivation can't hurt Bai Lang at all even if Bai Lang doesn't fight back and let them kill them.

It's just that such an increase in strength is reflected strangely on the attribute panel.

Neither the [Mountain-like Mountain] martial arts technique nor the [Xiao Zhou Tianyan Five Elements Technique] experience points showed any signs of skyrocketing, they were just the increases after Bailang completed his homework normally. The experience of [Unmoving as a Mountain] has returned to the half-dead state before without the stimulation of internal tonic and external training.

Looking at these two things alone, they are simply not in line with Bailang's current increase in strength. It seems that he has found the first deviation since the attribute panel was digitized.It's like the display is wrong.

Will the properties panel show an error?Bailang felt that this possibility was not high.

It seems that Bailang's deep exploration of his own body does not fall within the scope of these two techniques. He is exploring and picking up the space that exists in his own body.Logically speaking, it is not practicing, so there is no gain in experience.Secondly, although the experience bars of the two techniques on the attribute panel have not changed accordingly, there is another change that has not appeared before.

Previously, at the top of the attribute panel was Bailang's basic status, including name, cultivation, etc.For example, Bai Lang is currently in the [Early Stage of Dao Dan Realm] and is also a [First Grade Warrior].But now the basic status of this line has changed.

The [First Grade Warrior] column disappeared and turned into [Meet Me, Ancient Monk]? !

This change did not appear when Bailang began to dig deep into his body, but suddenly appeared after Bailang could control his blood vessels and hair.

Is this the reason why Bailang's strength has increased so much now?But there is no numerical display at all, and it is a status change. This makes me confused, and I have no idea whether it is what I thought.

Ancient monk?
These three words are also what Bailang has been pondering over and over in his mind recently.

The literal meaning should be "Qi practitioners from long ago", and there are no such Qi practitioners anymore.Otherwise, he wouldn’t be called an ancient monk.

Could it be that practicing martial arts and delving deeply into the mysteries of the physical body was the way of the ancient monks?Bai Lang guessed this.
(End of this chapter)

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