Dark Fairy

Chapter 67 They are all talented people

Chapter 67 They are all talented people

When eating, there are meals brought by the prison head. Although the taste is not delicious, there are vegetables, meat, and even two taels of old wine.After Bailang said it, he gave Lao Li the money, but Lao Li shook his head and said it was his own treat, and said that he would not be able to treat Bailang to a drink at another time.

To rest, there are specialized people who provide massage. The technique is said to be derived from a rare grappling technique on the market.Although Bailang didn't take it seriously at first, after letting the other party press it a few times, he immediately squinted his eyes and started enjoying it.The secret path is powerful.

And if you want to practice, let alone your own prison, the people locked up in the nearby prisons don't dare to make noise, and if you fart loudly, you risk being beaten by the prisoner around you.Everything is to give Bai Zhentang a comfortable practice environment.

To be honest, such extreme humility is rare outside the dungeon.The identity of Bailang Town Hall is obviously magnified several times here because of the special environment.

Bailang didn't want to change the rules in the prison, he knew that in that case no one would think you were kind, but would think you were ridiculous and stupid.For the villains and bastards here, viciousness and suppression are a must, and there is no need to pity these guys.Here, including Bailang, who can be called a "good guy"?
"How did they all get in?" He couldn't rest in his practice, so Bailang sat on the haystack and chatted with the people around him with a smile.

Han Niu smiled and said first that he had a conflict with someone in the East Market a few days ago, and ended up breaking his arm by mistake.When someone came to the yamen and asked him whether he would lose money or go in and stay for a few days, he chose the latter without even thinking about it.And this is the third time he has come in.

Besides Hanniu, there are a few people from the knife shop in the prison, but they are all street wanderers, and they are all not big or small troubles.The worst thing is to get boarded when you come in, but it is not your turn to be exiled or beheaded, and you can go out within ten days at most.

In addition to the knife shop, there are more gangsters and thieves on the street.

Needless to say, gangsters, they idle around all day to tease cats and dogs, fight, blackmail, and petty theft.Sometimes even after drinking some wine, I would go to Yuhua Street and play with the girls on the road.It is common to be beaten up or sent to the Yamen.Many people who did too much or provoked people who were not easy to provoke were sent to the frontier to carry stones the most.

And the thieves concentrate on doing one line.Either pickpockets, rats on the beam, or even flower thieves.And the bandits who fled into the city and were caught.

The last type of people is the kind of people who are good citizens, but impulsively do wrong things, causing serious injuries or death.This kind of people generally can't survive, and they are the most boring in prison.Hiding in a corner, sickly waiting to die.

Bailang watched and observed for a while, and found that the most popular people here are the people from the knife shop, followed by the wandering bandits, then the gangsters, and finally the little thieves.And the bottom one is the flower thief among the little thieves, who is completely like a sandbag, anyone can punch twice, but it is not uncommon for anyone who dares to resist to be beaten to death in prison.The cell boss doesn't care, he just drags the corpse away and throws it in a mass grave outside the city and buries it.

After chatting for a while, Bailang realized that there were not too many talents among these people.It's just that the things these guys are good at can't be put on the bright side.Even the flower pickers who have been beaten by everyone have the ability to adjust their own fragrance.

Seeing that Bailang is so talkative, he doesn't have the aggressive and hard-to-reach appearance of those big figures in the knife shop.Maybe it's because this Bai Zhentang is young?

The prison is full of people who beat snakes with sticks, and Bailang is not a small character outside, and the status of a town hall is definitely well-known in Yongchuan City.Normally, this kind of character would be impossible to talk to, so wouldn't it be a great opportunity to get acquainted now?
So Bailang made a start, and the rest was in the prison, and even the prisoners in the next few cells introduced themselves non-stop.

Bailang could tell that some of these people simply wanted to get acquainted with each other, but more of them hoped that Bailang could take a fancy to them and be drawn closer to the knife shop.

Onlookers like Han Niu, who are already in the sword hall, sneered at these people who wanted to get close to entering the sword hall, feeling disdainful in their hearts.These people are not clean at all, and they are all slick and want to enter the knife shop?Dream it!Bai Zhentang was really dizzy when he saw it.

The sword hall has the rules of the sword hall, potential and foundation are the two most important points.And which of these people in the prison is not someone who has been rolling in the mud outside for a long time?This kind of person's mind has long been messed up, and the knife shop will not accept it anyway.This is also the key to maintaining the purity of the sword hall, and it is also a way to strictly limit the size of its own manpower.Otherwise, if there are too many people in the knife hall, what will the city lord's mansion think?That's going to be a big deal.

But Han Niu and the others guessed half right, it is indeed impossible for Bailang to pull anyone here into the knife shop.Because that's absolutely against the rules.But it would be wrong to say that Bailang doesn't like these people at all. From these people, Bailang has seen another kind of life circle hidden under the bright side.Although I often heard about it before, but this time it was direct contact.It gave Bailang a very different feeling, and even gave him a thought inspiration that he had never had before.He figured he should be able to use it.

This conversation went into the night.Bailang began to practice with his eyes closed, and the other prisoners didn't dare to disturb him anymore, and each found a place to sit or curl up.Fortunately, several feet underground is much warmer than the ground, so the cold at night is not unbearable.

Bailang was the only one who didn't sleep in the prison. He was subconsciously aware of his surroundings while practicing.

Suddenly, a chill hit, like a gust of cold wind, which made the temperature in the prison drop a lot.It was even vaguely heard that some half-dream and half-awake prisoners shrunk themselves tighter, and even several people stuck together to rely on body heat to keep warm.

"Hehe, aren't you doing well in the knife shop? Why were you caught here?"

A voice rang out from Bai Lang's mind, and then he opened his eyes suddenly and saw the familiar figure in a white dress hovering no more than four feet in front of him.

Female ghost Lingyu!

But the environment here made Bailang afraid to speak.

"Don't be nervous, they don't have natural yin and yang eyes like you, so they won't notice my existence. And I'm using my umbrella to talk to you now, and you can also communicate with me in your mind."

"Ah? Is that so?" Bailang was startled for a while, and then tried it out, feeling that it was beyond imagination.

"That's right. That's it."

"How is this done?"

"I said, it's the Yin Umbrella that I rely on. I am the controller of the Yin Umbrella, and you are the actual refiner of the Yin Umbrella. The Yin Umbrella has absorbed a lot of your spiritual energy before, and has also developed a partial connection with you. So. Using the umbrella as a bridge, we can communicate with pure consciousness. Isn't it amazing?"

(End of this chapter)

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