Dark Fairy

Chapter 90

Chapter 90
The reason is actually very simple, Bailang doesn't need to resist or prevent the opponent from controlling the dice, he only needs to destroy the final points of the dice.Returning the dice points to "random" can completely reverse the situation of being pressed and losing money on the table.

In order to prevent himself from being discovered, Bailang used methods similar to the opponent's, and used the opponent's rhythm to hide his behavior.

Every copper coin thrown out by Bailang also imitated the other party's spells, and it was not as simple and rude as the other party, but had a transformation process of mutual generation and mutual restraint.And the means of technique are more concealed and more sophisticated.At least in terms of technique, the "Comprehensive Chapter of Five Elements Techniques" that Bailang had learned gave him an absolute qualitative advantage when facing this sloppy man.

The five-element wood used by the opponent has the characteristic of being able to fit the table so that it can be hidden. At the same time, it is more convenient to invade the dice cup, which is also wooden, and the reduction will be less, and the control effect is easier to control.

Although Bailang's method is similar to the opponent's, the technique he uses is different. He uses five elements of metal.When attached to copper coins, it is more concealed than the other party.And at the moment when the opponent stimulates the layout and wants to change the dice points, three metal spells will emerge, using the five elements to directly disrupt the opponent's wood attribute methods in the dice cup, but it will not be directly offset. .In this way, the other party will not be aware of the dissipation of their means.

As far as the sloppy man was concerned, under the interference of Bailang, his method was considered successful in the end, but it was not completely successful. The points were successfully changed, but not as he wanted.

Once or twice, it can be said to be an accidental mistake. If it happens more than ten times in a row, there is only one possibility: the method failed.

The punters who had been so excited just now following "Chasing the Fire" were already cursing.The more emotional ones did not even hide their voices, and there were endless words that were offensive to the ears.It was as if someone else had tricked him into this matter, and he never thought that the money was his own, and his hands were also his. In the final analysis, "chasing the fire" was also his idea.

And even those who weren't cursing were looking curiously at the sloppy man whose face was no longer "expressionless" but rather livid, with a bit of panic in his eyes.

If they could win all the time, Cheng Jian and Zhang Liang would have every reason to save the scene for this sloppy man. Regardless of his reputation or the promises made on the scene, Qian Fang would not be able to embarrass this man at least today.

But now he has just started to win money, and the good show has just begun, but it is directly extinguished by an inexplicable pot of cold water.This is tantamount to saying that Zhang Liang and Cheng Jian made so much preparation and took these risks tonight, but all of them were in vain, and in the end they only took two small blisters symbolically.

In this case, firstly, I feel angry, and secondly, I have no reason to bear it.

Anyone who has been in Qianfang for a long time will understand that it is impossible for Qianfang to let the sloppy man go in this situation.

In addition, the so-called gambling skills, to put it bluntly, are only gambling skills on the premise of not interfering with other people's means.

For example, you can hear the final number rolled by the table official. This is a serious gambling technique, which is the same as controlling the number of points by rolling dice.But when the dice cup falls on the table, you secretly change the number of the dice, which is a mistake.Even if Qianfang doesn't understand how you did it, he won't let you go. He will definitely detain you and torture you.

Therefore, Qianfang also welcomes real masters to play.You are just having a good time, as long as you don't go too far, Qianfang will turn a blind eye.If it goes too far, I will secretly make you disappear or drive you away and not allow you to come back again.

The sloppy man also understood his situation, so he suddenly sprinkled the silver pieces on the countertop into the air, and turned his head to want to oil the soles of his feet.But in Bailang's eyes, this Qi refiner who "has just developed a sense of qi" is surprisingly clumsy, almost an ordinary person, and he is useless in the hands of the surrounding knives.It was captured simply.

"Shut up your mouth and send it to the back to watch. Don't touch him before I pass by."


Not to mention doing it, the man was punched on the stomach with two fists, and the jaundiced water was spat out, as soft as mud.I don't know how this qi refiner got into this appearance.It can be said that he is the most amazing Qi Refiner that Bailang has ever seen.But after thinking about it, if he plays well, this guy won't come to Qianqianfang to make a fortune.

From the beginning to the end, no one stopped the scene from the sidelines, including Zhang Liang and Cheng Jian, whose faces were ashen.

"One ear, are you going to leave? Don't you want to play?"

Bailang got up from the table, glanced at the scene that had quickly reopened, and the gamblers who had already forgotten what happened just now like a farce.In the end, he quickly stepped in front of Cheng Jian who seemed to be leading someone away.

"Bai Lang, what do you mean?"

"Come and leave when you want? Are you taking yourself too seriously?"

"You open the door here for business, why don't you let people go out?" Cheng Jian suppressed his anger. Now that he heard the word "one ear", he wanted to kill Bailang immediately.But at this time, I can only think about it.

"No, no, we can naturally enter and exit when doing business here, but you have to think clearly about it, once you leave, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I will take the guy just now to your town Let’s have fun at the Qianfang, by the way, invite Mr. Chen from the yamen to go with you, just like you do today. How are you doing?”

Bailang was very sure that it would be as difficult to switch to the other party's money shop on this occasion, unless there were Qi refiners in charge.What's more, Bailang said it was tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but God knows if it's true?Just let the Qi refiner sit in the Qianfang all the time?This is absolutely unbearable for Cheng Jian's knife shop.

"Bailang! What exactly do you want?" Cheng Jian glanced at Zhang Liang who was standing by the side without giving up on him, feeling a little more confident in his heart.As long as Zhang Liang is still here, there is no need to worry about Bailang and the others messing around.Let's listen to what Bailang is going to do.

Bailang smiled and turned his head to look at Zhang Liang who was standing next to Cheng Jian, then turned to Cheng Jian and said, "Since we are in the money shop, let's use the rules of the money shop, let's take a gamble. Also bet on the dice. How about it?"

"Hmph, let's bet? It's nice to say, I'm afraid I'm not betting with your table officials?"

"If you're afraid, you roll the dice. You guess first. How about it?"

As soon as Bailang said this, Zhang Wu behind him became a little nervous and reminded him in a low voice, but was interrupted by Bailang's wave of his hand.The rest of Zhang Wu's face was filled with worry.

Zhang Wu knows very well that Bai Lang, who is also a Qianfang town hall, has almost no gambling skills, while Cheng Jian is an experienced player in this field, not much worse than some ordinary table officials.

Wouldn't Bai Zhentang be careless in this way?

There are many people who are worried like Zhang Wu.Those who watched the excitement became even more interested.Even Yu Ping, the treasurer of Qianfang, was still whispering to the shopkeeper Liu She.

"Master Snake, this guy Bailang is talking nonsense. He doesn't know how to gamble at all, and Cheng Jian is famous for his good gambling skills. This is sending out a good situation! It's more than success than failure!"

"Hehe, let's have a look first." Liu She remained calm, neither obstructing nor commenting.But he didn't think that a smart person like Bailang, who could come up with industrial parks and "fake death" water money accounts, would be so impulsive.Let's see what happens next.

In the scene, Cheng Jian laughed and said, "I'll shake the dice cup, I'll guess first? Are you sure?"

"Yes, do you dare to come?"

"Okay! How much bet! I don't have time to play with you all the time."

Bailang pointed to Cheng Jian's mouth with a smile, and said, "It's a gamble. We don't gamble with money. We gamble with our tongue."

(End of this chapter)

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