After Shao Song

Chapter 136 Extra: Give me back my country

Chapter 136 Extra: Give me back my country

After all, they had been married for many years. Although they had been together less and apart more often, Mrs. Li was the first to discover something was wrong with Yue Fei.The look in those eyes was one of despair, helplessness, and determination.

But you are meeting your daughter-in-law today, is this expression appropriate?

So Mrs. Li misunderstood and said tactfully: "My lord, the princess has passed away today, and Yun'er is also an adult. My husband is in front of everyone, so I'd better save some face for him."

There is a reason why he said this. Yue Yun stole the limelight twice and took away almost all the opportunities for the middle-aged veterans to make meritorious deeds. Who has no resentment towards him?

Since the bride was a princess, they never dared to cause trouble in the bridal chamber, so they had to risk their lives to get her drunk.Although Yue Fan is a good uncle, he is still a civil servant and cannot be stopped no matter what.Although Yue Fei also wanted to stop him, Han Shizhong and Li Qiong held him back, and they all wanted to get Yue Yun drunk.

The result was that at halftime, Yue Yun was about to start drunken boxing. In order not to continue to make a fool of himself and avoid scaring Princess Nanyang, Yue Fei had no choice but to knock his son out with a chop and carry him back to the bridal chamber.

In this case, let's forget it. We are all colleagues. Could it be that we really had a falling out?

Now that this was done, all the handsome ministers really sat down and chatted with Yue Fei, lamenting the difficulty of the past ten years and the passage of time.Yue Fei had no choice but to sigh along with them, yes.It was not easy. Finally, when the moon reached the zenith, everyone dispersed. Yue Fei went back to his room to rest quickly.Before going to bed, he scolded Yue Yun as usual. Judging from Li's experience, Yue Yun would suffer another disaster tomorrow.

Little did he know that fate had changed and the person in front of him was really Yue Fei, but he was not that Yue Fei anymore.

Yes, this Yue Fei is the eternal hero who died unjustly in Feng Bo Pavilion in history.After the soul leaves the body, depression comes.

It's just death, what's his hatred?What he hated was the millions of people in the Central Plains who could never recover the great rivers and mountains. What he hated was that Zhang Xian and Yue Yun accompanied him to death unjustly in prison.

I don’t know how long it took, but I suddenly saw my wife alive, as if she was still in her thirties. I was so shocked that I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know if it was a dream, so I just instinctively shouted, “ Xiao'e."

Li Shi was slightly startled. Her husband hadn't called her by her nickname for a long time, so she quickly asked: "Master, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell because you drank too much?" It's hard to describe Yue Fei's drinking capacity. The key is that he drank. I still feel uncomfortable after drinking.

As a marshal with hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, Yue Fei has been extremely alert since he became famous at a young age, and he realized that something was wrong. Even for his wife, who was close to him, he could not change his face even if he was in trouble.He said calmly, "Yes, yes, I still have a headache at the moment. You should go to the front hall to see Yun'er and the bride first. Call me for someone."

After all, Li is just an ordinary woman. Although she is a bit brave, how can she compare with the strategic thinking of a famous general like Yue Fei?He immediately said without doubting his presence, "Well, I'll order Lei'er to serve you. The second brother and sister-in-law will also go and ask Auntie to go to the front hall."

Second brother, Yue Fan?He was still alive, and Yue Fei's heart was in turmoil.I pinched myself secretly, it really hurt!Isn't this a dream?When Yue Fei heard this, he finally couldn't help but ask, "What about Yang Zaixing?"

Li didn't know why, "Brother Zhang Xian didn't bring him here today. The one who came was Controller Guo Jin. Controller Yang should stay in Mozhou."

"Okay, go get Lei'er and get dressed up first."

Compared with Li, Yue Lei is just a little idiot in front of his father. He will say whatever he asks, for fear of being beaten, because ever since his brother became famous, he has become the subject of his father's strict discipline.

But when I heard the end, I really wanted to ask: Is my father mentally ill today?I can’t even remember which year this year is. Have you forgotten that you led the troops to destroy Xixia?What about Niu Gao? Isn’t that a subordinate of King Li Jin?

But he dared not.

When you meet the princess later, don't make a fool of yourself, not your eldest brother, but your father.

After lingering for nearly half an hour, Yue Fei finally found a maroon straight jacket and put it on, and brought Yue Lei to the front hall.

At this time, the mother-in-law had already been talking to the princess in an apricot red skirt and purple gold cape. It was hard to remember that the eldest son had not shown up for a long time. Sure enough, Yue Fei was scolded by his mother as soon as they met, which meant that he didn't know how much he drank. It's not good.

After saying that, the mother-in-law took out a very precious silver bracelet with a black glow, saying that it was an heirloom of the Yue family, and it was the same as Li Wa's.In fact, for people like the Yue family who were born as tenant farmers, even if their ancestors were rich, their land was annexed, and they suffered the disaster of war, how much would the things they left behind be worth?But Foyou still took it seriously and put it away.

Because she knew that this was the old man's approval.Mother-in-law began to complain about Yue Fei again.Since you know how to stop your son, why don't you give yourself a break?Yue Yun, on the other hand, tried to reduce his presence as much as possible.

Yue Fei only looked in front of him.Although her face was pale, her mother was extremely excited.Both eyes are a little moist, and then look at the relatives in the yard.I just feel that even if this is a dream, I should never wake up.

But he knew that he had more important things to confirm.

After serving tea and visiting the tablets of three generations of ancestors, Foyou officially became a member of the Yue family.But as a princess, she still had to live with Yue Yun in the princess residence next door. This was the palace's system.However, the two houses have a crescent door next to each other, making it easy to move in and out.

Yue Fei made a casual excuse, saying that he still had official duties to deal with, so he hurriedly put on his regular clothes and went out on horseback.

But this was Yue Fei. Although everyone complained a few times, no one thought there was anything unusual. Only Li Wa's suspicion grew deeper and deeper.But she didn’t know that her husband’s shell hadn’t changed, and his core hadn’t changed either. It was just the decades of experience there that had changed.

When marching and fighting, strategy is the most important thing. Ordinarily Yue Fei should go to the west mansion of Chongwen Academy first on the grounds of random inspection of military affairs, but he instinctively reined in his horse and went to Nanxunmen.

In the third year of Jianyan's reign, his mentor Zongze had passed away, Du Zhencheng was a traitor, and people in Kaifeng were in panic.The thieves Wang Shan and Kong Yanzhou, who were attached to the Jin people, led a group of 50 intruders, and Tokyo was trapped.Others were timid, but Yue Fei stepped forward and said: "Although there are many thieves, they are not all in control. I will defeat them for you!" He led his troops out. He took the lead, bows and arrows flew down, and he led several cavalry to charge across the army. , the rebel army was in chaos, and finally defeated the enemy.

From then on, Yue Fei's name was known all over the world.But looking at the comings and goings of the Nanxun Sect today, it was like the heyday of the Xuanhe period, but without a trace of prosperity and impetuosity. Seeing this situation, Yue Fei wished that he would not have such world-famous achievements.

He was sitting on the horse dumbfounded, but he didn't know that he had become the scenery in other people's eyes.A merchant just came in. When he saw him, he said in surprise: "Why is King Wei here today? Didn't you say that your family married the eldest princess yesterday? Many of the dishes in the house are sent by our restaurant."

Yue Fei took a closer look and saw that he was a middle-aged man.But he is someone he will never forget, because when he recalled the army with twelve gold medals, he once led his fellow villagers to hug Yue Fei's horse legs.Zeng cried and said to Yue Fei. "Those of us are transporting grain and grass to welcome the army. We are looking forward to becoming Song people again. The Jin people all know it. If the marshal abandons us, our death will come." In the end, Yue Fei could only take them back. To the south, no one knows how many people died along the way.

Yue Fei's heart almost burst out with a mix of sourness and satisfaction. He didn't know how to start, so he just asked, "Zhao Luobo, how are you doing now?" This was nonsense. One look at the other person's clothes. With a shopping helper, you know that life is going well.In a peaceful world, life is always much easier.

Zhao Luobo didn't expect that King Yue would still remember his name, and said excitedly: "It's a good life without the Jurchen dog, but it was a bit cold last winter. We have to move the capital to Yanjing, which is troublesome. But there are officials here, everyone Your Majesty is here, and we all have a backbone. There is nothing to be afraid of now." As he said this, he couldn't help complaining, and asked Marshal Yue to take care of the soldiers guarding the gate when he had time. He would seal the city gate at every turn to bring peace to their lives. A big inconvenience.

Yue Fei could no longer hear what he said at the end. The screams of the battlefield seemed to ring in his ears. Countless bloody wounds, countless victories in sight, and the fall of countless comrades were all vivid in his mind.His heartbeat continued to accelerate. This unique national hero in Chinese history finally couldn't help his inner impulse and rode directly into the palace to ask for an audience with Zhao Guan's family.

Zhao Guan's family is also confused. If you are not enjoying the reunion at home at this time, what are you doing here in the palace?Could it be that you are here to comfort my married daughter who is feeling uncomfortable?

However, in view of Yue Fei's usual reliability, he immediately summoned Yue Fei to meet him in the main hall of Gyeongbokgung Palace, even if something serious happened.

Therefore, Yue Fei walked through the entire mulberry tree and fish pond, looking at the sparse palace people, until he came to Zhao Guan's house. Looking at the faces he was used to seeing, he felt that the whole person was completely different.

This man's face was full of confidence and ease, and had nothing to do with the familiar sanctimoniousness and viciousness.

Yue Lei said that it was this man who led him, Han Shizhong, and an army of 30 people.Driving a long car, crossing the gap in Helan Mountain.Going to the battlefield in person and annihilating the old enemy Jurchen finally realized his wish to go straight to Huanglong.

The eternal hatred of Zhuxian Town turned into nothing at this moment.It seemed that the cries of the people along the way could no longer be heard. Yue Fei suddenly knelt down and kowtowed three times towards Zhao Jiu.

This shocked Zhao Guanjia. Without calling anyone else, he came over to help him up and said, "Pengju, what's wrong with you? What happened? What happened to Foyou?"

"Your Highness the Princess is very good. I am also very good." Yue Fei said with tears in his eyes, "I just suddenly thought that in all these years, I have not thanked the officials properly."

Today, China's mountains and rivers are intact.

 The next chapter is a little weaker and Yue Fei is too sad. I can’t bear to write it because it’s so sad.
(End of this chapter)

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