After Shao Song

Chapter 182 Extra: Li Xiuzhi (Thanks for the tip and more updates)

Chapter 182 Extra: Li Xiuzhi (Thanks for the tip and more updates)

Li Xiuzhi's father is Li Gang.

This is many people's first impression of him. Even though he himself passed the first-class imperial examination in the 11th year of Jianyan's reign, and had been in the dynasty for more than thirty years, becoming an official and participating in political affairs. However, until the Shaoxing period, some people who came from north to south were still This is how he will be introduced to the younger generations.

It's not that Li Xiuzhi is bad, but because Li Gang is too special.The No. 1 minister of the Jianyan Dynasty, he once advocated the fight against the Jin Dynasty and stabilized the imperial court when the world collapsed. He was recognized by the master of Zhongxing personally as a model for a moment. He was the essence of a century-old scholar. Of course, he also ruined the only seedlings of Zhao and Song Dynasty because of the unknown soldiers. He showed his talents in his old age. Yu Re almost died on the border between Song and Liao, and Li Xiuzhi was taken hostage. It can be said that Li Gang was destined to shine in the history books. As his son, even if Li Xiuzhi was good enough, his glory would inevitably be overshadowed.

Just like today's Emperor of Shaoxing, he is obviously an excellent monarch in isolation, but people from all over the world will secretly compare him with his father, Zhao Jiu, who single-handedly saved the world and turned the great emperor into the Great Song Dynasty. Then he secretly came to a conclusion that was not easy to express verbally.

But Li Xiuzhi was lucky, because what he did in Shaoxing in the second year allowed him to get rid of his father's shadow and become a man of integrity praised by a generation of scholars.

This matter is easy to say. When the provincial prime minister Hu Yin passed away, the successor candidates were Zhao Boyao and Li Xiuzhi. Since there was a descendant of a famous minister from the same clan, it was hard to say whether they had similar qualifications, but Li Xiuzhi judged himself Out.

Not only was he eliminated, he was almost driven to Annan Road by the angry officials. In the end, Privy Councilor Yu Yunwen and Yushi Zhongcheng Yang Wanli tried their best to stop him. The former Yushi Zhongcheng Hu Quan even threatened to go to Tokyo if anything happens to Li Xiuzhi today. He committed suicide in front of the Emperor.Only then did Emperor Zhao Chang, who was not as stubborn as his father, be forced to take a step back. He appointed Li Xiuzhi as a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy and sent him to Hangzhou for retirement.

So how could the always smooth Li Xiuzhi offend the emperor in this way, and how could the ministers, who had always been individualistic, offend Tianwei in this way and unite to save him?
The reason is nothing more than two words: storage.

It is said that since Zhao Ding, the provincial prime ministers in the Northern Song Dynasty have generally served as the prince's junior master.However, due to the special "secret crown prince" system of the Jianyan Dynasty, the princes were taught by bachelors together before the age of 12, and even the princes and princes could study together.

But this secret is also an open secret within a certain range. At least the important ministers of the secret cabinet know it tacitly. Then the selected prince will follow the prime minister at the age of 13 to become familiar with the emperor's education. When he becomes an adult, he will be exposed to some government affairs. The official crown prince just lacks some subordinate officials.

Zhao Chang was brought up in this way, and to be fair, his father cared more about him than Song Huang Ling did to Song Yin.

But this man just can't be too spoiled. Zhao Chang himself was the biggest beneficiary of his father's rare respect for etiquette, but when it came time for him to choose his successor, he actually had some inappropriate thoughts - he was not satisfied. The legitimate son Zhao Zhi was fond of martial arts, and because he had a weak relationship with Queen Han, he hoped that Li Xiuzhi could be the teacher of his eldest son, King Tang, after he took over as prime minister.

Could your suggestion be more obvious?

At that moment, Li Xiuzhi's vision went dark. Zhao Chang also knew that doing this was a bit unethical, so he didn't mention it to Liang Su, Lu You or Fan Chengda at all. He only hoped that the relatively smooth Li Xiuzhi could give him some hope.

However, after a lifetime of understanding, Li Xiuzhi was hard-headed and answered without his crown, "If your Majesty wants me to be the king's tutor, you can first remove me from the provincial position. If you want the prime minister to be the master of the vassal king, you must not do it."

Zhao Chang also tried to persuade him, "In this dynasty's system, there are no kings, and we can't use the Prime Minister as our master?"

Li Xiuzhi saw that this person was still confused here, so he simply took out the head iron that he had regarded as the Supreme Emperor, and said directly: "That was the chaos of Emperor Huang Ling's time. Emperor Yin's loss of the country may not be due to his lack of religion. The Supreme Emperor Is it because your Majesty set an example by doing such ridiculous things to wipe out the shortcomings of the former Song Dynasty?"

No matter how good-tempered a person is, he will get angry if he is compared with the two "North Hunting" ancestors. Zhao Chang said angrily: "How presumptuous, Li Xiuzhi, are you a direct descendant yourself?"

Li Xiuzhi’s biological mother was an official, and it was not a secret that the Supreme Emperor granted him the imperial title. Therefore, Li Xiuzhi’s answer was righteous, “So the Shaowu Li family’s family business was inherited by my eldest brother. When I was the minister, I was granted the title by the Supreme Emperor.” , also the biological mother is the first, and the biological mother is second." It is true that I am not a legitimate mother, but I also abide by the etiquette.

This quarrel is definitely not between opponents, and reasoning is on the other side's side.After all, Zhao Chang is not really a foolish king, he just drives people out.Unexpectedly, Li Xiuzhi, who had not offended anyone for more than thirty years, took the fiercest resistance.When he went out, he spread the word about this matter, not only to a few colleagues of the prime minister, but also to retired old comrades. When the ministers heard this, they were very happy!We must resolutely resist the emperor's intention to subvert his concubines. When Zhao Chang found out, he had only time to avoid letting the emperor know, but everyone in Yanjing already knew it.Although he was still kind, he gritted his teeth at Li Xiuzhi and really wanted to throw him to Annan Road.Then wouldn’t this lead to mass opposition?Even Li Xiuzhi's competitor Zhao Boyao said, "If Li Da Shen, an important minister of the country and the son of King Min (Li Gang), is demoted because of his remonstrance, the world will be shaken. Is Your Majesty ready to face the Supreme Emperor's accusation?"

The same words have different weights when spoken by different people.Zhao Boyao was not only the first number one scholar during the Jianyan period, but he was also from a clan.When he was desperate, he dared to go to Tokyo to find the Supreme Emperor, and united with the shameless clan to remonstrate.Zhao Chang knows his own family affairs, and all his legitimacy comes from his willful old father.The old father's feelings for King Han Qin were very unusual. If he knew that he intended to change the throne, the matter would definitely be ruined.

Of course you don't think about it, your father is old and not deaf, if you do this all day long, sooner or later this matter will reach his ears.Don't forget that in addition to civil servants and clans, the Song Dynasty also had the Xungui Group. Although Han Shizhong went, he was also a representative of it.

Sure enough, only a year later, Zhao Chang was sent to Bianliang, the central capital, by an edict from his own father, and a "Gyeongbokgung Palace Duel" happened that was destined to be recorded in history, which caused some people who did not understand Song Xuanzong's literary and martial arts to Later generations will only think that he was a cold-blooded person who wanted to cause chaos but was stopped by his father, regardless of the fact that he was actually very good in other things.

In fact, the contrast between his father and me was too severe.You said that Zhao Jiu, as the son of a subjugated king, was promoted to the throne in a time of crisis, but he restored the country step by step. He was unyielding, could destroy enemy countries with a flip of his hand, and made the people rich with his flip of a hand.Occasionally writing "The Sapphire Case" made a large number of ministers doubt their lives. In the end, you still miss your old ministers so much when you are old. You really don't give other emperors a way to survive.It also puts a lot of pressure on my son.

But turning back to the topic of Li Xiuzhi, after Jinshang was cured by his father, he gave up on Yi Chu - after all, Zhao Zhi was also his son, and he was not part of the conflict.But he also understood that this son was strong-willed. In order to prevent the rift between father and son from further widening, he issued an order to re-promote Li Xiuzhi to the position of Deputy Prime Minister of the Province and concurrently as the Prince's Shaobao.

Zhao Zhi was very clear about grievances. He knew that Li Xiuzhi lost his position as prime minister in his wasted years because of his support for him. He felt grateful in his heart. When he returned to Beijing, he specially brought his friend Yang Wanli and the prince's real teacher Chen Liang to greet him. If he had anything to ask for advice, he would always call him first. As "Mr. Li".

But Li Xiuzhi's strength seemed to last only for a moment, until he returned to the center again.He still has the air of a good old guy. This character is naturally incompatible with the fierce Zhao Zhi and cannot be reused in the future.However, Li Xiuzhi was not discouraged. He usually went to court to do business, and when he had free time, he would go fishing and drink tea, leisurely and contentedly.

In the 12th year of Shaoxing, Li Xiuzhi, the deputy prime minister of the province, requested to retire because he was old and sick.

Jinshang and the prince tried to persuade him to stay, and found that this old comrade was not just putting on a show, but actually wanted to retire.The father and son still have a bit of Zhao Jiu's kindness, and with the treatment of the county king, they allow him to retire.

But one thing, Li Xiuzhi made a special request, hoping to retire in Hangzhou instead of returning to his hometown in Fujian.

For ministers at the serving level, of course.On the other hand, Emperor Zhao Jiu, who was far away in Zhongdu, smiled when he heard about it, and said to Zhang Xiaoxiang: "In Xiuzhi's life, he is not confused about big things, nor is he confused about small things. It should start well and end well."

Although Zhang Xiaoxiang's cultural level is very good, he knows that his political ability is not enough to evaluate a prime minister, so he can only laugh.

Before he could, he presented a small poem written by Yang Wanli for his friend to the Emperor.
"After all, the scenery of West Lake in mid-June is not the same as that of the four seasons.

The lotus leaves in the sky are infinitely green, and the lotus flowers in the sun are different red. "

After Zhao Jiu finished reading, he was speechless and just stared for a long time.

 I originally decided not to write it down, but after seeing a lot of people commenting on it recently, I decided to add an update.

  In addition, let's promote the new book "Empress Huai Shu in the Harem". Anyone who has read the original "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is welcome.

(End of this chapter)

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