The infinite heavens start from the red building

Chapter 405 1325 The court discusses Jiangnan dispatch

Chapter 405 13.25 The court discusses Jiangnan dispatch
Chapter 13
13.25 Chaotang discussion, Jiangnan dispatched

In the early morning of August 18th, [-]th year of Yongzheng, there was a shout of "Eight Hundred Miles Expedited" throughout the entire capital, and the already sensitive residents of the capital immediately realized that this was a major battle, and it was likely to be a defeat. !

Immediately afterwards, the familiar Jingyang bell rang. To everyone's horror, this series of almost non-stop bells added up to a total of 81 rings, which meant that a major event that endangered the survival of the imperial court had occurred!

Generally speaking, the Jingyang bell is based on nine, theoretically it rings every day, 36 rings are the safety bell, 54 rings are for the Great Court Meeting, 72 rings mean the death of the emperor, 81 rings and [-] rings mean the country is in crisis!
In less than half an hour, all the officials in the entire capital who were eligible to participate in the Great Court Assembly, except for a few special cases where their lives were in danger, and even a few patients who were bedridden due to illness, were carried into the palace because the matter was too big!
"Niu Aiqing, tell me!" He didn't even care about the usual meeting procedures. Seeing that the people were almost there, Emperor Yongzheng pointed to Niu Jizong and ordered directly, "Tell me about the current situation!"

"My lords, this is the battle report that was sent urgently from eight hundred li just now." Niu Jizong didn't care about etiquette, and took out a Changjuan, "On the night of August [-]th, Jiannu raided Shanhaiguan. Our army was defeated and fell. to date"

"Boom—" Before he finished reading, the entire Dachaohui turned into a vegetable market, and the noisy discussion covered all the voices on the scene, but most of the people's faces were full of panic!
"Quiet!" Dai Quan slapped the whip six times to finally stop the chaos at the scene, but the panic on the faces of the ministers who raised their heads at this time could no longer be concealed.

"Niu Aiqing, keep talking." Emperor Yongzheng also ignored his handlers, and waved his hand to signal Niu Jizong to continue, but even the tone of his words showed fear!

"According to the night that they escaped without receiving rewards, Jianu dispatched more than a thousand elite soldiers to sneak into the pass in advance. It was the Mid-Autumn Festival that night, and the defenses everywhere were lax. North Gate Qianjin Gate!

Immediately after killing the Zhendong Army on duty and opening the city gate, tens of thousands of Jiannu elite soldiers who had been ambushing for a long time took advantage of the situation and quickly took down the entire Shanhaiguan. Originally, at this time, if the Zhendong Army counterattacked in time, it was possible Take it back.

But no one expected that another group of elite soldiers who sneaked in and raided the mansion of the old prince Dongping, killed anyone they saw, and set fire to the house when they saw it. Except for the obvious, the whole family is gone!" At this point, Niu Jizong couldn't read any more!
Because the whole dynasty will be completely chaotic, almost everyone has a look of fear, and no one cares about thinking at all. Dai Quan slams the static whip continuously, but it has no effect at all!

"Crack—that's enough!" Finally, there was an ear-piercing sound of porcelain smashing, followed by Emperor Yongzheng's roar, which finally calmed down the county town, "Niu Aiqing, besides these, do you have any other news?"

"This——" Niu Jizong was also dumbfounded, "I report to Your Majesty, this is the latest information. There is no further news about what is happening on the front line now."

"That is to say, you don't know anything now?" Emperor Yongzheng's voice was extremely gloomy.

"Your Majesty, the most important issue now is that Shanhaiguan has a high possibility of being lost." Liu Fang bit the bullet and took up the conversation, "But there is almost no danger to defend from Shanhaiguan to the capital.
If Jiannu really took Shanhaiguan, if the cavalry didn't care about horsepower, they could attack the capital almost overnight. The most urgent thing is to mobilize troops and horses immediately to prepare the defense and supplies of the capital! "

"Not bad!" Emperor Yongzheng breathed a sigh of relief, and finally had a reliable opinion, "Then, the combat power of the various ministries in the capital should be able to stop it?"

"This..." The three commanders of the Beijing camp looked at each other, and in the end, Liu Fang, who had the highest status, said helplessly, "Your Majesty, the war in the south is now critical, and all the troops are mainly based there, and the most elite soldiers and horses have been repeatedly deployed. , the new army in the capital has not yet”

"That is to say, you are powerless against Jiannu?" Emperor Yongzheng didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment, "What's the use of raising you? Ah?"

"Your Majesty, if you just want to defend the capital, there is no problem with the current strength of the troops." Niu Jizong hurriedly stood up, "But if you want to fight back Jiannu, you may need reinforcements from King Qin!"

"Your Majesty, the various ministries of the Beijing camp are currently focusing on the training of the new army, and the consumption of food and grass is quite large. If the entire army is withdrawn into the city for defense, with the current food and grass reserves, it may not last for a month." Jiang Xing, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, hurriedly stood up. Come out and say more embarrassing questions.

"That is to say, there is not enough troops, no combat power, not enough food and grass, and there is no other way but to let all the lovers stand here dryly?" Emperor Yongzheng said sarcastically, with an indescribably desolate expression.

"Your Majesty, this..." Han Chu, Minister of the Ministry of War, looked around and saw that all the civil and military officials were counting ants. He stood up and wanted to report, but got stuck again.

"Speak, Han Aiqing, I forgive you for your innocence." Emperor Yongzheng waved his hand weakly, not bothering to care about any taboos.

"Your Majesty, the current situation in the country is difficult and the war in the south is critical. Lord Niu and the generals have also tried their best." Han Chuxian said a few words, "Almost all the troops in various places are stretched thin. It may be difficult to mobilize enough King Qin's troops for a while. The four major frontier armies each have their own division of labor. The Zhennan Army and the Zhenxi Army cannot quench their thirst from afar. The Zhenbei Army has sent troops to the Wushengguan front line many times. It is probably unable to respond now. However, the imperial court still has a strong army, which has been useless in the past. Pass."

"Oh?" This time, it wasn't just the civil servants, all the hundreds of people at the court meeting were watching, as if they hadn't heard Han Chu's opinion, and there was even a scary silence for a while.

"Han Aiqing, is there really only the Jiangnan army?" After a long while, Emperor Yongzheng said with difficulty, only glanced at Wei Xu, who was standing at the seventh place in the military ranks, and quickly added, "The war in the south is critical, and there is only this strong army at present." Deterrence, if it is drawn out"

"Your Majesty forgive me, I am incompetent!" Han Chu withdrew helplessly.

"Your Majesty, if necessary, the elite of our Jiangnan Army can enter the King of Jingqin at the fastest speed!" At this time, Wei Xu must come out to express his opinion, "If we go by the canal and add sea transportation, the troops can be deployed within ten days come over.

It’s just that the laborious expedition is too costly, and although the Jiangnan Army has a number of [-], not to mention the troops left in the appeasement area, if they just stay in the south of the Yangtze River, the humble ministers can still raise money locally and try their best to support it, if the army is mobilized.”

"Marquis Wei, how much food do you want?" Jiang Xing asked with a sullen face.

"That depends on how many troops to mobilize." Wei Xu glanced at him disdainfully, "Of course, the specific troop strength needs to be discussed by the Governor's Office of the Five Armies and at most the Ministry of War. Mr. Jiang only needs to prepare food and pay.

However, Wei Mou's ugly words are in the front, if the army of King Qin of this Marquis really faces the old affairs of King Qin in the late Ming Dynasty, then what will happen to the army, I am afraid that we will have to repeat the lessons learned from the past, Mr. Wangjiang think carefully, think carefully! "

"You—" Jiang Xing almost lost his breath.

In the last years of the Ming Dynasty, especially during the reign of Chongzhen, Hou Jin invaded the capital many times and invaded the capital many times. At the beginning, various places were willing to send troops to rescue, but in Chongzhen at that time, the poor even had to patch the dragon robes, and there was no money for King Qin’s troops. Distribute food and salaries, let alone reward silver.

As a result, the reinforcements from all over the country who came to fight without enough food had to go back to the garrison hungry. military.

Li Zicheng relied entirely on the refugees in the early stage, and his combat power was almost tearful. It was only after he gathered the former Ming army on a large scale that he gained real improvement. Considering that most of the so-called "Qing troops" who wiped out the Southern Ming were also from the former Ming Dynasty. In a sense, the Ming Dynasty was destroyed by "our own people".

Wei Xu's meaning is very clear, that is, if there is food and salary, there will be an army, and if there is no food and salary, maybe there will be only rebels. Coupled with the chaotic domestic situation in the entire Dashun Dynasty, one can really think about the result of this.

As for speaking so directly, would Emperor Yongzheng be dissatisfied, leaving hidden dangers for the future? Do we still need to consider so much now?Anyway, he was ready to directly overthrow the imperial court, and this time he became a slave and invaded the bandits, but he saved the royal family's life!

"Jiang Aiqing——" Emperor Yongzheng's cold voice seemed to be counting nine cold winters. Now you can think about it, if Jiang Xing dares to say that he has no money, then the Jiang family's money has to be used to top it up. As for the way to get the money?
"Your Majesty." Jiang Xing looked miserable, but he still gritted his teeth and nodded, "Don't worry!"

"Marquis Wei, how are you going to deal with Jianu?" Shen Yan, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, asked curiously.

"It's very simple. I'm in China, and I've always paid attention to the way of hospitality. Now that this Jiannu has come, if we can't stay here, I'm afraid that after a hundred years, future generations will laugh at us for being incompetent. !
Your Majesty, I don’t want to hide it from you adults. When I heard the news of Babaili’s rush, I guessed that it was the news of Jiannu, and I sent a message to Jinling immediately. Board the ship and go straight to Shanhaiguan by sea!
This requires bothering the capital to defend the capital, and we must firmly guard the capital. When the news of Shanhaiguan's gain and loss reaches the slave army, the next problem everyone will face is nothing more than how to distribute the credit! " Wei Xu said coldly.

There was an instant silence in the hall!

(End of this chapter)

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